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Posts posted by InnocentSerenity

  1. "Something at the center of the world keeping everything alive?" Such a notion confused Kai. What was even the center of everything? And what did she mean by a great shining tree? Kai wanted to see what that was, but now wasn't the time to ask Zeta more questions about it. "Reminds me of the tale of the Lone Star." Perhaps Zeta's father would tell her more about it. For now, she had something else to tell Zeta about.


    “A mama is like a Father, but different. Mama looks different from a Papa, but they still love you just the same.” Kai bobbed her head side-to-side as she kept walking, bobbing along to a jingle in her head. “My mama’s amazing. She builds cute mechamon for everyone, and they’re so adorable. We have one on us, too, but I don’t know where I put it.” Kai checked around on her person, failing to find the Porygon-AZ Mechamon they were given. "I don't suppose anyone knows where that went?" Kai looked towards Anthony and Shelly, having been with her since she got here. "Oh well, it’d probably pop up eventually. Maybe one of the three who went on their own have it."


    “I love my mama. She taught me everything I know.” Kai put her hand below her neck, fingers outstretched in a cocky manner. “Taught me all about machines, how to scrounge together materials to make something, and how to provide power to them.” Kai jumped up again, happy, even if a bit self-centered, to brag about her mother. “And she taught me how to smile like this.” Kai put a big grin on her face, exaggerated for Zeta. “What about your Papa? I don't have one, but I'm sure they're great!”

  2. "Well, yeah." Kai tried to keep steady, the girl making her nearly fall over with her jumping. She wasn't intent on dropping the innocent little child. "But kids usually have two parents, a mother and a father." Kai jumped up in response, shaking the girl in a bout of playful revenge. "What are your parents like, then?" Kai peered over her shoulder, giving a smirk towards Zeta. "I bet they're not as smart as my mama."

  3. “You really don’t know what a leaf is?” Kai giggled to herself again, jostling Zeta around. Admittedly, leaves weren't exactly something she saw often, either. Gear City wasn't famous for greenery by any stretch of the meaning. Kai gave a glance towards the man who had tried to explain a leaf to what was probably a child. “That’s not how you explain a leaf to a kid. Lemme try.”


    Kai pointed to one of the trees they had passed by. “See these trees? Well, I want you to imagine them made of a brown material. It’s all rough, but people use it for a bunch of stuff. They call it 'wood'." Kai stretched her right arm up, mimicking a tall tree to the best of her abilities. "There are ‘leaves’ at the end of the branches that let them grow up to be the big trees.” Kai scratched at her cheek, realizing how hard it was to actually describe a tree to a little girl. Probably should've given the guy a bit more credit for his explanation.


    “Hey, maybe we can show you one some other time." Kai bounced up again, an idea coming to her. "Oh, maybe we can bring you with us to Aether HQ!” Kai swayed around to the sides, shaking Zeta around with her. “I’m sure you and your parents might feel safer there than around wild Pokémon like the ones around here, don'tcha think?”

  4. Luka_Expression_Focused.png

    Luka began to cough more from the dust cloud, leaning forward slightly. Darn carriage riders! I swear if I ever see you, so help me, you better wish I haven't learned to use a sword yet! Luka brought his scarf back over his mouth, glaring in the direction of the carriage. “Well, they should certainly should be more careful. A weak boy like me doesn’t do well with dust.”


    Composing himself, Luka brought his scarf back down, patting the dust out of his clothes. As much as he worried over the princess’s safety, getting nervous would serve no help. Sending a glance in Klaren’s direction, Luka listened to his orders. “I’m on it.” Guess it’s par for the course when you can outrun everyone here. “I don’t suppose any of you have a cloak on you?”


    Luka looked towards the tour guide, clearly unaware of why Luka needed to leave. You guys could be a little more subtle, maybe? “Our friend is a real big fan of politics, I'd rather go find her now and tell her while I still remember.” Luka put on his best smile for the woman, trying to not worry her. “Thank you very much for the tour, if you have one of those cloaks for sale for tourists, I’d be glad to take one off your hands.” It doesn’t look that bad, after all.


