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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Spineblade

  1. I've accidentally signed out of the forum twice today. What's wrong with my fingers.

  2. 11. And we're coming up to page 1111 soon. Neat. Question. Can an admin/mod choose not to reset when they post, or is it by default a reset if they show up? (On a 7 for mods, anyway)
  3. I don't know who this Spideblade is, but I guess I'll do. Hm... THRS.
  4. Oh, yes indeed. I'll be taking a break from numbers for the moment though. Eterna again?
  5. I'd have made a poll but who has time for that these days. Through mysterious means, your hairstyle and colour are permanently transformed to match that of one of the many characters in Reborn. You have a choice in the matter though. Whose hair do you pick with which to be eternally blessed (or shamed)? And a quick refresher if you don't have a photographic memory: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/characters.html
  6. Some people think that since it's a new gen, Kalos will be finished with, but it's not like GSC is in Gen 1, so what have you. Maybe we'll get Kalos in Sun and Moon. Maybe not. Time will tell.
  7. Wouldn't have been reset if you hadn't gone back to 23 15
  8. 13 Well, I would suggest we revert back to the 20's, but we're already on 13 so whatever.
  9. My IRL friends seem pretty hyped about getting Moon, so I might pick up Sun.

  10. I doubt the entire games would be exclusively day time or night time depending on the version, but I think it's possible that there could be a period in each game when the day/night is forced to be permanent. Kind of like how in RS/ORAS it became constantly sunny or stormy when Groudon/Kyogre broke free. The legendaries in Sun and Moon could become enraged and force the world into a state of permanent (until you fix everything, that is) light or darkness. As for driving, that would require A: a large enough map for it to be feasible (unless it's just a cutscene or something) and B: a canonically older protagonist (maybe 16 or 17 years old). I'm not saying it won't happen, but I would consider it unlikely. Otherwise, GTA Pokemon, rated 18+, coming Holiday 2018 confirmed Hmm... would they do a fire snake? Serperior is already meant to be a snake, so I'm sceptical that they would repeat the animal within only two generations. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they've ever so far done the same animal base for starters twice (with the exception of Squirtle and Turtwig, I guess).
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