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Deja Vu

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Updates posted by Deja Vu

  1. Going crazy on Showdown. I've been missing Toxics, Wisps, Dracos, getting flinched and critted into Oblivion.

    1. Deja Vu

      Deja Vu

      I hate Pokemon, man.

    2. Avatar of Grima
  2. So no Pokemon game this year? How disappointing. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deja Vu

      Deja Vu

      Eh, Pokemon has been quite stale this year. This 'break' will hurt them on the long run.

    3. Solarance


      What I'm thinking they are doing even though it's stupid, is they are making a game for the Wii u/NX

    4. laggless01


      ^^^ wouldn't that require another round of remodeling? The cellshading works on the 3DS, but I doubt it would be satisfactory to look at on a big screen with a more powerful engine...

  3. Level Ball is back! Oh yeah!

  4. It's been a week since I last smoked a cig and I've never felt better in my life!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zimvader42


      Cool. Keep at it!

    3. Deja Vu

      Deja Vu

      Appreciate the support, awesome peeps!

  5. Where would be a good spot to recruit DEVs for your new poke essentials project?

    1. Peepeepoopoo


      Try making a post in the Fan-game subforum. There are other Pokemon communities well that you could try.

  6. No game this year, GF? It's June already T_T

    1. Guzam


      E3 is on june 16th for nintendo i think. Expect big things :]]]

  7. E15 seems a bit too buggy for me from checking the Bugs forum. Guess I'll wait for the next update :)

  8. Is there a compiled list of all the new stuff E15 will feature?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deja Vu

      Deja Vu

      lol sorry what I meant was basically stuff like new fields, new battle mechanics ...etc

    3. Kiozo


      I believe there is a list in the files you download, in a standard notepad file, that tells you things like that. I couldn't direct you to it perfectly though.

    4. Odybld


      Look to the left. There's a bar. Under the status bar there are some links about the game, including the fields list. We also had special announcements for them. Anyway, read it bottom to top to start with the newer ones. One of them contains major spoilers about an erotic bdsm novel coming out in Reborn in E15: 50 shades of Serra

  9. My 1st shiny in Rejuv... A nice and modest Makuhita.

  10. I just got foxicated.

    1. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Zoroark is my 3rd favorite Pokemon, Delphox is my 4th. I 'm part of the Fox league too.

  11. WP, Ame. WP indeed.

  12. Reborn has spoiled me. I can no longer enjoy any other Pokemon game out there.

    1. Solarance


      This for the most part.

  13. Sleep is overrated.

    1. ArmoredGuardian


      Overrated is sleep.

  14. Visca el Barca!

    1. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      Crocune is one of my favorites

    2. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      But I run one with Ice Beam, because I'm a noob

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Well Crocune IS supposed to sweep, isn't it? I mean why else would you use all those Calm Minds? The sole reason why you generally don't see a Suicune sweep is that people usually forfeit after the third Calm Mind, if they realize they have no dedicated counter...

  15. Any official chat app for this community?

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      There's the server which you can see a link to in the top right corner 'Reborn Showdown!'

    2. Gyaradoskiller


      There's also Skype.

    3. Deja Vu
  16. Took me 34 attempts to finally find a Luvdisc holding a Heart Scale. Holy chiz.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deja Vu

      Deja Vu

      I had a CE Butterfree lead my party all this time actually. I'm that unlucky.

    3. Simon


      Jeez. I get them often nowadays o_e

    4. Vlado Vladimir

      Vlado Vladimir

      Get a Frisk Noibat as your second teammate. Make your lead Butterfree faint. GG

  17. Can I haz TM06 next ep? I wanna do mean things.

    1. AuthorReborn


      Nope. Too OP, not happening.

    2. Bearadactyl


      Don't see how it is at this point in the game.

      Particularly given you can have a small legion of Pokémon who learn it by level at this point any way.

  18. Infernape is love. Infernape is life.

    1. Shing


      Damn right that super saiyan monkey is.

    2. SilverJakler


      Son Dankey Kang

  19. I hate Byxbysion Wasteland! Definitely my least fav spot in Reborn. D:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      I love it. Poison Master race.

    3. Pixl


      I don't get how people had trouble with Chrysolia? ._. it was pretty straightforward, you can only go through one exit in each part, so just keep following its loops until the end.

    4. Shing


      @Pixl Well people had some hard time with it.

      Also route 1 is my least one.

  20. Get me the fox out of here!

  21. Can I get Rest on my Trevenant somehow?

    1. Simon


      No, unfortunately as the TM isn't available. The only way to get Rest onto it is to breed Rest with Pre-Episode 13 Breeding Mechanics.

      Check out Etesian's Breeding Guide in the Team Showcase section.

    2. Deja Vu

      Deja Vu

      I shoulda known. Thanks. :)

  22. Oh snap! I'm out of Heart Scales! D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deja Vu

      Deja Vu

      I'm on it but it seems Ame decreased the chance of them holding one? I've already encountered 11 Luvdisc and not ONE of them had a Scale. :(

    3. Deja Vu

      Deja Vu

      I also have a CE Butterfree leading my party....

    4. Simon


      Yea, she decreased it a couple of episodes back. I forgot her intentions besides making it harder for us, but Mining is always an option.

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