    Luka started to prepare himself to start running, before realizing something. “Also, you wouldn’t happen to know where the College is from here? You can just tell me and I’ll go find my friend.”

  5. Karik_Seriously..._Merce.png

    “Eh, it’s not like Aye got anythin’ better to do.” Karik shook his legs around, a bit exhausted from all the running he had been doing. “You can lead the way, me eyes didn’t see any restaurants along the way here.”


    Karik turned around before leaving, looking towards the shop keeper. “Me compliments to yer blacksmith.” The Pirate swung around his new Steel Axe, weighing him down only slightly. “They make some fine weapons.” Karik held onto his axe, hoping to get used to the weight before his next Capture attempt. “I’ll make sure to tell any mercenaries I meet to come here.”

  6. “Don’t worry, I gotcha.” Kai had a big grin on her face as she looked over her shoulder at the girl. “I won’t drop ya.” Kai adjusted her hold on the girl, making sure the two of them were comfortable before moving on. "And maybe you can tell us who Lumi is on the way."


    Kai noticed the path split, thinking about which one to take. "Let's go that way!" Kai pointed her hand towards the upward path. "If Meggie ran through it, it’s probably safe.” Kai tried to put together her reason to go that way as best she could. “Everything’s probably too scared to get close to the path of a Gabite, don't you think?"

  7. “‘Zeta’, huh?” Kai giggled as she heard the girl’s name. “That kinda sounds like a boy’s name.” Kai let go of the girl, letting her direct the group towards her home.


    Kai took notice of the branches on the floor, surging with energy. “Mama might like these.” Kai grabbed as many of the stray branches she could. “I might need these, too.” Kai continued to grin happily, getting back onto her feet to follow the girl.


    Kai noticed Zeta’s troubled stride, realizing she still might be hurt from what happened. Without speaking, Kai ran past her, stopping in front of her before crouching down and lifting the girl onto her back in a piggyback ride. “You’re still hurt, lemme help you out.” Kai kept a tight hold on the girl’s legs, hoping she wouldn’t fall over. “Lead the way, Zeta!”

  8. Karik_New_Clothes_Red.png

    Before Karik could even make a remark, the convoy man had already left. Karik had a feeling it wouldn’t be possible to stop the man and get some information from him. Someday, he’d figure something out. Today was not the day for that, though.


    Karik picked up the blade on the counter by its handle. Karik nearly fell when he lifted it up. “Hefty little thing.” Even with Karik’s rather surprising strength, the Steel Blade weighed him down, his stride feeling a bit slower than before. “It may be breakable, but it’ll certainly do ya well enough until then.” Karik held out the blade for Madante to take. “Aye’m sure people of yer training know how to use heavy weapons to their advantage.”

  9. Karik_New_Clothes_Red.png

    “Well, this be certainly quite a small selection ye got here.” Karik walked around the shop, noticing the rather small sets of weapons. The racks barely had many multiples of similar weaponry, some of the stock even only having one of each kind. A strange thing to see in such a remote shop. You’d think they’d have excess with few people showing up. But what did Karik know? He didn’t know weapon stores.


    "Aye found something!" Karik saw a heavy blade on display, the only sword that was for sale at the moment. Lifting the Steel Blade off the shelves, Karik handed it over to Madante. "Aye'll take that Blade for me matie here. And a Steel Axe for me." Karik took notice of the Steel Bow also on display. “And this for a friend of ours.” Karik left 2400 Vespers on the shop keep’s counter before taking the rest of the weaponry from the shelves. The boy turned to Madante as he realized a problem he had.


    "Aye kind of can’t whistle, ye mind helpin' me out, Madante?” 


    Buy Steel Axe for Karik, Steel Blade for Madante, and Steel Bow for the convoy

  10. Kai had only just showed up as the Mysterious Girl was thrown to the ground after latching onto the Gabite’s neck. She felt worried for the girl, and immediately let go of Anthony’s wrist to help her. The glare from the Murkrow wasn't enough to deter her.


