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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by SgtNoobly

  1. im fine wait im not mde ): ame why shia think i am someone im not
  2. SgtNoobly


    BANNED for saying BANNED
  3. Guys if you are knew here U need to msg ame to come here and find my post and post right after it plz ame
  4. I won against it thanks to it getting posioned and him running out of full heals and getting a crit flare blitz from my arcanine
  5. I guess im somewhat cute? and i might be able to fly? how exactly was i born?
  6. its Sgt Noobly and i agree i need to make one too
  7. you can always breed it for a better beldum
  8. nope k im gonna pick someone knew dis time ame
  9. Either charizard since he was my first poke or zoarark hes a trickster guy and is noice
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