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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Posts posted by Caz

  1. The rebattle trainer in Redcliff is a Pokemon Ranger near the cave. The rebattle trainer in Celeste is a Pokemon Breeder next to the Pokemon Center.

    The Rep events at the start of the game aren't hugely significant and yield little points. I did so that players wont have to start a new game, so don't feel disadvantaged. There are almost no drawbacks of continuing an save from v1.

  2. why the wild pokemon are knocking back my pokeballs?

    the first time this appear when I was trying to catch gastly, when I try go catch a wild pidove for a side quest then the wild pidove starting doing this.

    I'm busy trying to resolve this issue and trying to figure out its cause as it affects very few people.

    EDIT: The issue has been resolved.

    The patch is located in the downloads section in the original post.

  3. 5Jm0d03.png

    Through months of blood, sweat and tears (bitter, relentless tears), Episode 2 - Crescent Is finally here! Make sure that before you update to Episode 2 you are NOT saved inside of a Pokemon Center.

    Please report bugs down below. Before posting a bug, please check the list of known bugs on original post.

    A hotfix for Episode 2 (if necessary) will release on the 20th.

    Refrain from posting spoilers without using the spoiler tag.

    Also, because of the rep system - there is more than one ending.

    Good luck and enjoy!

    Download Links:



    PS: I love to watch your guys playthroughs regardless of popularity, so feel free to give me something to watch!

    Until next time my children.

    • Upvote 4
  4. If I were to suggest anything it would be to make the land seem less square. Notice how the land breaks off into the beach in a perfect line, and how the beach breaks into the ocean in another perfect line. A suggestion (for future maps) would be to make the land seem less uniform and more natural by making it seem more rugged. Asides from that I'm pretty impressed, good job!

  5. The sweet scent field is yellow but that doesn't mean it's electrified. Clefairy has Magic Guard which prevents indirect damage such as from leech seed. Please post bugs for the beta in the PM's! I'll check up on the Pancham evo.

  6. Anyone who wants to Beta test simply has to send me a PM before the beta release... Which is tomorrow. Beta testers play the release and report as many bugs as they can in 3-4 days before I release to the hot fixed version to the community. [:

  7. Episode 1 will have a few reputation events, however none are major. Episode 1 content had a huge amount of changes including this. Whether or not you want to restart is up to you. But for players who don't have enough time to replay the entirety of Episode 1, there are no significant drawbacks of using your current save file.

  8. 5YUEMnn.png

    As Beta testers will know, the Episode 2 release will be finished in the next 72 hours. In light of this, I've decided to talk about a little feature I thought would be interesting for the game.

    Many RPG's have you make choices that determine how other characters feel about you, and this can lead to scenarios where characters may act differently depending on how you've treated them in the past.

    I've added my own variant of this called the Reputation System. Throughout the game you will be given choices, some are important and some will appear minor. However, all of these are game changing. Depending on how you treat a character, your relationship with them can increase or decrease, leading to them trusting you a lot, or hating your guts. This can and will lead to multiple outcomes to a scenario, which will alter the course of your game.

    How it works

    For example let's use pretend characters 'Christie' and 'Brooke', say Christie asks you whether her hair looks nicer than Brooke's. If you answer yes, your rep with Christie will increase (and your rep with Brooke may decrease). These insignificant events will begin to amount over time, and some situations will be worth more rep than others. Your reputation with each character will be extremely important during the story. For example, say Christie must choose a side, whether to stay with you, or run off with some villains. If your rep with Christie is very high, of course she will want to stay with you. However, if your rep with her is low because you're a sadistic and mean person, there's no way she'll want to stay with you, so she'll leave.

    Each significant character will start with 5 reputation points. As you make decisions this count can either increase or decrease. Generally small events like above will increase or decrease the rep count by 1 point, but large events can alter this rep count by up to 15 points. You will be unable to accurately know your rep number with a character to the exact digit. However you are able to check their Rep with an NPC (not yet added) where they will tell you if a character either:

    - Hates you.

    - Dislikes you slightly.

    - Has a neutral opinion of you.

    - Likes you somewhat.

    - Likes you... A lot.

    If a character likes you somewhat then you will be able to do individual side quests with/for them to further increase your rep with them.

    Finally, the rep system is more affected by your actions than the in dialogue choices you make. If a character disagrees with your actions then you will lose rep. If they admire you for your actions, then you will gain rep.

    Now this adds a lot of hard work on my part so I want to know what players think about the idea. You'll be presented with a bit of this in Episode 2.

    • Upvote 4
  9. this looks like to much fun to pass up~

    EDIT: so far so good... id just like to say that when i saw 8 pokeballs on the field i assumed we were setting up a whole team... i grab the pancham and dont check the last 2 and find out i cant get them now qq.

    TL;DR perhaps add "you can only handle one of those dweeb" into the text or something?

    EDIT: game O...P... must... keep... grinding... cant... stop .. playing <.>

    EDIT: just finished the playthrough so time for a legit review. The bars yo.

    everything was very smooth, the graphics were good, i was hoping to build a team out of the 8 pokemon available but thats just me being an idiot

    love the pansage chase, but his leech seed doesn't have sound to go with the effects.

    Wooper vs audino, in one match 2 mudshots i out sped it for a turn and then it out sped me until i got 4 mud shots off. It also seems like there's a random chance that speed is ignored and someone just attacks first...

    the encounter rate was a tad high for my liking, but its needed in those first areas so that's just me complaining.

    i like the fire style gary oak... erm connor?

    all in all, how you say... I WANNA PLAY MORE QQ

    I've fixed the encounter rate but AYY THIS IS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE.

    I'll check out the speed problem (might have been a speed tie if wooper was high enough)

  10. @Yash, I said I'd work on Desolation on my lonesome for many reasons but thanks dude for the offer.

    Just a quick note to let you guys know that development is running super smoothly again and that I'm quickly reaching the finish line.

    Beta testers, you can expect this update to drop sometime next week.

    This Episode is about three times as long as the first, and spans from level 20 to 35.

    • Upvote 2
  11. I suppose an announcement is in order, to at least let those interested understand what is happening.

    My work as of late has been slow, really slow. The last few weeks I haven't had much time to work on the game, despite being so close to finishing the release. The prep for exams and work has been taking up all my time and its hard to find a spare second to finish up on the episode. Also, our family has been significantly impacted by the recent Paris attacks so I doubt I'll find time to work anytime soon.

    Please note, by no means is this game discontinued, in fact the release is almost finished. This announcement simply means that there's a lot of things I still want to add in, but finding time to do so is difficult.

    That being said, thanks for the support!

    Here's a little spoiler of the current obtainable list for Episode 2. Note that it's incomplete and I still plan on adding some.




    Choice of any 18 Starters



    • Upvote 5
  12. I know this is a shot in the dark as most of you are nintendo lovers (as am I), but I'll go ahead anyway.

    Anyone who is getting Halo 5 and is keen to join my slowly growing company then join up here, we're looking for anyone who is keen to play casually or competitively!

    EDIT: Didn't notice that Reborn had a company already. It seems my K/d will be of use elsewhere.

    This topic should be closed.

  13. Trying to get away with two Pokemon would be your problem. The point of the first episode is testing players to see if they can get away with only using the Pokemon they find. Exploration is also rewarded heavily, such as the Croagunk hidden in this release. Also, there is a repeatable trainer in redcliff town for grinding.

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