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Everything posted by ZenXXShadow

  1. It seems no one has replied to you yet. Jan created a patch for this. Just download it on the first page of the V6 topic. Edit: Nevermind. Seems that someone did reply to you, and you fixed your problem already.
  2. Does anyone know where it is in V6? Or if it was permanently removed?
  3. Thanks. Also, do you know where the spell tag item is? I've forgotten, and I could use it for my chandelure.
  4. Can someone please tell me why she keeps saying that she's teaching a class? Is there something I have to do to get her to stop?
  5. Found it! Thanks. For anyone wondering, it's on the flowers closest to the odd tower.
  6. I know you can get one late game from someone, but can anyone tell me if there's a second one in V6? And, if there is, could someone tell me where it is?
  7. Thank you very much. Also, your comment really made me laugh.
  8. The game crashes when I try to enter Teila town. A message pops saying that there's a script error, and the game closes. Edit: Hopefully there's a fix for this, or 6.2 comes out soon, cause this is another bug that makes it so the story can't continue.
  9. I'm having the exact same problem right now. Jan, you have to do something about this, quick. If this is a bug then it is one that makes it impossible to continue the game. BTW, when I interact with the switches, it just keeps saying that it's on. It never says that it turns off.
  10. Where? (Also this makes the fact that I spend a day soft-resetting to get ralts as a jackpot starter pointless.)
  11. Quick question. When you say you "Found Ralts," do you mean you actually found ralts in the game, or you got it as a jackpot starter?
  12. Alright, thanks guys. I guess I'll just continue to spend all day soft resetting.
  13. Ok, can someone answer some questions. Are jackpot starters not available in casual mode or something? Because I've been soft resetting for over 2 hours straight and I haven't gotten either jackpot starter. Can I increase the chances?? Someone help me out here!
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