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Posts posted by Ragnar

  1. Toshiro’s group

    Toshiro patiently waits a mile away from the 4th building on the look out for his teammates to arrive and spotting Professor Redwood at the entrance. "This is unacceptable... what's taking them so long?" Toshiro sighed as he looks at his watch. like what the hell are they doing? is there a Snorlax blocking their way here? they already know they're on a schedule. Toshiro sighed once more.

    Toshiro decided to wait no longer and approach Redwood to confirm his team's arrival.

    "Greetings professor! sorry for the delay but it appears my crew are having difficulties in handling their camping equipment and will running a little bit late, i'm sure they will come here any minute now," Toshiro said to Redwood while Midori and Panzer just stares at man and being at the their best behavior.

  2. "Hmm, I could've sworn they were here a moment ago" Toshiro was bemused and scratch his head.The boy and his pokemons arrives at the vacant lot where the researchers were supposed to be. "I guess no sandwiches then, well can't cry over spilled milk, let's go back to group and tell them the bad news, guys." Toshiro shrugs and turns the opposite way, just when he about to return to his group, his tablet begins to beep once again.

    "Uh? what's this" Toshiro eyes widen as he reads the message on his ipad. "That's strange, I thought we were going on a treasure hunt? are we in trouble or something? i guess we just have to see for ourselves." Toshiro continues to walk until he saw his teammates.

    Toshiro's group

    "Hey, guys!" Toshiro cheerfully waves at his team and started to walk towards them. "Okay, Listen up..there's been a change of plan, I have just received a message just now, telling us to meet up with none other than professor Redwood himself on that huge 4th building over there at 1 pm.. don't know why tho, but we mustn't keep him waiting. I'm pretty sure it isn't serious or anything. It's not like we have done anything wrong or have any criminal record in the past. amirite?" Toshiro jokingly said as he looks at each of his groupmates,

    "Anyways, we have fifteen minutes to spare, plenty of time to look sharp and presentable so I expect you guys to be on your best behavior. I'll meet you there before 1 pm. so please, keep track of our schedule and refrain from being late." Toshiro pleasantly smiles at the group.

    "I mean it.." in a drop of a hat, Toshiro pleasant tone changes into a more intimidating one. The boy's eyes turned into a glare that could send someone into the very pits of Giratina's distortion world as he looks at his members to get his message straight. Toshiro is very strict when it comes to being punctual and following rules. Musta inherited this personality from his ninja master back at Fushia City.

    "So, Remember guys, 1pm at the 4th building.. don't be late." Toshiro said once more with a much friendlier tone than before and left the group with this message. Toshiro walks aways from his teammates to get ready for himself.

  3. Toshiro's group

    Toshiro remains calm and smiles with his eyes squinted to a slit as he listens on what members has to say. He remains solemnly quiet until all of them are finish.He's probably thinking on what's his next step, that.. or he's imagining a scenario in his head where Phanpy and Bulbasaur suddenly evolves right at this very moment and goes ape shit on these people for the sake of maintaining the peace and order in this group. can't tell which tho, since he's always smiling throughout the entire conversation while looking at Midori and Panzer.

    "Now, now.. calm down everyone... i'm sure that Princess here is just happy to see me." Toshiro said as he looks at the feral cat that's violently clawing out of Kay's arms and angrily hissing at him. "See?.. moving on.. well then this is Kay, the final member of our team. and I think that's about it.. Task one complete" Toshiro said as checks his checklist.

    , "Now that everyone is here can we decide on where to start looking for this scavenger hunt? I love seeing cats attempting to maul people as much as the next guy but let's get our work done first."

    "That's the spirit! right after we have the basic necessity first which is food and shelter...so take it easy tiger." Toshiro said to Wolt with a pleasant smile. For someone nicknamed frosty, This guy is all fired up and ready to go.

    "Now we just have to find a tent first... i'm thinking right next to that 2nd building over there..since it's not occupied by any" Toshiro points out the structure.