    “Are you okay?” Kai ran towards the mysterious girl, looking for some kind of piece of cloth on her person. Tearing off a piece of her clothes didn’t sit well with her, but she was in luck to find a handkerchief in her pocket. “You’re not hurt too much, are you?” Kai pulled the girl into a hug, leaving the hankie in her hand. “I’m sorry about your Gabite. We didn’t mean to anger your friend.” Kai pat the girl’s head, trying to calm the sniffling girl. “Don’t cry, I’m sure we can patch up anything in pain.”

  11. Karik_New_Clothes_Red.png

    “Guess Aye’ll take that Poison Hand Axe, at least.” Karik opened up his pouch, leaving 800 Vespers on the counter before taking one of the Hand Axes off the shelf.


    “Anyway, ya heard the man, Madante!” The boy grabbed onto the commander’s wrist again, his arm probably longer than the other by now. “Thanks for yer help!” Karik slid the Hand Axe where he had kept his Iron Club before, storming out of the shop with Madante in tow. He spotted the weapon store past the tavern, stepping in see if he could get a hold of anything he was looking for.

  12. Karik_Seriously..._Merce.png

    Geez, it’s just 3000 Vespers. No need to start tearing up, it’s not that much.


    “Let’s go, then!” Karik grabbed onto Madante’s wrist before pulling the commander towards a nearby weapon store. He would’ve stopped to see what was going on with Cadence and Rayne in the doorway, but they probably had their own stories to tell later. A problem for him later on. There was a side door they could use, anyway.


    “Excuse me, sir!” Karik was about to push the heavily armored little girl out of the way. Then he realized it was Myrdwyn and now wasn’t the time for that. “Aye’m looking for yer finest blade, of the heavy sword style variety.” Karik looked over the swords on display, nothing really catching his eye. "Maybe something not on the shelves. Something for very important fellows?" Karik waved his right shoulder around, hoping that it might help. It certainly worked for clothes, maybe it'd help with weapons.


    “Unless that Wooden Sword is some amazing legendary hero’s previous weapon. Kinda doubt that, though.”

  13. Karik_Calm_Merce.png

    “A gift, huh?” Karik looked at the cloaked man, taking the pouch of Vespers back from him. The boy wondered what dealings he had made with Madante, to the point that he'd not allow any monetary gifts to the commander. As much as he’d love to interrogate him and get more information on the matter, the convoy man probably had a few swords in his back pocket. Stupid swords. Too agile for the young Pirate to deal with.


    “Then direct me to the best blacksmith I can find around here." Karik's voice carried a rather annoyed tone as he spoke. "Surely improving his blade in some way can count as a gift. And if not, how about weapon salesmen better than the stock dealers they have around here?” Karik's eyes held a glare in the convoy man's direction.

  14. Karik_Calm_Merce.png

    “Don’t come from money, huh?” Karik looked at the emblem on his right shoulder. “Not too nice living on that part of the society.” Karik slid the cloak off, glaring at the ornament. “I’m certainly lucky to have this thing, in some ways. Protected me for so long before that day.” Karik shook his head, sliding the cloak back over his shoulder. A small pat on the emblem kept it fit snug on his shoulder.


    “Say, how about...” Karik reached into his pocket, finding the Vespers he was given for his work back at Gateon Port. “Three thousand.” Karik threw the pouch at Madante, hoping he’d catch it before it hit him. “I don’t need those. Consider it about… a fourth of what you get for commanding the unit that saved me.” Karik smiled, hoping that those Vespers would go somewhere useful. “Go buy yourself someone nice. And I won’t take ‘no thanks’ as an answer.”


    Give 3000 Vespers to Madante

  15. Karik_Talk_to_Me_Merce.png

    “Ye can’t get it sharpened or something? Surely you can get it improved in some way.” Karik looked puzzled at Madante’s words. “Heck, I’ve heard of craftsmen that can turn even pebbles into weapons of war.” Karik thought about his words for a bit, wondering how true his words actually were.


