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Posts posted by Ragnar

  1. a One Piece discussion and not a single mention of "God" Usopp!? this is blasphemy! what kind of world do you guys live in where you don't acknowledge the divine savior of One piece.

    but yeah, I really like one piece, it's the only anime that made me cry over a freaking boat.

  2. Ixidor

    Mia beamed at Ixidor as she quickly wrapped the fur jacket around herself. A sigh of relief escaped her as warmth began to pool into her shaking body, giving her motivation and energy to walk up to the young artist. "Thank you so much Ix," she said with a small, genuine smile gracing her face.

    As she carefully stepped onto the chariot, placing her hand on the boy's shoulder for support, she looked at the horses with some trepidation. "A-are you sure that we won't get hurt doing this?" the blond succubus asked, her voice shaking as she looked at the animals quietly awaiting their orders. Once fully on the chariot, Mia looked at Ix again. "It won't be easy to get out of the maze," she warned, lowering her voice as if she did not want to be overheard. "It's really smart, and you have to be able to overcome its challenges." Reaching out and taking the boy's hand in her own, she squeezed it lightly. "You're going to have to be very brave," she whispered, closing her eyes. The girl stayed that way, seemingly deep in thought about something.

    "Don't worry it's perfectly safe, you have nothing to worry about." Ixidor answered with a smile on his face and placed his other hand on top of Mia's. The artist paused for a moment as he turns his back and takes a deep breath, grabbing the reins and takes his place in front of the chariot.
    "Well.. just hold on tight and just close your eyes, just in case something goes wrong." Ixidor said, prompting a last-minute warning to the girl before tugging the reins.
    "Hiya!!" without waiting for the girl to respond (or to object), Ixidor commands their ride and tugs the horse's leash.The stallions in front suddenly became lively as they stand on their hind legs.They seem to be startled as they frantically brush and stomps their hooves into the ground while heavily breathing through their nostrils.
    after a loud neigh, these horses suddenly took off without warning, pulling the chariot with all of their might. Almost throwing the boy off balance from the sudden start. It was a rough ride for Ixidor and Mia as these frenzied steeds races throughout the corners of the labyrinth. It's like a roller coaster ride for the two passengers.
    The artist holds on for dear life and struggles to steer these savage stallions while thinking of Mia's safety. The chariot swings wildly from side to side, oftenly bumping and colliding into these black walls as they go through the corners of the maze.
    Eventually, Ixidor managed to handle their ride as it gets a little less rough and turns into a mild gallop. "Are you alright back there? sorry, that happen. but I think I got everything under control, Hiya!!" Ixidor said to Mia, without looking at the back while focusing on the road ahead.
    "ACHOO!!" Ixidor sneezes as he felt the temperature suddenly turns frigid. "I think we're close, ACHOO!! maybe I should drawn myself a jacket before getting he.her..ah..ah..ACHOO!!" the boy sniffs and shivers while fast approaching their destination.
  3. 1. Welp it killed an entire deck, so congrats blizzard. Patron was my favorite matchup since i'm playing a dragon priest.

    2. Yes it was, even raid leader is stronger than nerfed warsong commander. lol

    3. Not at all, the game is old, players have found ways around that drunkard multiplying man. Now the real threat now in the meta is mysterious challenger and even if you miraculously survive that pesky 6/6 card, you still have to deal with the likes tirion and dr.boom that comes after.

    4.no charge patron in a GP deck? lol

    5. I agree, Secret paladin will take its throne. casino mage is meh, it's just tempo mage relying on rng. All I can see is wallet warriors and secret decks everywhere, which i find more annoying than patron.

  4. -Parahax and confuse hax

    -have to repeat nurse joy's "welcome to the pokemon center" speech after you healed your pokemons.

    -That useless AI teammate that you have to pair up with.(which most likely uses shitty moves like Explosion)

    -Annoying wild pokemon encounters with every single step you make.