    "Once we're all settled, I'll contact the assigned researcher for us to receive further instructions.. for the meantime, I'll go grab some sandwiches for all of us and meet you back there. you're welcome to assist me if you like..the rest of you claim a tent and unload your things.." Toshiro said as he studies his tablet and walks towards the researchers. Phanpy and Bulbasaur happily rush in to follow their master.

  4. Now that Commander has pointed it out, All of Toshiro's teammates has a cat-like member in their team.(Absol/Sneasel/Skitty/Purrloin)

    And eventually, Toshiro is getting a Shinx later on(a Lion... which is like a leader-esque type of the cat family). Is this some strange coincidence or was it all planned out in assembling us from the very start?

  5. Toshiro's group

    "Wow, you guys are really attentive, for a minute there, i though was gonna lose my voice from repeatedly calling out your names in this crowd like a broken record. We assemble pretty quickly than i thought. Let's keep it that way for the next following days to ensure a fun and safe trip together." Toshiro said with a smile as a group of students approach him.

    Toshiro observes them from head to toe from the moment they arrive at the scene. The first one seems to be very brash girl name 'Citrine', there shouldn't be any trouble communicating with her. she seems to be a straight forward person and says what she feels. The next was a boy named 'James', not much about to say about this boy except that his Absol seems to be looking pretty grumpy. The third was another boy with a cap and an azure hair that was accompanied by a sneasel that seems to be on the lookout. Wolt seems to be acquainted with Citrine of some sort.

    "Oh and Miss citrine, it seems that your Rotom is really attracted to this ipad. I must inform you, this is not a toy. it some sort of a device that communicates with the Professors. I suggest you keep your rotom away from this for safety reasons. It's plasmatic body might disrupt this device's signal." Toshiro said as he turns his attention to Citrine.

    "Oh right, where are my manners. Greetings everyone, My name is Toshiro, i'll be your leader, your fault guy whenever you do something.. hmm, how should I put this ahmm..'not smart' and your camping buddy for these following days. A pleasure to meet you all." Toshiro said and respectfully bows at them.

    "Now we're just waiting for the last member to arrive." Toshiro said as he resumes calling out Kay's name in the crowd.

  6. Toshiro's group

    Oh boy it seems i'm being assigned as a team leader now. Well, I do like keeping my things tidy and organized and managing a group of people shouldn't be any different right? Toshiro said to himself as he sits at a wooden table nearby. Well then, let's see what they look like. Toshiro swipes the ipad given to him and thoroughly scans their profile. Hmm finding these people is harder than i thought, i don't know any of them with the exception of Kay. "

    "Well, we better get moving, the sooner we can find them the sooner we can get to eat" Toshiro said to his mons.

    Toshiro did it the old fashioned way and went straight into the crowd in search of his teammates. Bulbasaur held up high a medium- size paper with vines, Saying "James", "Citrine", "Wolt" ,"Kay" as Toshiro Announce their names repeatedly. Panzer repeatedly toot its trunk like a trumpet to acknowledge his master's announcement.

    "Anyone with the name James Edwards, Wolt Royce, Luna Baldwin and Kay ((insertlastnamehere)) Please report to this location at once" Toshiro said with a clear voice and continues to bark his announcement until he assembled his group.

  7. A month has past. Toshiro decided to focus on his studies and forget the whole 'cheating' incident with Kay. Toshiro was determined to become a certified breeder and not dwell in the past events. It's all sleep, eat, study about pokemon, repeat for him ever since as he learns a couple of new tricks when it comes to breeding Pokemon.

    As the lecture ended, Toshiro steps outside, still lingering on the warning the prof gave them. wow..that is place is filled with hazards and vicious pokemon, i'm surprised if made it out without a scratch there. I guess i just have to be extra careful then. especially handling those dragon pokemons. they seem to be the top dog of the typings around there. Welp, a dragon is a dragon, got to respect its genetics i guess. Toshiro shrugs as his feelings for dragon types are pretty neutral. He isn't a fan about it and at the same time doesn't hate it either.

