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Status Updates posted by Jacobliterator

  1. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Maylene Look at her Sinnoh Leaders Tournament team. It's almost exactly the same as Kiki.
  2. http://imgur.com/4Enrh8t Not the greatest Pokken fighter ever, but definitely the most FABULOUS!
    1. pbood2


      PM when you can. I would like to catch up or something. Also check out the new main post of the Darkness thread and tell me if it's a huge improvement over the last bland one lol. I'm going to bed though so ttyl.

    2. Caz


      Looks like Gandalf in his younger days, gg.

  3. http://imgur.com/8Ie744R Erm...Nintendo...Stop being creepy...please.
  4. http://imgur.com/bXhYojl It's only dirty if you have a dirty mind.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zumi


      y'all need jesus

    3. dragoniteborntacoz


      If you didn't say anything about it being dirty I wouldn't have thought anything of this

      Seriously this looks very innocent to me

    4. Ironbound


      A fine example of the Observer Effect or 'measuring the coin'.

  5. http://imgur.com/fcl61sn Uh Nackarth? I think I found your ideal partner...
  6. http://imgur.com/LTAxJb5 Time for the "Revolution"ary team!
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pbood2


      what does the dog do? But you didn't answer my question :P XD

    3. Jacobliterator


      Basically its a party member. High attack and speed but bad defences. I had to put you in somewhere, and this was the only other space.

    4. pbood2


      ahhh cool. i'm glad i could save your life twice then. :D

  7. http://imgur.com/Y2UNjSc My personal sprite decked out in Pokeball colours for Pokenations.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pbood2


      great sprite. Did you do that sprite yourself? :D

    3. Tringus


      Ayyyye, lookin' pretty slick, tho!

    4. Jacobliterator


      To answer Pbood, yeah I did. My first fully custom sprite. Glad to hear y'all like it.

  8. http://imgur.com/YCCkoo2 Professor Zelkova. Cause lab coats are SO 1995.
  9. Finally a theme park based on a Rebornian. I await Ame Land anxiously.
  10. Yep, that sure is the Internet.
  11. Memories...Lost Future...ending...must...not...cry...
  12. ...yeah.
    1. Cepheus


      oh my god... that is glorious

  13. So apparently Sans is demonic. Sans. The skeleton. ....You're kidding right? Reborn, prepare your dislikes.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      I've always thought he was demonic

      After all he ruins the names of pun makers

    3. Honchy


      Meh, it's just an overbearing parent and a bunch of old farts that don't know how to do research. Tbh, I've seen it far too many times.

    4. Combat


      I mean, if you want to get technical, all monsters are made of magic, which could be considered unholy. It's more of a "guns aren't evil until someone chooses to make them be evil" type thing.

      Also, bones are organic, and Toby disproved of that theory in a Twitter post...

  14. Oh jeez, It's Grump-On!
  15. ...oh my. This music, that voice. It's beautiful.
  16. Cute AND terrifying at the same time.
  17. This is literally torture. Poor Suzy =(
  18. It's official. There is still hope for humanity.
  19. Guess who's back. Back again.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Caz
    3. Maelstrom


      I came because Trevore was using my name in vain, but since you're here I guess I can forgive it.

      Stay alert, stay alive.

    4. Tringus


      I DIDN'T KNOW... please don't kill me X_X

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