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Everything posted by Color

  1. Hm, I was thinking about Forretress since I am getting close to the Poison gym. That will probably be my rotation since it will only get hit for neutral damage from a ground move and I think ice moves are weak against steel as well. That means my next task will be searching for heart scales so I can at least get Bug Bite (and hopefully gyro ball) by the ice gym.
  2. DAMNIT I was so ready to jump out of my bed and do like a triple backflip? My baby Wobbu getting a mega evo and becoming more beastly and forbidden /sighs Heaven.
  3. /inb4Mamosweepsmyteam XD I should record it just for you guys to have some lulz
  4. Surprisingly Psychic haven't been much of a problem because of mah skunky, but yea I agree with you there, ground types are going to destroy my life once I encounter them XD I have petilil in the box chillin with the others, so if I run into a troublesome gym leaders (coughcough Hardyinfutureepisodes cough) I will be okay. Honestly, the hardest challenges I have had overall is Flobot. Unless the ice gym leader proves me wrong, I've been having a smooth sailing so far.
  5. King, Lunar has the full right to have whatever movesets he wants. Just because its a character going into a fic doesn't mean the movesets should be straight out brute force either. Just saying. Not meaning to be rude.
  6. I already have pics of them in my siggy, but I'll display their movesets. Note: Idgaf about natures, so I'm not listing those. Hedgehog (Typhlosion) Level 42 ~ Flame Charge ~Flame Wheel ~Swift ~ Smokescreen (I lieks accuracy hax) Lust (Emolga) Lvl 43 ~Acrobatics ~Spark ~Light Screen ~ Volt Switch (This set is actually good only because my Emolga happens to carry and Adamant nature along with being a speedy sonofabitch) Vicious (Granbull) Lvl 42 ~ Headbutt ~Rock Smash ~Shadow Ball ~ Charm (Deadly with the constant para hax since it has its Quick Feet. A surprisingly good powerhouse too, once she gets in her groove) Le Pew (Skuntank) Lvl 42 ~Acid Spray ~ Flamethrower ~Toxic ~ Night Slash (my lovely physical tank. Toxic ALL TEH POKES) Viper (Arbok) Lvl 42 ~Acid Spray ~ Glare ~ Crunch ~ Mud Bomb (This one is a little bit tanky on both sides surprisingly. My status king. Hax ALL TEH POKES) Ape Escape (Primeape) Lvl 43 ~ Karate Chop ~Cross Chop ~Assurance ~Seismic Toss I just finish beating Kiki on my second try, only because I literally walked in there blind, not expecting the kind of shit she had on her team. (No I didn't sweep with just Emolga). With a little line-up she was quite easy to get through. I know I don't have the most typical pokes on my team, but hey they got me this far without a problem. However, any later suggestions for future back-up teams (after I'm done with episode nine) will be helpful ^^
  7. I need more confidence in myself v_v Someone willing to help me in the ways of the OU tier? I understand EVs and all that fun stuff, but I don't know OU Pokemon that well. I really can't play the predicition game if I do not know the common movesets that the Pokemon carry x _X So yea, teambuilding would be helpful XD
  8. Color


    Slapping random shit on here because i <3 artz http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu7/Xashia/scan0001-9.jpg <--- Female Werewolfy http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu7/Xashia/Piggy.jpg <--- Cute little Anthro Piggy girl with wings and stuffz http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu7/Xashia/Elking.jpg<----- Elk Anthromorph with a bow :x http://s628.photobucket.com/user/Xashia/media/Tigress.jpg.html?sort=3&o=37 <---- Tigress the Earthbound Pony XD http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu7/Xashia/MARV.jpg <---- Random Pic of a Gun http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu7/Xashia/Galaxy.jpg <-- One of the few hardasses in my old high school art class that wanted to use Spray paint on my sketchbook http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu7/Xashia/scan0003.jpg <--- Chibeh Angel, I was in love with bangs at the time. This was about two years ago so I was still playing with shading, highlights, and shadows http://s628.photobucket.com/user/Xashia/media/Bat.jpg.html?sort=3&o=65 <--- Old Gaia character wayyy back in the day XD http://s628.photobucket.com/user/Xashia/media/draw6.jpg.html?sort=3&o=67 <--- Going back to the 2009 days. Ahhh~ Freshman year http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu7/Xashia/draw8.jpg<--- Back when I was obssessed with Naurto and created an OC. Her name is unoriginal don't judge me I was 13 going on 14.
  9. Up and happy as a clam ^.^

    1. Rycast


      How happy are clams? Think about it =P

    2. Color


      D: They are not happy when eaten ;-;