    What kind of Pokémon do you wish to obtain during the excursion?
    Dragon Type
    Beldum or Larvitar

    Oh? what's this? Toshiro immediately grabbed his vibrating pokedex. "It seems i have a text message of some sort." Toshiro carefully reads the text.

    Hmm, interesting choices here, i could go for a Dratini if I pick dragon type.. but i'm not confident on how to train it though. perhaps i'll go somewhere in the middle. Beldum or Larvitar. Hmm, Beldum is genderless so that's a no for a breeder. Toshiro disregards the option. A Larvitar could be a challenge, but i have to feed it a mountain worth of earth before it evolves. ..meh, i think i'll pass.

    Hmm i always wanted a lion. Shinx or Litleo, hmm well there's no harm in picking both, i'll decided when i get there. If I can raise a lion and an elephant. i could definitely train anything higher than that category. Toshiro picks his options and tucks away his pokedex. He went straight to his dorm room and get his packs ready for the upcoming field trip.

  8. So Herman is much bulkier than I thought. It just stops a rolling elephant dead in its tracks for the second time now, welp, Toshiro's victory feels so hollow against Turtwig then. Also for the record, Toshiro doesn't consider Kay's action as cheating, after all, he kinda agree to battle Herman in the first place.

    Anyways, In honor of Sid, i'll probably get a Shinx and revive good old Vicious. I'll go with a 'beast' theme pokemon' for Toshiro. Cuz who needs dragons and pseudos right?

  9. Don't worry guys, we can always ask our grandkids if Luffy ever finds the one piece and finally become the pirate king.

    But yeah, Capone is a cold blood mf and it's Sanji's time to shine on the spotlight. Looking forward both of the anime and manga. As for the topic, I've voted for Kid, he's ruthless and his DF ability is sick af.

  10. Panzer winced in pain as the tackle connects. Its stubby legs were shaken and was hurt from the impact but surprisingly didn't give in to the pressure. Panzer remains standing and wants to prove to the turtle that it can take a couple of hits as well. To Panzer, this was a contest of strength to who can take most hits and who can hit back the hardest.

    "Phan..py" Panzer gasp in pain as he looks at Turtwig in front of him.

    "good job Panzer, now shove that turtle out, show em what you're made off. combine offense with defense, use defense curl then follow it by rollout."

    Panzer instantly curls into a ball and started to spin, bumping into Herman in the process as Panzer continues to twirl faster. It maintains this wheel-like form as it struggles to push through the Turtwig blocking its way. trying to steamroll the turtle from the pressure of its weight while spinning.

  11. Toshiro vs Kay

    The two bulky Pokemon collide as a loud thud was heard all over the place. Phanpy was put in its place and pushed away from the impact. This is the first time for the baby elephant to be shoved by its target, a taste of his own medicine you might say as he backs away from the turtle. Phanpy blinked rapidly as he looks at the turtle. He was in disbelief by the outcome of his rollout. as Herman remained still from where he stand.

    "Bulbasaur." Midori pops out of Toshiro's clothes as he saw what happened. "Yeah i know, that thing is bulkier than i thought" Toshiro said to his partner. Hmm, I should probably disregard the rules too and swap out, I guess that would make things fair..but even so..Midori can do nothing to Herman, just look at the size difference, their typing might be the same but Midori's speed won't cut it. My options are limited here. I guess I just have to continue then.

    "Panzer don't let it get to you, use rollout once more to get close to Herman" Toshiro commanded his Phanpy. Panzer begins to roll towards the turtle. it pops out the moment it comes close with Herman. "Now break its defense! use ice shard!"

    in a blink of an eye, Panzer deeply inhales as icy winds began to conjure on its snout, forming an ice shard. Panzer immediately grabs this sharp icicle with its trunk and swings it at the turtle, trying to slash Herman's thick hide.

