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About Kookies

  • Birthday 10/27/1994

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    Here and there but mostly there
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    Physics... yeah that subject
    Contract Bridge... the card game

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  1. Professor today said:"The only homo thing that I like is homogeneous equations!". Why the hell has that "person" the right to teach in a university?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Hiss13


      Simple. Because he qualified for the job. I am going to sound like a total dick here but…you're interacting with people. You WILL eventually feel uncomfortable interacting with people who hold different opinions than you.

      He is not pushing his opinions on you. He is just making a joke, albeit an offensive one.

      You are in a university. You are supposed to be a fully-functioning adult. You should not need to be coddled because of your sensitivities. Feel uncomf...

    3. Hiss13


      Feel uncomfortable. Experience different opinions than yours. Then take that experience and use it to learn and grow. That's the point of being in a university.

    4. Kookies


      Sorry Hiss I don't know why you are in uni, but I am in uni to learn physicsnot to hear his offensive jokes about my friends. He's job is to teach me Physics no to tell me to be a homophobe.

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