  10. Well, when I meant by tragedy I meant that because of Color's promiscuous nature she probably would not stay with Dwayne for long. However, you could use them in a Shakespearean type a way. Probably not as extreme as Romeo and Juliet, but probably being heavily injured is cool with me. Anyways on to the movesets~ These are going to be weird so forgive me in advance XD I'll explain. Crest (Quilava)- Flamethrower, Swift, Roar, Toxic Raila (Raichu) - Wish, Protect, Volt Tackle, Reversal Shield (Wobbufett) Counter, Mirror Coat, Mimic, and Destiny Bond (About the Mimic.There was a Wobbufett back when G/S/C were released and they actually gave out a Wobbufett with Mimic. I still have this Wobbu to this day with this same moveset so I thought it was appropriate xP Tank (Venusaur)- Swords Dance, Vine Whip, Toxic, Hidden Power Fire Kopo (Magikarp)- Flail, Bounce, Reversal, Hydro Pump (Another event set. Gamefreak had also released both a Hydro Pump Karp a few months back and a Reversal Karp back when Gold, Silver, and Crystal were released at the time. Yea, I wanted to have a Magikarp with a slight fighting spirit so I had bred those two event pokes, which came out to be a Karp with both Reversal and Hydro Pump XD This fishy is amazing <3) Raphael (Smeargle): Substitute, Baton Pass, Spore, Bulk Up
  11. Now that is rare. I haven't had a monotype batle in a loonnng time. It reminds me of the Dragon vs. Electric battle that I had like three years ago. Ah~ Best. Battle. Evar.
  12. Nu Battles whoop! <3 PO has been annoying me lately though, so I have been secretly hanging around in Pokemon Showdown :C @pwb I have lost my sanity before I graduated high school D: But I love crazy people so that's okay <3
  13. I was thinking more of Person's idea. It makes more sense to me. I can understand a single Pokemon having the ability to combine its moves in a creative fashion, but t I've only seen that with like contests, not the actually battling. I'm sure all the Pokemon have that potential, but its not common for the trainer to be aware of it.
  14. Hmmm, well I never really used combinations honestly. So I don't think I'll be using any honestly. o.o
  15. Suffering through allergies. Chest pains + stuffy nose= T.T