    “How they ever did that, Aye’ll never know, but it did and we live with the knowledge that it happened.”


    “Aye don’t see why you you’d need a sword that never breaks, anyway.” Karik looked at his Hatchet, having already seen quite a bit of wear from combat. “This thing’ll break, but it just means Aye need to get a new one. Heck, Aye’ll probably see about one later today.” Karik looked back at the commander. “What’re you so worried about?”

  16. Karik_Lets_do_this_Merce.png

    “Aye’d say it’s pretty good.” Karik tapped on Madante’s new Lancereaver, careful not to put his hand on any of the sharp edges. “Handles those lances you’re probably afraid of. You could help me and our new Fighter out with those now.”


    “What are you on about, though? Ye got yerself one of the nicest weapons I’ve ever seen.” Karik took a look at the sword fastened to its sheath by his side. “Fancy-lookin’ sword ye have there. Never seen a thing like that before Aye met ya.” Karik wanted to pull the sword out of its sheathe, getting a close up look at it. Sadly, he didn’t exactly look like a Royal Guard enough to deter officers from pointing a crossbow at him. “Then again, Aye spent awhile on that pirate ship with axes.” Karik shrugged his shoulders, remembering his lack of knowledge of special swords in recent times.


    “Still, if I knew how to use a sword, I’d love to carry around somethin’ like that.” Karik looked at the blades in Madante’s possession. “Maybe someday, though. For now, I like this thing.” Karik took out the Iron Axe by his side, remembering that he had removed the ornament and put it on his cloak. “I know where to hit to make sure I don’t kill with this thing. Swords would just make me need to learn how to stop myself.”

  17. Karik_Talk_to_Me_Merce.png

    Karik’s hands were gripped hard around the boat railing as they got into port. Trying to compensate for his short stature, he raised himself up by pushing against the bars, seeing the rustic town around them. “Wow, they weren’t kidding when they said people still live in houses like that.” Karik kept pushing against the railing more, raising himself up to see more of the town. His arms almost gave out, causing him to let go and fall onto the deck.


    Karik got back onto his feet, listening to the ship owner’s words. “Aye, matey!” Karik nodded his head as Xavier left the crew to their own devices. Watching Belros jump off the ship in a hurry, probably for the weapon store, Karik had remembered something he didn’t do at Gateon Port, buy himself some new weaponry. Though, looking at the quality of his weaponry, they’d still last a few more bouts of combat.


    “Though, Cadence’d probably yell at me if Aye ignored the shops.” Letting out a sigh, Karik decided he'd go off to the weapon store later. When he didn’t have other things he wanted to do. He made himself a mental note, making sure his mind remembered the message in strong letters.


    Buy a Poison Hand Axe for 800 Vespers later


    The boy took the safe path off the ship that didn’t involve jumping off onto the pier. He saw the convoy man off the ship, as well as their commander. “Hey, convoy man!” Karik waved his arms up, holding up the club he still had from Wakin. “Sorry to bother ya. Aye just need to get rid of this for a bit. None of us be usin’ it, so might as well save it for later.”


    Drop off the Iron Club (45/45) with the Convoy Man


    “What’s going on here, though?” Karik noticed the man had been talking to Madante. “Somethin’ happening?”

  18. “You heard her, friend!” Kai grabbed onto Anthony’s wrist, pointing in the direction of the cry. “That’s a Carbink with ya. A Fairy type will do wonders against a Dragon.” Despite the severity, Kai simply smiled as she spoke, pulling on the boy’s wrist without moving him. “Let’s go! We’ll get there faster if I pull you along, I bet.”

  19. Karik_Better_Merce.png

    Karik let out a yawn, feeling a bit energetic after Cadence finished talking. “Oh, good. Finally on our way back to Versidia.” 


    Karik looked up at Cadence.  “I don’t see why you want to leave this place, though.” A bright smile appeared on the boy's face. “I wanna come back again when this is all over! This place seems like it’d be so much more fun if we could stay longer.”

