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12 Fledgling

About EternalJinn

  • Birthday 06/13/1998

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    None-I'm the nowhere man
  • Interests
    POKEMON, yugioh, beyblade, marvel movies, biomedical engineering, robotics

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  1. Random Thought: if we have the pokemon anime, does that mean the pokemon world has an anime tv show called Animals where a 10 year old Michael Vick and his dog try to catch them all and be the very best? (just to clarify this isn't a criticism, I just watched a new episode of Pokemon Rusty and was thinking of fucked up a pokemon world could get)


    1. Combat


      Well, animals do in fact exist in the Pokemon world, up to and including dogs, fish, and elephants. The Pokemon world is just our worlds with extra regions after all, since Minnesota is still a place.

    2. Dreamy


      I think that most references to normal animals in the pokemon world would just be the pokedex being the pokedex. however maybe normal animals went extinct due to the presence of pokemon? I feel like an animals TV show would be kinda unlikely because if they were represented even semi-accurately, for the most part regular animals would be much more boring and less intelligent than pokemon.

      With regard to the region thing, I feel like either those mentions are also either non-canon (and possibly just localization's fault) or that the pokemon regions are their respective areas of earth that they're based off, rather than being extra regions, which would probably mean that places like Minnesota are also just other places in other regions of the pokemon world and would be entirely different to the ones we have here.

      just my two cents.

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