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Status Replies posted by Sevonic

  1. what is love

  2. tfw your class is cancelled and you were really looking forward to learning the material

  3. This is becoming emotionally unbearable.

  4. Cuddle the dragons, don't kill them ;c

  5. Cuddle the dragons, don't kill them ;c

    1. Sevonic


      No, just dragons. Feeble humans don't get cuddles.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. god bless i'm ungrounded

  7. Cubone is so cute.

    1. Sevonic


      No, I do know the story. That doesn't change the fact that it's adorable. <3

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. Donating blood for the first time tomorrow.

    1. Sevonic


      Needles don't scare me. I've had my fair share of surgeries and IVs so I'm used to it. And unfortunately, it's going to be done at my school.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  9. that's some shit right there lmao

  10. My arms, my ass, my legs, dude my entire fucking body HURTS. I will NEVER left weights again. Just...no.

  11. My arms, my ass, my legs, dude my entire fucking body HURTS. I will NEVER left weights again. Just...no.

  12. It's going away!

  13. It's going away!

  14. why is everything a breakup song

  15. I really thought this would make me happy lol

  16. Sevonic punched me in the head over this joke...

  17. This hurts way too much and I don't think this decision was worth it...

  18. Yey Call of Cthulhu tomorrow for my group.

  19. better than your waifu

  20. Madoka is too overpowered tbh.

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