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Caesar Clown

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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Caesar Clown

  1. sephiroths inducted too the imperials number 6

  2. Nobody was surprised after the core standings to see Cyan EXTINCT this week... But no one expected that the Viridian Alliance would join them! Double kill!

  3. more messages will come always follow the buzzards

  4. lord helix mega should happen since bird jesus ;)

  5. Where is my Mega Butterfree? ;o;

  6. Whoever the hell brought pizza hut to this damn study hall gonna get smacked if they don't gimme some o' dat shit

  7. "Speak of the devil and she will show up!!!"Well lads, here I am, back into the game!!! I known I kind of disappeared, but I had to study hard to a test so I didn't had time to show up.... But it's so good to be back and talk to you guys again!!! :D

  8. Blasted Team Meteor! They used poor Mr. Biggles to pollute the city... Poor Mr. Biggles... He just wanted a hug T_T

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