  20. Karik_Better_Merce.png

    Karik was having a nice dream. Just a calm view of the ocean from a ship’s crow’s nest. That Sleep Staff probably gave him the best sleep of his life. Sadly, the sound of Thunder Anima had to wake him up.


    “Gah!” Karik bolted upright as he let out a yelp, quickly checking his belongings to see what had happened. Belt still around his waist, axes on his person, cloak still over his right arm, bandannas still comfortably over his head, and his ornament still attaching the cloak to his shoulder. Everything was in place, and no enemies in red around him. “Oh, good. Enemy Mages not coming for me..”


    Karik looked beside him, finding the red-haired Fencer beside him. “Oh, did Aye fall asleep, Cadence?” Karik stretched his arms out, tired from being awoken his short nap. He started to rub the sleep out of his eyes as he spoke. “We headin’ out soon? Me legs have been feeling weird since we got on dry land. Aye don’t mind being a landlubber again, but it’s probably not the best for me.”

  21. “Hey, we’re here to save the day!” Kai yells out as she gets finds Anthony, hiding from a group of Sableye. Luckily, the creatures had begun to slither away when they got here. “Well, that was certainly easier than I thought.” Kai scratched at her temple, giggling to herself as she watched the Sableye run away.


    “Sorry about that, though.” Kai looked towards the boy. “We probably should’ve waited for you before going on ahead. But you’re fine now, so it doesn’t matter too much, right?”


    Kai noticed the little rock on the ground, where the Sableye had been. “Aw, it’s adorable.” Kai knelt down, looking at the little rock creature with a smile. “Where’s it looking at?” Following the Carbink’s eyes, she found they went towards Anthony. “I think it might like you. Maybe you should take it with you.” Kai got back onto her feet, waiting for Anthony to take the rock creature with him.

  22. Luka_Happy.png

    Well, guess now’s as good a time as any to learn about the world like the other performers said. Not my fault I liked staying near home where I knew everyone. “Well, I don’t suppose there’s a tour you’re offering soon?" Luka put on one of his more genuine smiles as he spoke. "My name's Luka. It's my first time here, as you can tell."


    Luka looked over his shoulders, seeing the girl in twintails right behind him. The boy backed up, standing next to Hoshiko, as opposed to in front of her, pointing an opened hand towards her. “Might be my friend’s first time here, as well. I'm sure she wouldn't be opposed to coming with.”


    Luka's eyes glanced in Hoshiko's direction. I doubt you have anything better to do, anyway.

  23. “Oh, you’re right, he’s not here.” Kai turned her head around in all directions, the boy that was with them being nowhere in sight. "I feel like we had something else with us, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was." Shrugging her shoulders, Kai hoped she'd remember what it was later. “Okay, I’ll follow behind.” Kai turned around to the hill path. “If anyone’s down there, mind waiting for us for a bit? We’ll be back real soon.” Spinning around towards the other side of the path, Kai followed behind Shelly.

  24. Luka_Happy.png

    “Well, he must’ve been a great tactician.” Luka nodded his head, a small smile on his face. As much as he’d wouldn’t want to say it out loud, he was admittedly impressed by Sergius’ planning. “I imagine in times like this, people would’ve appreciated a man like him serving their country.” Would certainly make our jobs easier.


    Luka noticed the symbol on the woman’s robes. A flaming sword similar to the one on the statue. “I don’t suppose you’re a fan of his?” Luka's remark was only half-serious as he pointed to her robes. “Or maybe you really like swords. You and my mother would get along well.” Maybe someone could teach me them, too.

  25. Karik_Lets_do_this_Merce.png

    Finally grabbing a handle, Karik pulled the item out. In his hands he found a staff, raising it up his face with a smile. “Hey, this looks pretty… Pretty cool...” Looking at the staff seemed to have made the boy a bit drowsy, the magic somehow having an effect on him. His legs eventually gave out, causing him to fall onto the ground. “Can someone be a good matie and go call the convoy man for me? Aye don't think Aye can hold this, and Aye'm pretty tired.” Karik closed his eyes, letting out a yawn as he iie down on the rather peaceful ground.

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