  5. Name: Toshiro Haibara

    Age: 14

    Hometown: Fushia City

    Program: Breeder

    Starting side: Student

    Appearance: Toshiro is 5'8 tall, has a slender built frame body and has a fair skin complexion. His eyes are always squinting that almost hides his cold green eyes. Toshiro's jet black hair is quite long and has chin-length bangs parting on each side of his face and a matching long ponytail sticking out at the back of his hair. His attire is consists of a dark green hooded t-shirt and a fitted black long-sleeve shirt underneath it. also, He wears a baggy white sweat pants along with his fashionable wooden sandals.

    Personality: Toshiro is a well disciplined and a polite young lad that avoids conflicts as much as possible. Altho, His politeness can get a little bit annoying sometimes, It's hard to discern whether Toshiro is being sincere or just being sarcastic with from the way he answers people. Toshiro is also a book reader and often gets lost in thoughts and completely ignores the world while reading one of his pocket books.

    Starter: Bulbasaur(Midori, F, Chlorophyll) (Its right eye is shut close due to a unique vertical scar running across it.)



    Vine whip

    (NO MOVE)

    (NO MOVE)

    Support moves:

    Sleep powder

    Leech seed

    Backstory: At the age of 10, Toshiro lost his parents during a family trip gone wrong at the Fushia city safari zone. An enrage wild pokemon appears from the tall grass and savagely attacks his family. His mother and father protected the young boy as much as they could, long enough from him to escape. But unfortunately, both of his parents got murdered in the process. The local rangers and Janine(the gym leader) arrive at the incident, but it was too late, the damage was done, the boy was left traumatize and parentless. She felt sorry for the boy. So, out of sympathy. The young ninja girl decided to take care of him for the time being.

    As the years go by, Toshiro learned to move on with his life and decided to devote his life working at the Fushia city gym, serving Koga and Janine.

    The boy grew up inside the Fushia city gym, progressively learning about his master's culture and works as a humble servant at Koga's mansion for 4 years. Like Koga and Janine, He was persistent in learning about medicines and was fascinated by Koga's crafts in creating antidotes and poisons. Also, The boy shows passion in handling and taking care of Koga's poison Pokemons, which impresses both of his ninja mentors.

    During his spare time, Toshiro likes to spend most of his time hanging out by the mansion's garden, reading his books under the shade a sakura tree. It helps the boy to relax and ease his troubles away from his past. One day, while doing his choirs at the garden, Toshiro found his first Pokemon companion by accident, an injured Bulbasaur suddenly appears and was resting at their backyard, under the shade of a tree. With the help of Janine, Toshiro decided to cure this sick seed pokemon and eventually becomes his partner ever since.

    at the age of 14, Janine decided to relinquish Toshiro of his duties as a servant, His services are no longer required inside Koga's mansion. Not because he did something wrong or anything; it's just that, Janine wants Toshiro to pursue his passion and start his own adventure on the outside world. He was at the proper age to set on a journey and being stuck inside this mansion for almost 4 years isn't doing much good for the boy. He needs to go out, explore the world and fulfill his dreams. She told him that go to the Ymora region and start a new life to find his true calling as a breeder.

    Toshiro agreed and was grateful to his master in enrolling him in the Ymora region. So it begins, The humble ninja servant and his Bulbasaur set course on Ymora academy to qualify as a certified Pokemon breeder.

    Extra: He's a bit of a neat freak and has an amateur background in medicine (mostly antidotes and understanding how poison works)

  6. "Errr.. Sure I can do that" Ixidor answered Mia with uncertainty in his tone. The boy isn't exactly confident about his navigation skills when it comes to traveling. In most cases, He's decisions often gets him lost which leads him to troublesome events. I mean come on, he's an artist, not some an adventuring archeologist who seeks ancient relics and manage to overcome treacherous obstacles such as this one.

    After pondering for almost a minute, Ixidor comes up with an idea as he kneels down, stroking his fingers on the floor and seems to be drawing something. "Here, this should keep you warm" the boy manifest and throws a fur jacket at the girl's feet as he briefly turns his head and gives the girl a warm smile. The artist immediately turns away and went back to work as he continues to sketch something on the floor.

