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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 231 *comes back as a gastly* Welp, I know who I'm going to haunt now.
  2. 229 Of course.....wait a minute....I MEAN I'M A WIZARD!!! ^^'' How am I talking? I'm dead. X.X
  3. 223 How could you deny a twinkie!? You monster D:
  4. 217 Must.....get....out. I'll give you anything just let me go >>''
  5. Going to wait till my birthday to get ORAS. It won't be too long of a wait. My birthday is going to be on the 16th. I can wait that long :D

  6. 211 Oh ok that sounds great.....wait a minute...thats bad!
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