  12. Is that even allowed? It's a substitution I guess Toshiro stands at the other side of the field and scratches his head in confusion. Toshiro didn't have time to object as Kay quickly steps into the field and swaps his the feral cat for Herman in the middle of the match.

    Clearly this is a difficult battle, seeing a ground type is weak to grass type. Hmm, do I really want to push it? I don't know what this guy is trying to pull but battling against his main poke would give me information on what kind of a trainer Kay is.

    Panzer just sits there, happily looking at Toshiro while wiping off the sand in his eyes with its long trunk. Toshiro looks at his pokedex and checks the elephant's life points. To Toshiro's eyes, Panzer seems to be fine and was barely unscratched and harmed. but little did he know, Princess has done something to Phanpy, Toshiro can't see it yet.

    "Ok, Panzer, here comes your next challenger. don't let its look fool you.. use rollout and use your speed." Panzer quickly curls into a ball and gains momentum as it makes its way towards the Yawning turtle. Herman should be an easy target as the Phanpy rolls above it and was about to crush it with its weight.

  13. Whoops, I didn't mean that, I was just taking initiative when you said i can choose whether Panzer's tackle connected or not. Sure, i'll change it later this day, this sins of 2015 is catching up to me and have lesser time here in the forum. sorry for the delay man.

    EDIT: it's done.

  14. Panzer's tackle loses its momentum and instantly turns into a gentle bump as he skidded across the floor.As panzer saw the cat's playful wink, He quickly turns around and started to chase the mischievous cat.

    Panzer sprinted across the field and curls like a ball and started to roll towards Princess at high speed, attempting to knock the cat off its feet.

    Clearly the baby elephant has something different in mind. Panzer just want to show his strength in a playful manner and just want to knocks everything that's put infront of him. Panzer enjoys bumping into something or someone, especially moving targets.

  15. “Hey, Toshiro! Want to battle?”

    "So you finally caught that mischievous cat, eh?" Toshiro said as he waves at Kay and approach him. "Sure thing Kay, let us test what kind of pokemons this region has." Toshiro said with a smile and heads towards the arena.

    ((I don't know how to hyperlink to that thread.. ))

  16. ((Sorry it took so long..))

    Toshiro vs Kay

    Phanpy vs Purrloin

    Panzer's Moveset: Tackle, Rollout, Ice shard, Defense Curl, Charm.

    Princess's Moveset : ???

    "Thank you for challenging me, Kay" Toshiro respectfully bows at Kay and takes his place at the trainer's platform. "usually, i don't battle with trainers, but i believe a part of a pokemon's growth is their experience in the battlefield. not only it builds up their strength but it also strengthen their bond between its trainers, wouldn't you agree?" Toshiro said with a smile. "Panzer, you're up!" Toshiro calls out the tiny playful elephant as it steps foot in the ring. playfully stomping the dirt around its feet.

    "Alright, Panzer, use tackle" Toshiro claps his hands together and commanded the dwarf elephant to perform the most simplest attack, trying to measure what kind of move his opponent will pull off.

    Phanpy charges right in towards Purrloin as the blue elephant swings it trunk from side to side, trying to knock Princess from where she stands.

  17. For a Turtle, it sure can run fast. Toshiro thought to himself and was quite surprised by the sudden appearance the mischievous black cat right in front of them.

    "Oh dear it looks like you have your hands full, I'll go ahead and pick my mon and meet you back here, Kay. If you need any help I'll be at the ground section.." Toshiro said as Kay ran off to chase Herman and went off in a different direction.

    At the Ground Section

    As Toshiro walks towards the tables, Midori was a bit hesitant and kept on looking where the Turtwig is. Midori was quite concerned about his fellow grass starter Pokemon as he chases off Toshiro heading towards the crowd. "saur..bulba..saur" The Bulbasaur tugs Toshiro's jeans with its vines.