    "There, our ride is ready" Ixidor steps back and takes a deep breath. The drawing on the floor begins to glow brightly. An elegant roman chariot magically emerges from the ground as the ground slightly trembles. On the front, you can two healthy black horses neighing, gently stomping their hooves on the ground and was ready to go. They seem to be docile and seems to be waiting for instructions from their creator. Thank goodness it didn't backfire. Ixidor thought to himself and sighed.

    "Hop aboard Mia and wear that fur jacket I gave you cause we're going to the coldest part of this labyrinth and find the main source of this frigid temperature coming from, perhaps we will find some answers from there." Ixidor said as he takes his position on the chariot, grabbing its reigns and offers a ride to the shivering succubus.

  7. Neville was in disbelief as Varick's smoldering body hits the cold ethereal floor. But..but..but how? the Crimson Knight was pinned to the ground like a helpless MMA fighter, nobody could take a savage beating like that and still manage to get up. what kind of man or thing are we facing? Neville firmly grips his scepter as the Crimson Knight looks at them.

    "Fine, if you're gonna incinerate us all, then so be it." Neville sighed. "but if you think we're going down without a fight, well you have another thing coming. And just like Varick, we're gonna hurt you real bad before that happens." the wizard release mischievous smile and spread his arms as the violent arctic wind blows behind him. The wizard's cape sways wildly to the wind as he invokes his icy powers.

    "Elcici hsarc!" with the rise of Neville's staff, the ground slightly trembles, it suddenly stops as a sound of cracking tiles was heard. Without warning, a huge ice pillar violently erupts beneath his mentor's feet as it tries to impale the knight from where he stand, trying to shatter the Crimson knights remaining armor.

  8. I really did enjoy playing Rain the Suicune, he was my first neutral good char. maybe i'll give it another try.

    As far as the improvement of this RP goes, welp, I'm not gonna be another cook in the mix. These people above me have already had stated some valid points and I completely agree with their formula in organizing a RP. You should consider their suggestions since most of them are hosts in their own respective RP in this forum.

  9. Bah gawd! that orc is charging right into the heart of the flames itself and probably to his impeding doom, i don't know what's the deal about these brutish warriors who always engage in close range attack, Such a barbaric way in engaging an opponent, I might say. Welp, who am i to stop in his moment of glory.The wizard release an small chuckle at the sight of Varick charging in towards the Crimson Knight.

    "I guess we should cover him for good measure" Neville said to Gradun. The wizard twirl his staff and held it sideways. Neville's lips continues moves as an aura of mist wildly sprays around his feet. ((Winter's curse: on)) A bunch of icy spears magically manifest by the wizard's side. "Elcici EcnaL!" with Neville's command to strike with his index finger, these sharp icy spears flew at high speed, catching up with Varick's sprint towards the knight.

    These crystal shards wasn't intented to hit the Crimson knight in a way, but to counter the projectiles that their fiery mentor has to offer, providing cover and support for the Orc's tackle to connect.

  10. Even with his fail attempt to conjure up a blizzard, Neville stands firmly with his scepter still pointed at the Crimson Knight. Dammit, this is not good, I've burnout a portion of my magic for nothing. the amount of oddity this guy pulls with his fire magic astounds me. Even tho we know his weakness, he still manage to overcome everything we throw at him. The wizard breathes heavily and feels a slight fatigue in his last attempt in conjuring that last spell.

    Neville's eyes shifted from side to side noticing his allies, it seems Gradun might take some time to recover and Varick is doing the defensive play in his part.

    Welp, i guess we're playing defense now. Neville shrugs and spin his staff. A misty glow flares in the wizard's eyes.

    "eci llaw retlehs eht drad!" the wizard whispers an invocation and raises his right arm. A huge fence of ice pillars magically erects beneath the grounds, around where Gradun is standing. These crystal walls should keep the musician safe and soften my mentor's fiery attack.

    Neville then points his staff at the Crimson Knight, anticipating his mentor's next move.

