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Dragon God Goomy

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Everything posted by Dragon God Goomy

  1. Just looking around for somebody to talk/duel. If not, will move to City square.
  2. Inside the classroom Gen was packing up his things and about to leave. "This was a long day for everybody, huh?" He left the classroom and went to the locker room to arrange his things.
  3. After a lot of test, my deck is weak against blackwing and harpy card decks... I need to find a way to cover that, somehow.
  4. Back to the classroom Gen goes back to his seat, then brought up a tablet to look for some good cards on the net while eating. "I need to improve more if I want to be recognized..." Gen said to himself as he takes a bite on his food.
  5. Lol Jolteon annihilates the Water Gym pretty nicely. And I'm not using my starter as well.
  6. Gen stopped on his thoughts suddenly and he shuddered a bit. "That's impossible, right? After all, it's just a rumor...." He stands out and made his way to the cafeteria.
  7. Open to everone. Gen looked on the class, seeing that some of them had thoughts about what really happened. ("Illegal duel. That's impossible, except...") When suddenly, something struck on his mind. "Wait, could it be? But it's only rumors....."
  8. I forgot the use of Soul Stone. What was that for again? Also, after fighting the Chandelure, I found a suspicious grave. Anyone knows what's in there?
  9. Gen was staying on his seat while looking at the window, wondering about the death of Mr. Tenjo. ("Why would somebody kill Mr. Tenjo in the first place anyway? I don't really get it.....") He gave a sigh and continue to give thoughts about it.
  10. I switched to easy mode to get Chandelure Turns out I need to tank it better with Muk.
  11. Now for the Fairy + Chandelure battle, I devised a master plan to defeat them. But I need to test things out first, so yeah.
  12. I still need to know how XYZ/Synchro summon works on DN. Anyone that can help me?
  13. Wow, Jolteon cleared up the Water Gym so easily. Jolteon confirmed for OP.
  14. Oh, maybe I just kept it on the PC. Thanks. Now to find that Move tutor.
  15. After I learned her Lanturn doesn't have Volt Absorb? Yep. Definitely.
  16. I want Jolteon for the Water Gym. Electric moves will be useful.
  17. Did you guys managed to find a Thunderstone? I'm looking around for one.
  18. Question, what about the non-Number holders? Will they get into the fray as well?
  19. Nvm. I already knew where I'm going.
  20. I'm confused. Where am I going next?
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