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Lone Wanderer Jordan

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Status Updates posted by Lone Wanderer Jordan

  1. Gigantamaxing is not my biggest love of Sword and Shield, but I sure do hope we don't get some of the stuff that's been leaked.

    1. Maqqy


      Everything can be false EXCEPT for Sirfetch’d I a m p r a y i n g

  2. I haven't actively participated in the forums for a while... where do I even begin...

  3. I haven't posted a status in a long time... I wonder what I should post about...

  4. The weekend needs to be longer... like 7 days a week longer.

    1. Anime


      That'd be kinda a week-no-end xD

  5. I hate how difficult being an adult can be :(

    1. Anime


      alas, it can't be helped, may i ask why do you seem depressed?

    2. Lone Wanderer Jordan

      Lone Wanderer Jordan

      Watching all my friends go on ahead with their lives, earning big bucks, finding love, going places, and then looking at me, being left behind... it's painful xD

    3. Anime


      i don't think they really left you behind, you're a part of their lives, even though they have jobs and/or Girlfriends;wifes to spend time with, one more thing: even you will start earning big bucks, and you'll find someone to be your lover, you're still young and when its time you'll get all of that and move on with your life as well

  6. Goddammit, can Summer hurry up and go away? I want the cold Winter back please ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dead account

      dead account

      Winter's better because no wasps and flies and other annoying/stingy bugs.

    3. FairFamily


      I like the cold more also there is an appeal of having less bugs in my room.

    4. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      I'd prefer Winter. I'm living in a country where the Summer can be extremely hot and humid, and I'd simply like to experience laying back at home or hoping for snow which isn't here in the Philippines.

  7. Nice ARC V Profile Pic and Banner. Did you enjoy the anime?

    1. Wolfox


      I did, it's my second favorite YuGiOh anime so far. only falling behind 5ds

    2. Lone Wanderer Jordan

      Lone Wanderer Jordan

      You got high hopes for VRAINS?

    3. Wolfox


      from what I've see sofar, yes

  8. For all those in the UK, like myself, please be cautious in these dire times. United we stand, divided we fall.

    1. Wolfox


      I believe not to many in the UK might agree to that completely, with the Brexit and all. Sorry if that was a blunt statement

    2. Lone Wanderer Jordan

      Lone Wanderer Jordan

      Yes, well unfortunately racism still runs strong within the streets, especially with the goings on at the moment.

  9. The idiocy of some people who blame a whole religion for the acts of some astounds me.


    It's aggression against the religion that the monsters want. Don't let them win.

    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      I absolutely agree with you! Thank you!

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