  11. After hearing the presence of the girl once more, Ixidor slowly pick him up in a sitting position while clutching his forehead, The painter didn't bother to look at the girl's appearance at first, but there's something about her voice and touch seems very familiar.

    "Will you be ok?"

    "yeah, I think i'll be okay. thanks , I --" Ixidor's answer was cut short, his eyes widen in disbelief as he takes a good look at his helper. No, it can't be, must have hit my head harder than I thought or perhaps is this maze is playing tricks on me. either way, something's amiss here, but right now I couldn't care less, I'm just happy to see her once again. The painter thought to himself while displaying a warm smile towards the girl.

    clearly Ixidor's emotion gets the best of him as the boy throws away every bit of logical explanation on why his presumably dead succubus crush from the second circle comes to life all of a sudden and shows up to aid him here in the final circle? doesn't that sound strange? Welp, so much for the warning in 'trust no one circle.' It was fun till it lasted. What can I say? Ixidor is a naive young boy and couldn't see the bigger picture that maybe this is a trick?

    "Mia!" said the overjoyed artist. extending his arms, quickly hugging the girl. "b-b-but how? I thought you were dea-" Ixidor suddenly separates himself from the girl, shook his head and didn't bother to finish his sentence. "Ah, it doesn't matter..by the way, what are you doing here?" Ixidor asked, holding the girl by her shoulders.

  12. Ixidor tries to open his squinty eyes after hearing the sound of an angel went passing through his ears. "Wait.." The boy said faintly, tilting his head, reaching out his arm despite the pang he is feeling as he takes a glimpse of the unknown girl. Ixidor eyes couldn't stay awake for another second as his eyes slowly shut and pass out once more. The boy was obviously in pain from that 'shocking' experience and was yet to recover.

    He remains lying motionlessly in the middle of the maze, hoping for this aid to return.

  13. Ixidor steps back and goes into awkward silence after hearing Rose threaten the stranger, a long pause came after as the timid painter just blankly stares at the girl. Oh how times changes when they first enter the hill, but who can blame them right? not everyone can be trusted in this place and Rose is just looking out for Elleria's safety.

    "Uhmm, let me try.. " Ixidor finally spoke up approaching the huge wall, extending his right arm towards it, pressing his palm against, touching its surface, trying to erase an entire wall with his reality eraser ability, hoping to solve this dilemma of getting to the other side.

  14. Like Gradun, Neville seizes the opportunity and charges up a destructive ice spell, the wizard swirls his staff while pointing it at the heavens, as if he was brewing up a storm within the area. His eyes glow and a misty aura started to swirl around his feet, The wizard was in a trance to the point he vulnerable to an attack.

    The spell was set, A huge summoning circle magically appears within the arena's ethereal floor and was placed within the radius where the Crimson Knight and Varick were fighting. Obviously this magical circle signifies as a marker, a huge spotlight per se, this is where the wizard wants his snow storm to land.

    The wind howls violently above the two men. The temperature drops drastically and becomes more and more frigid at an alarming rate. An artificial winter is upon them as a sight of snowflakes casually falls from the sky.

    Of course this might also harm the Orc in the process, but I'm sure Varick will understand, right? this spell will affect the Crimson knight more than him considering how much damage the elements of water and ice can get to their fiery mentor.

    This winter storm can be prevented once Neville lost focus of invoking it. But hey, by the look of things, who's gonna stop the caster in finishing this destructive spell? their stationary mentor is pretty occupied at the moment with Varick and Gradun has a spell brewing up as well. How will the Crimson knight is gonna prevent the two spells that are headed towards his way?

  15. "Rose-- " The painter awkwardly falls on his back, startled by the sudden appearance of an old friend. Ixidor immediately stands up and grabs Rose by her arm and struggles to pull back the anxious girl away from the walls.

    "Wait wait wait!" the boy panicky said, wildly waving his arms at Rose. "I think Ellaria is not alone.. I heard another voice coming from the other side of the wall as well, I don't know what his motives are..but I think you should talk to him first." Ixidor softly said at Rose, hoping that his cover is not blown from the other side of the wall.