    "Don't worry this won't take long, Midori, Besides I'm pretty sure Kay can handle it. " Toshiro said without looking at his Bulbasaur while grabbing and inspecting each of the pokeballs in front of him. "like he said, He grew up working close in the daycare. I'm certain he can manage this sort of things" Toshiro said and looks at his bulbasaur with a smile.

    "Ah! here it is, i'm glad it isn't taken yet" Toshiro reaches down and finally found what he's looking for, A safari ball with the labelled 'Phanpy' on it. Toshiro grabs the capsule and scans it with his pokedex, registering his second pokemon. Toshiro then clicks the button in the middle of the ball and poof! a bright red light flashes and out comes a cute blue dwarf elephant. As soon as he saw his master, The playful phanpy raises its trunk and release a trumpet sound. The tiny elephant then charges with its snout up and jump on Toshiro with such force, flooring him in the process. "Uff.." Toshiro fell on his back as the Phanpy snuggles above him.

    "What is this guy thinking getting an elephant as a pet? "

    "i think i'll probably stick to a more domesticated pokemon,. i don't want a phanpy no more"

    "Yeah, I was thinking of getting rhyhorn before, but after what happened, I might get a patrat or something that's easier to tame, something that won't trample me in the process." A few students saw what happened and started to laugh while walking away.

    "Heh, you sure a playful one, but with that strength, you should be more careful." Toshiro chuckled as he picks himself up and feels his back. Phanpy wags its floppy ears as it looks at Toshiro. Midori saw what happened and rushed in to check on his master.

    Phanpy then saw Midori in front of him and playfully shoved the seed pokemon with its trunk, resulting for Midori to fall on his side. Bulbasaur quickly gets up and barks at the elephant for doing that. Clearly he was irked at Phanpy's playful antics. Phanpy just smiles and swings its ears from side to side.

    "now-now, play nice you two.." Toshiro said as he pats the head his two mons. "Hmm, i think you need a name, and seeing that you hit like a tank, I think i'll call you Panzer.." Toshiro said to Phanpy as he cleans the dirt off his shirt.

    "Come you, you two.. let's go meet Kay and see hows he's doing." Toshiro said as head towards where he last saw Kay.

  18. “So your living in the room next to me? I'm Kay, nice to meet you. I'm in the Breeder Program so I don't care much about the 'good' Pokémon. Although I have to admit I'm not a big Pikachu fan. What about you? Are you going for a Pikachu or something else?”

    Toshiro can't help but to smirk at Kay's response. It was passable and was something that a good breeder would say. Perhaps there's a side of this troublemaker that isn't so bad. But still, he can't let his guard down just because of a simple answer, Toshiro needs more information about this guy and what's his connection to number 11.

    "Heh, I never knew my neighbor was a fellow breeder. Well then,pleasure to meet you, Kay. My name is Toshiro from Fuschia city, but you can call me hiro if you like." Toshiro said to Kay while his eyes ponders at the busy students picking their pokemon like some sort of shopping spree from the distance.

    "Well I suppose I could get a pikachu, but those yellow rodents are all over the place. As a breeder, I prefer something with a little bit of difficulty in taking care of.. perhaps something like a ..P " before as Toshiro can finish his sentence. An audible grunting sound interrupt him and notice the snoring turtwig at his feet.

    "Is this your Turtwig? It sure likes to sleep a lot. It must be exhausted playing with its master last night." Toshiro said and kneels down to its level. Midori pops out of his master's backpack out of curiosity and tilted its head while looking at it. Probably wondering how could this Turtwig sleep in a noisy place like this?

  19. I don't think Toshiro will approve of the move 'mud slap' as far as his personality goes.

    but yeah, i've been thinking about that.like Phanpy's breeding stab moves are either Fissure or Mudslap and nothing more. It's either you choose the most powerful ground move of them all or the weakest ground move of them all.. there's no in between them. And since Fissure is definitely not an option. I guess I'll have wait until Panzer evolves and learn a decent ground move.

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