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Posts posted by Ragnar

  1. "Technology!?" Jesse asked himself as the shady angel puts on his metal glove and tries reach for Jesse's chest. Jesse evaded the grab(or did he?) with a backflip and reached for his rifle during that tumble as he tries to defend himself, there's no point in hiding now. Ok, Jesse. Remember we need this guy alive. The angel thought to himself and aims at the man.

    "Nice try, but I don't think you're responsible enough to handle this kind of ability being you sinister and all." Jesse said his obligatory heroic retort. "get out of the way, girl!" The young angel yelled at odd girl(Lisa) and fires his sniping riifle at the so-called-angel and tries to maim his legs. A thunderous gunshot was heard miles away from where Jesse is located.

  2. "Not so fast there. I saw you appear out of nowhere a while ago. That´s no ordinary illusion magic. I want it. And you´ll tell me were did you learn it."

    He saw me? way to keep a low profile, Jesse. The angel thought to himself and sighed. Other than that, why would an angel want stealth and intangibility so badly? there are many interesting magic to learn other than this art but why chose this?

    this magic is design for stealth and silent killing, perhaps I'll humor this guy after all, to see where this is going. Jesse glared suspiciously at he angel before speaking.

    "Look,buddy.. as you can tell, I'm not from this city, I'm just here for a vacation. As for my ability, it's called density shifting, it allows the user to walk through solid objects. It's a pretty advanced skill and I'm still new to it" Jesse explains tidbits of his many traits and pretends he's a beginner in using his ghost form. "I wish I can teach this art really but I can't. that's why i'm here in Marblegate to learn more about it." He said lying to this angel once more.

    "Now, who are you and what are your intention if you manage to learn this ability?" Jesse asked. "Oh, and by the way, is that odd girl with you?"

  3. so Balor just drop the belt and just when I thought Roman is gonna win it again(cuz you know those roman memes will never die). boy oh boy, the wwe pull a quick one on me.

    K.O. wins the belt with the help of HHH by screwing Rollins in the process in a fatal 4 way.

  4. What the? is that angel gonna flatten me? Yup, I think he does, and by the looks of it, he's coming in fast too...Well, Shit. Jesse thought to himself as he looks at the sky not a moment too soon before the collision. By all means, The wingless angel can easily dodge the collision being a trained acrobat and all, but that would be a dead giveaway posing as a common civilian.Jesse tumbles and took the hit from the angel as minimal contact as he could.

    Jesse hits the ground and looks up at the angel who tackled him from the sky.

    "Oh. Looks like I miscalculated my landing.You´re not from here right? Were are you from? What´s your magic type?"

    "You sure know who to make an entrance just to ask me that," Jesse said to the angel that nearly trample him from above. "And may i ask why are you asking me these questions? you can't just drop into people like tthat and interrogate them." Jesse said to the Angel, there's no way he'll give his information to a random stranger angel not where there's a killer on this city.

    Just before Jesse was about to pick himself up, he heard a voice and saw a human girl approaching the scene and shamelessly introduce herself.

    "Foul agent of the Organization! There is no more need for hiding, I shall face you here and now! Though your masters may be powerful, they shall soon learn the might of the just!You shall now witness the true power of what is right!The powers of justice grant me the strength to destroy both light and dark, you stand no chance against me, the one who brings true justice to both light and darkness, Twilight Avenger!"

    What are you talking about!? foul agent? power of justice? twilight wut! Oh, it's just the city's local loony, every city has one I supposed. Marblegate is no exception.Jesse thought to himself.

    "Is this part of a street prank? Ok, Marblegate you got me, where are the hidden cameras?" The angel said, forcing a laugh. "I think i've wasted enough time here, now if you'll excuse me I got important matters to attend to, mrs.bringer of justice and Mr. Angel. hehe" Jesse mocks the two and walks past them, ignoring them and continues to walk into the city streets.

  5. This is degrading, The silent angel's heir reduce in guarding a small mouse, Why did I agree in being this rodent's guardian angel. Perhaps I should go with my original plan and mount this rodent into a wall.

    No Jesse, NO. An angel promise is sacred. This mouse is part of the team. not for sport. this mouse is part of the team. not for sport. Jesse repeated thought to himself as watch the mouse squeaks away in annoyance.