  16. Ixidor ran, and ran around the frigid labyrinth for quite some time now, not even realizing that he was just going in circles. Everywhere he goes it's either a dead end or another corner which leads to another corner. It seems this maze was just too overwhelming, especially for a boy who doesn't have a sense of direction.

    The boy hasn't encountered anything or anybody along his way, that's either a good thing or bad thing. Either way, His hope of getting out that easy begins to fade within the corner of these black walls, as the harsh cold wind embraces him. slowing down his tracks, leaving his sight fuzzy and lightheaded.

    The painter decided that it's best to camp out at a corner of a dead end and try his luck when he is well rested. The one thing this naive boy learn throughout his journey in this place is: survivability, He did travel and befriend with a killer(Marcus) and a survivalist(Ethic) after all.

    Ixidor kneels down and doodles a fire shape on the surface of the floor, hoping to get a proper heat source to keep him warm throughout this cold. But alas, even the simplest task of producing a campfire with the use of his drawing powers, his ability backfires. The campfire he was expecting didn't live up to Ixidor's expectation. Instead, Ixidor produced an itsy-bitsy spark of flame on the ground, kinda like a lighter flame. The only thing good about this disappointing outcome is: no matter how strong the wind howls, this tiny flame seems to be sturdy and inextinguishable.

    "Oh, poppycocks.. you got to be kiddin' me, welp I think this will suffice for the time being.." Ixidor sighed and sits down near the insignificant amount of heat source. rubbing his hands together to keep him warm. Ixidor stays on guard as he hears a faint sound of a boy and a girl talking not far from his location, it seems it was coming out from the other side of the wall. The painter remains quiet and decided to stay seated in his position where it's safe and warm..

  17. Neville stands still with a solemn look on his face as he looks upon the thick steam that arise from the Crimson Knight's area. This humorless expression rarely comes to the cheerful young wizard but after he witnessed his spells gets easily countered with a single crack of a fiery whip. Maybe that's a signal for the wizard to stop fooling around and start to get serious in this fight. Especially when facing a formidable foe, who hasn't budged from his position and hasn't made a single offensive strike yet.

    "I think we manage to douse out a little bit of flame from him, either way, be on guard, I fear the worst is yet to come in this fight" Neville said to Gradun as he stays in position, still pointing his staff at the fog, prepared for what his unseen opponent is up to .

    Neville decided it's better to wait from where he stand and stay out of range of the Crimson Knight's fiery whip rather than to approach the dangerous vapor where the Crimson knight is hiding.

  18. Dammit, I've must have miss that lecture about the gods back in wizard school, I just freaking amplified this guy's flaming whip, I hope this minor setback won't bite us in the ass during this fight. Neville was clearly upset, grinding his teeth in frustration as his mentor mocks him. The young elven caster gains a flame orb despite his previous failed attempt to harm the crimson knight.

    As Gradun's song shifted, Neville's fiery temper and frustration towards his last action slowly disperse as soon as he heard the Victornari's lyrics. It was calm yet precise. It somehow soothes his soul and clears Neville's head at that moment.

    "No matter, Tis but minor setback.. I will purge this fire that I've created." The elven wizard combed back his silver hair and tries a different approach.

    Neville's eyes glow in a light- bluish manner, the cold and piercing kind. As if you can see the whole aurora reflected in his very eyes. ((winter's curse: on))

    He emits a chilling aura beneath his feet, his complexion has gone even paler than usual while mustering his inner ice magic.

    "Ezeerf siht yug" with a swirl of his staff, Neville projects a ray of frost towards his crimson mentor. While the stream of ice travels in midair, it suddenly explodes into pieces; spawning and creating multiple heads of ice shards. These icy missiles continue to travel at an alarming rate, twisting and twirling with grace, like a group of dancing snakes racing towards its target.

    These multiple ice shards were all aimed at the Crimson Knight from all angles, hoping to freeze and immobilize his fiery mentor upon impact.

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