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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. Starting to become my favorite track from No More Heroes 2
  2. 793 *breaks out again* I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!! D :<
  3. 786 *in my mind* ok....3....2....1 *breaks out* I'M FREEEEE!!
  4. 784 I don't know how they do it though. Maybe I just gotta believe?
  5. 780 If only you could get both of us to agree on that me getting out of this ball is a good idea.
  6. 777 Lucky me! Also, yea, don't blame me, blame Palutena, she causes all of our misery
  7. 771 oh wow >>'' hopefully we won't get reset in the 900s.......oh no I jynxed it too. DX
  8. 751 ENGINEER WOULD NEVER ANSWER FOR YOU D : half way there out of the 700s <3
  9. 749 This is true....can't you just let me out?
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