    "Fine, I'll leave you be" Jesse said, finally agreeing with Lucy. "Such a lovely mouse, can't wait to see your other pet..Farewell now" The angel sardonically said as he waves his goodbye.

    And with that, The sniper vanished into a wall and went through it like a ghost, He did not care anymore if Lucy or anyone saw him do this ability.(implying that the blind girl can sense it) Just as long he can get away from that high pitch squeak and fulfill his duty as a watchful angel.

  6. Arthur, Phase 1 of the side quest

    "Ay, may my quest go silkier than a silver wing" Arthur saluted back to the two loonies who clearly are natural sea-born such as himself. And with that,Arthur heads for the gates where he finds a stiff grumpig guarding the door.

    "Say, fancy manor you got here, old emerald sure knows how to built his place, yes sir.. he suuuurre did.." Arthur started off talking to the purple pig.

    "you know what else would make this place even more great?" Arthur paused as he side-hugs the Grumpig. "A laborer wartortle named Arthur, who knows the pokemon sea like the back of his hand" The Navigator proudly introduce himself while looking at his nails.

    "So,What do you say? care to add this wartortle to the city's population and let me enter?" Arthur said with a toothy smile, hoping his charm will work on the Grumpig, considering their species has the word 'Grump' in their name.

  7. "I doubt anyone else would follow me from the way i came here, I'm like a ghost traveling through the city" Jesse said to Lucy, which is literally true. "As for the merchant, i think he's about block or two, i wasn't really paying attention to it to be honest."

    "Why'd you ask? Do you have something..Oh..." Jesse puts two plus two together and knows it has something to do with the girl. why else she would be asking these questions.

    "Anyways If that's what you want, I wish you good fortune Mrs.Lucille and I suggest you keep your pets in check before someone puts them down.I'll protect them if I see em in the streets, but only if the reason is just." The young angel said, revealing what he knows of the blind girl.

  8. Oh, right. Jesse thought to himself, bumping his palm into nogging, feeling embarrassed of what he just said. "I didn't mean to offend you in any way, it's just that, this mouse I'm after, I'm not sure where he got this gem from but I'm pretty sure that gem is enchanted from the way it glows, this is the city of angels after all and most of their stuff has some magical enchantment or something. " Jesse said as he describes on what he saw to the blind girl.

    "The reason why I'm hunting this mouse is because for sport really, Once I lay my eyes upon my target, I wouldn't stop until I capture it or kill it. It's kinda a weird obsession don't you think?" The young sniper released an audible chuckle as he went digging up for trash in the corner finding clues where this rodent went.

    Clearly, this girl is no help in satisfying the sniper curiosity in hunting the rodent, I guess I have to use my true sight to find its location then. Jesse took a deep breath and scans the place as his eyes glow white.

    He begins investigates every corner of this alley as he detects traces of footprints in Lucy's skin, one belongs to the mouse he's after and one seems to belong to a strange huge creature that he never seen before.

    their footprints lead to the walls and straight into god knows where in Marblegate.

    "You know what, forget it. I've changed my mind. I'll look for the killer instead." The angel's tone suddenly change, Like he knows the mouse is somehow connected to Lucy and would leave it be.

    "you know we angels are the most helpful race there is..are you sure you don't wanna any help while i'm here?"
  9. As Jesse was walking through the city streets, He saw something odd along the way, not many can see this little rascal running around through the busy streets, but in the eyes of a marksman, Jesse can see it as bright as the day itself, A small mouse carrying a radiant crystal in its tiny paws scampering between the huge crowd.

    Well there's something you don't see everyday. The kid thought to himself as his curiosity got the best of him. Without a moment to waste, Jesse starts running, activating his otherworldly vision to see where its tiny footprints went. He was in a hot pursuit, tracking down the mouse, The boy took a turn through the alleyways for a shortcut. his own kind of shortcut! Jesse dash through a wall like it wasn't even there and continues his pursuit, Jesse was like a swift wind in his ghost form, phasing through solid-objects and was going faster and faster with every step he makes.