  16. To answer your first post: I didn't mean to offend lolz, I wasn't trying to have my character think that you and Brock acted the same (because Brock is pretty out there when it comes to flirting), but it was merely a tease and her desiring to see your character act the same way as Brock does. Second: Well, you don't HAVE to call me that. Jester or Color works for me. Jester is merely a secondary name. It is only because my trainer title is The Evolutionary Jester, and I'm pretty sure no one wants to say that over and over again, so I just shortened it up to Jester. Again, it's no offense to me. :3
  17. Alright ^^ I didn't want to make my post bigger than it already was (Since I have the tendency of making gigantic posts) >.> Brb to read your guy's posts again. Edit~ Josh: "Can you not be sarcastic douche for ONE day? Honestly, are gonna catch me in a BITCHY mood eventually..." Color is not too fond of Josh because of his sarcastic nature. She is not a fan of sarcastic people, and most of them that she has ran into has either A. Pissed her off even more or B. Pissed her Raichu off even more. However, his somewhat impulsive behavior makes him somewhat tolerable in her eyes, so she can see them having a mutual friendship at least. Dwayne: (If she was an antihero) Cute annnnnddd delicious~ You remind me of someone. You know that guy that always play with his silly rock Pokemon? Brock was it? It doesn't matter. Too bad you're part of the good guys. But either way handsome, you got my attention, let's see if I can make you dance!~" After running into Dwayne, Color can see herself having an on and off flirtatious roundabout with the trainer. Even though his hero attitude can get quite irritating, and probably even liking him would end in a tragedy, that doesn't mean battling him wouldn't be exciting! Besides, who want to tease him into a flustered, babbling idiot? Rose: "Can I admit something? You remind me a lot like of my mother. N-No, not saying that is a bad thing! I'm just saying...eh...you are one of the very few people where I can be calm around, y'know? Ah, you probably don't like being around me because I'm all loud and shit, but I'm telling the truth. Don't mention this to anyone else!! Okay?" Color was quick to pick on the fact that Rose doesn't like to be around females much, but that didn't stop Color from meeting her. Because she reminds her a lot of her mother (both a quiet and reserved woman), she is a lot more docile around her than anyone else. She is quite interesting to the Jester, and even though she may not talk much around her, Color honestly wants to get to know her more and hopefully create a friendly bond.
  18. Lol. That's cute that you think I have any sanity left ;3 I tossed that out a loooongggg time ago my friend. I heard those flaming pits would be a nice home for my fire babies <3
  19. I'm a fanfic junkie, so whenever you are set with your writing I call dibs on reading it XD Name: Color (yup this is practically my character for any and all pokemon fanfics/rp) Age: 19 Gender: Female Hometown: Three Island (from the Sevii Islands in FireRed/LeafGreen) Family: Seven older brothers along with her Ma and Pa. Appearance: She stands only a measly 4'9'', but her white combat boots boosts her up to about 5 feet exactly. She has black spiky and often gelled, should length hair. Her bangs are long enough to hang over her eyes, so most of the time her audience does not know what color her eyes are. However, they are indeed hazel. Overall, she is a bit thin, but she does carry slight curves around her waist. Her signature outfit consists of a fairly Victorian-looking dress with a bit of modern flair. The waist portion consists of corset, while the ends of the dress consists of small white frails and a large red bow in the back of her dress. Her hands consist of black fingerless gloves. Personality: Because of being a performer stemming from the Sevii Isles, Color is very bold, blunt, and quick-tempered for her age. While most think she is childish for carrying such a personality, she sees it as refreshing. While her hot-hotheadedness can often lead to foul language on her part, Color is quite friendly to be around. She has no problem going through large lengths to cheer both Pokemon and people up. However, with all the attention that she used to get from her previous performances as an acrobatic Color is also VERY flirtatious. She will not hesitate to make a man trail after her. In fact, she will most likely hit on a guy first before he has a chance to even speak about her. Her passionate and fiery attitude does have some flaws. With her being able to get angry so quickly she can get emotional very quickly, diving into useless battles without a bat of an eyelash. Her childish nature also carries a slight submissive nature (which probably explains her attraction to leaders and co-leaders of evil organizations). Someone who is quite intelligent will have no problem manipulating and directing Color's tempers to their own cause. Hobbies: Battling, Climbing trees, Swimming, Doing acrobatic stunts and performances for others, Flirting, Socializing Habits: Color, when bored, often battles with her own Pokemon in order to keep up with her athletic abilities. When is doing that she usually runs off to, yup you got it, find the next guy to hook up with. Team(put what your full team will be here no legendarys please and only one shiny per person): Quilava (Crest)- Received as her Starter. Often being seen carried in Color's arms. He is very spoiled, and will not battle unless a Pokemon aggravates him, or he is interested in the battle. He does listen to Color's every command...even though he does pout. Wobbufett (Shield)- Caught in a hidden cave. A very carefree Pokemon that bounds into battle without a worry. He acts like a punching bag for Raila. Raichu (Raila)- Found abandoned near Lt. Surge's gym. A very violent and hot-headed mouse just like its owner. When her owner becomes angry her electric power has a tendency to double. She is very cocky and loves to battle opponents tougher than her. When she is not participating in Color's performances. she often uses Shield as a punch bag to work on her Attack power. Venusaur (Tank)- Caught deep within a forest where the evolutionary ceremonies of Bulbasaur and Ivysaur take place. A recently evolved Venusaur that has a sadist nature to its battling. He will not hesitant to watch his opponent suffer before taking it down completely. His favorite move is to bind his victim with his vine and strangle them until either Color or its trainer tells him to stop. However, Tank is a complete sweetheart towards Color and always demands either a hug or even a small cuddling session from his trainer. Magikarp (Kopo)- Caught on one of the water routes with an old rod. Being one of the few Magikarps that can actually fight, Kopo is quite docile in nature. No one is really sure why Color caught this Magikarp. Raphael (Smeargle)- Given to Color by one of Whitney's friends. Probably the friendliest out of all of Color's Pokemon. Being the third Pokemon to help out with Color's performances, Raphael loves to meet new people and Pokemon alike. He often likes to stick his nose where it doesn't belong which often requires either Color or one of his other Poke friends to help him out. Even though his curious and gullible nature often leads him into trouble, Raphael is loyal to his trainer nonetheless. He is often paired with Kopo to increase her own battle peformance, but is very willing to help his other friends out too. Raphael is also used often to get Color at of dire situations ie. being surrounded by goons or wild Pokemon Honestly, you can treat her however you want. She could be an antihero, part of the evil team you're using (through manipulation of her emotions of course, or she can just be like a supporting characters that frequently pops up. She's yours to command and control~
  20. Woah. Well thank you very much kind sir X3 It seems there is a lot to do in the Reborn region, even after beating the ninth episode. Good, I needed something to keep me busy while I wait. Again, thanks.
  21. Nineteen hours and counting. I'm on the part where I'm gonna go fight that retired Fire leader. At this point I am just doing a bit of exploring before I continue with the game. I just caught a Petilil not to long ago actually. But this oncoming fight is not going to be fun since the sun is out T-T Thank god for Typlo's Flash Fire <3
  22. Sorry to cut in with all Fern raging (XD) but am I only one that is actually attracted to Cain? Maybe it is just me and because both Cain and I have similar personalities >> NO! I don't like to date raep people, but I sure do like to flirt like him xP Ahem, anyways I think Fern is amusing to say the least. The fact that he cannot admit to his mistakes or douchery makes me laugh even harder at him. His whole dialogue when you get trapped in the cages ....Let's just say if Fern was a bit older and a bit more attractive, then I would gladly replace him with Cain. But for now he's just a cute, raging lil nooblet <3
  23. Azurill. Definitely Azurill. It's cute and it has Huge Power as an ability. LC Glass Cannon ftw <3
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