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63 Samaritan


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  • Birthday 03/01/1995

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  1. Pokemon Uranium is pretty good so far, but I don't see what all the ruckus was about. I seems pretty average to me, which makes me wonder why it got so much publicity that Nintendo had to take it down.

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    2. Commander


      tl;dr Uranium was a very popular game and hyped about, but the game's highest point was when it was attacked and forced to be taken down. 

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      The biggest thing to note, whenever you try to silence something, it voice only gets that much louder. Like pretty much anytime this happens to a thing it becomes all that more popular. Because someone is saying "this shouldn't exist" etc. And that makes people curious. They suddenly wanna know why all this happened, what all the hubbub is about. They wanna stick their heads in there because "it was taken down, or removed."

      Usually... this stuff only actually gives the subject matter more publicity and spotlight then it takes away. Cause if Nintendo never bothered to have it taken down... it'd probably never have blown up like it did.

    4. Felicity


      well, it got big for being one of the first fully completed pokemon fan games. Not Romhacks, fan game.

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