    And finally, Jesse comes to a halt. Its tracks ends here.Jesse thought to himself as he sees the corner of the alley where the mouse went. He was exhausted and needed a breather. I mean come on he chase a mouse across the city just to satisfy his curiosity.The angel turns off his true sight and walks slowly in the corner.

    "Hey you there!" Jesse yelled to the blind girl at the alley. The kid approaches slowly upon close inspection. "Oh, it's you! I remember you, you're part of the team. Mrs. Lucyis it?" Jesse tone change into a friendlier one as soon as he recognized the girl.

    "So having any luck finding some information about the killer? By the way before you answer that, have you seen a mouse carrying a shiny uhmm, thingamajig run pass this parts?" Jesse questioned Lucille while snooping around her back like a kid. Of course Jesse could turn on his otherworldly vision to see where the mouse went but hey it's no coincidence a member of her team is here so might as well ask Lucy.
  10. "Bookstore at the northeast corner of the city. Might find a lead or two. If you can't find me, I'll make sure you can when dark hits. ~~Raziel

    PS: Might be a good idea to find a taller building. I could see you from the bell tower. At least hide a little better if you're thinking of scouting."

    "Not bad," Jesse smirks at the note the water angel drop off from above. Perhaps I should change into my wraith form and take this more seriously in doing this, I doubt even a trained eye can't see even if I was right in front of them. Jesse thought to himself as he kept the paper as a reminder. A good sniper knows his position has been compromised, time to change location then.

    Jesse, the City Streets

    And with that, the kid walks towards a wall and went through it like a ghost, vanishing in plain sight. As silent as the wind, Jesse reappears into the city streets as he casually walks towards the northeast part of Marblegate, where Raziel requested in meeting him.

  11. Jesse, hidden on top of a high vantage, Miles away from the group, Separated (kinda)

    "Well, I see the group, man they sure take their time walking..." Jesse said through the scope of his rifle, The angel is watching them, stalking them as they stroll around the parts of Marblegate. Jesse put down his gun and sighed

    "Perhaps I shouldn't focus on them too much, I'm not sure if the killer would take Mr. Gabriel's bait." The sniper thought to himself "think Jesse..think, if i wanna bugger with the Alliance who will i target? our killer has a pattern, the killer likes its victims newsworthy, he likes attention. He'll probably target some rich snobs or something just to gain some reputation." Jesse thought to himself.

    Jesse scans the place as keeps a look out for any fancy rich looking people down below his area.

  12. Jesse arrived at the City of Angels along with the company of others. He takes a whiff of the fresh mountain air and admires the pleasant sight of Marblegate city from afar. It's hard to believe this is what the killer is after, a utopia built by these angels. Those criminals must really be an asshole to start a ruckus in this sacred ground. Jesse thought to himself as he looks at the otherworldly buildings and breathtaking sights this place has to offer.

    "Well, we'll have to find a bolthole first so we can rendezvous and share information throughout the week"

    "Uhm, Yeah, you guys go do that," Jesse said, scratching his head. "I'm just gonna go ahead and get ahead start and uhmm gather some intel, yeah that's right some Intel...Uhm..Bye now!" He said to the team and begins to run away before anyone can react. Oh, what a terrible liar the Kid was, Jesse is just excited and just wanted to see the sights firsthand and get to know the place even more. But of course, not forgetting his mission throughout his sightseeing.

    "and don't worry I won't get lost!" Jesse yelled out, full of energy, waving his hand from the distance and continues to run towards the city.

    After losing sight of his team, He stops running, Jesse walks alone into the city gates as he carries violin case in his hand. Inside that case, there's a hidden compartment that conceals his weapon: his rifle and his ammo as he disguises himself as a common human musician. And why wouldn't he? the last thing Jesse wants is unwanted attention and panic from the crowd if someone sees him carrying high-powered rifle on his back.

  13. "Perhaps this killer is one step ahead of us, But we got a lead. it's better than nothing, right? As for their motive, It must be pretty drastic since they're killing people and what not. My order compels me to stop them by any means. and heck if we're lucky we might get info from them. I'm sure we'll improvise if something comes up and screw us in our butts." Jesse said to Jorgen with a bright smile and all squinty eyes, thinking of the positive outcome. Clearly, the cyborg has many doubts about this mission, maybe he's program this way, can't blame the metalic soldier for playing safe until he has all the details he needs.

