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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

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Status Updates posted by Kanaya

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Who the hell loses in a canon pokemon game?

    3. Damiano


      Me against the E4 in emerald. I refused to win until I used them to grind my bagon into a salamence.

    4. AeroWraith


      I honestly lost to Lenora once in white. stupid watchog ;_;

  1. Simply Amazing
    1. Dhanush D Bhatt

      Dhanush D Bhatt

      Wow that was beautiful :o

    2. Temrer


      Thank you for posting that link. Brightened my whole day.

  2. More Dance from your friendly neighborhood Super Market Cow!

    1. Ikaru


      I read the url and knew what it was before listening

      very nice

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Hmmm don't know what that is... but noooot bad.

  3. "Try riding a bicycle at night, and picking up a moving burrito with your feet based on the sound that it makes. That is how the Owl do!"

  4. "What if a Pokemon Game was made by Smogon?" I lol'd https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8433542912/h666E2A4D/

    1. Shamitako


      Suzi, you monster

      But srs: That's sadly realistic >_>

  5. "You want to shake my hands? They're smeared with blood, if that is still alright?"

    1. Grizzlybrand


      -shakes hand with a grin- No hemo bro

  6. Am I back for good!? Probably not, but I'll be here as long as she wants me to be.

  7. Biscuits eggs and gravy! With Bacon and Souls! THE DINNER OF CHAMPIONS!

  8. Booted up Steam, Starbound apparently has a 846MB Update. Well, lets see whats new.

  9. Can't feel.... Limbs.... Please... No more snow.... I can't handle all this... Shoveling...

  10. Carter : A Donkeys Lips will not fit on a Horses Mouth.

  11. Decided to buy a new computer with my Taxes instead of a Xbox One. Time to play all those games I haven't been able to enjoy the last few years. #TaxesComeSoonPlz

  12. Doing Laundry! WOOO! Not really. Lol

  13. Feasting on these souls is quite delicious, they're like skittles! Each one is a different flavor!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kanaya


      Clearly your not looking in the right places!

    3. Yash


      Hey... Didn't I tell you to not eat mine.. Some people never listen..

    4. Kanaya



  14. Feeling.... Homicidal...

    1. Shamitako


      Murder small insects, it helps

  15. From time to time I feel lost inside this melody, it's like a fantasy except it's called Reality!

  16. Gardevoir is back on my team in Reborn. Glad to have one of my Permanent companions back! Time to Sweep!

  17. Got my new computer all set up and good. Now if only I had 5 dollars in paypal to make a minor purchase QQ

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Damiano


      How do you find all these? Why are they all so good?

    3. RubyHeart


      Because she is just that awesome~

    4. Kanaya


      Thank you :3

  18. Hold onto your butts!

  19. I haven't slept as good as I did last night in a Long time, must be all the soul consumption!

    1. AuthorReborn


      This is happens to me a lot. I just can't sleep until I've consumed at least seven souls. Preferably of the innocent. If you eat the souls of the immoral, you sometimes get nightmares from their memories.

    2. Kanaya


      Not sure what kinda souls your eating sir. All mine taste like skittles!

    3. AuthorReborn


      I'm eating all kinda of souls. I don't descriminate.

  20. Just finished Episode 14. Back to my boring life I go.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kanaya


      Eating souls.

    3. Damiano


      Then how can your life be boring? Don't you feel sorry for us food eaters? Imagine how we feel. Or better yet: Share some souls~

    4. Kanaya


      Because without a game to consistently play I get bored.

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