  14. "Don't worry, you'll blend in just fine, Mr.Jorgen." Jesse said to the cyborg, trying to cheer up the soldier. "We're heading to a place where multiple races are present, I'm sure they don't mind a huge metal fellow such as yourself hanging around there." He said.

    "Which is both a good thing or a bad thing. Most of us can blend in with the crowd since like Mr.Vermillio said we don't have any records and it's like we never existed in this world which is a good thing. The downside is the killer can blend in the massive crowd as well, which is like finding a needle in a haystack. A haystack full of delicates and different races." the sniper said. Jesse has a few tricks in identifying what they are after and he's pretty confident that most of his teammates has something to offer as well.

    "In order to catch a killer, you have to think like a killer, that's why most probably the Alliance chose us to represent them." The angel said,pointing his temple with his index finger.

  15. Jesse rested his chin on both of his hands as he watched the grown-ups talk; like a kid following the conversation from left to right with only his eyes moving.

    "Well, it´s great to see everyone up and hyped for the hunt. It´s truly a shame I can´t go too, but I´ll be cheering for you - for all a demon´s cheering is worth anyway. Anymore questions before you start?"

    Well, what a pity.I was expecting more of a motivational pep talk or perhaps a bravado from Mr.Vermillio rather than telling us to don't forget to send your commander a coded greeting card if your mission was a success and IF only If you're not pushing daisies during the outcome of this mission.At least he could try to be more inspirational before sending us away. The angel taught to himself and snorted. Welp might as well drink the kool aid and get this over with.

    "No questions here, mister.. uhmm.. sir.. uhmm..commander Vermillio..sir" Jesse stammered as he tries to perform a sorry excuse of a proper salute.

  16. So our mission is simple: Cut off the head of the snake who's responsible for this hideous crime and the body will wither along with it, Got it...Well if only if that's damn easy. Jesse sighed. It's a dangerous hunting game, to see if we're on the brink of war while these crazy people disrupts the peace between races. The angel got a sudden itch on his trigger finger and the urge of hunting these criminals down from the way Vermillio describe them.

    "Consider me in, Mr. Vermillio. I'm up for the hunt, moving targets were always my favorites. Especially the sneaky ones." The sniper said with a smile and was eager to help his Demon commander.

    "I'll be the team's shooter from above, your eye in the sky, A guardian angel if you will. I'll provide cover from a distance while you guys go ahead do your own thing from below. Rest assure none of this murderous fiends will escape my sights once I lay my eyes upon them." Jesse said with a mischievous smile, His eyes flicker in a white ethereal glow for a second as it returns back to its normal blueish color.
  17. As the angels were talking, One particular introduction caught Jesse's attention that made him snort out an ample air through his nostrils. A bratty little girl who seems to wield a fancy rifle than him and has the nerve to call his weapon "a pea shooter". Being rude and has a sour demeanor? Yep, that's a sign of overcompensating if I ever saw one, I would think of a comeback, but i'll let it slide for now, you win this one, sleepy girl. Jesse thought to himself, as pays no attention to it. Jesse is childish in a way but is nowhere near compare to this brat. He crossed his arms like nothing happened and continues to listen to Raziel.

    "Something...isn't quite right with this whole business.I've had experiences with plenty of demons from our "great" worlds "military experiences" and none have ever acted like this"I'm not quite sure what he's trying to get at though. More information probably."

    "Demons, amirite? cunning enigmatic creatures they are" Jesse nodded in agreement.

    "You know..I have the ability to see beyond the mortal eye, beyond deceit even. I could probably take a gander at one of these demons and figure out what makes them so special." The sniper said, contemplating whether to use his x-ray ability just for kicks, while focusing his sights at the demons from across the room. "Or perhaps not," Jesse looks away and leans back in his chair. "Trust is what's important in a team, it would unethical to invade one's privacy." He said, turning his attention once more to his fellow angel.

    "So anyways, your past experiences with the demons, are they a pleasant one I presume?" The angel asked Raziel.

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