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Status Replies posted by Lostelle

  1. Seeking a save file which hasn't located any of the helpers for Adrienn's quest. Will credit you in my video anyone can help me out. <3

    1. Lostelle


      That'd be fine. It wouldn't be a problem to do the story.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Anyone know how to get the Devon Scope (or whatever it's called) so I can remove the Kecleon's around the Beryl Ward?

  3. It's going to take a while for me to get used to the new website. Despite its flaws the old one felt like everything was accessible more quickly.

    1. Lostelle


      I like the old one better, this one keeps logging me out. :[

  4. I have decided to get the GTX 1080 in 3 weeks time, im excited.

    1. Lostelle


      I was thinking about doing the same, although I have no money for it right now, and I want to wait for more of the other companies to release their versions. Maybe I'll go with the 1070. I have a 144hz as well but I usually don't max everything out anyways. x)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. My graphic card basically died and until I get another one my computer looks like an ironic meme hell,.

  6. My lil brothers got a laptop at age 8 and 10... Back in my day I didn't get a laptop till I was 14 and when I was around their age, all I wanted was a bike...

    1. Lostelle


      Yeah. I feel you.

  7. anyone know what this forums timezone is? on the RWBY topic it says the last post was made by me yesterday but i made that post today and tomorrows still 3 and a half hours away for me

  8. Ah, quick question, but how do I post a video? ^^

  9. what is the correct order for breeding? is it nature, iv, then moves?

  10. Um, I blacked out on a Tauros on Route 1 in order to do the Beldum event, but when I showed up at Aya's house the Tauros dissapeared. Am I supposed to do something differently? (I'm doing this before fighting Radomus, if that helps)

  11. Well, off I go. Goodbye everybody, please behave in my absence :P

  12. "oh, i know how i'd get senpai to notice me! ill fucking kidnap their daughter and hold them for ransom." guys, venam is officially my waifu

    1. Lostelle


      I chose to kill her, but


      she doesn't die, the nurse girl (forgot her name already) breaks the stone in half and runs off

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  13. Do mining rocks ever come back?

    1. Lostelle


      no, but if you use blast powder I think then yeah

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. So..I have use Google Chrome for about 7 years. Decided to install Mozilla Firefox for the first time ever...I have only fool around with it for like 27 minutes I already can said Firefox>Chrome

    1. Lostelle


      I used to use Firefox, I like Chrome because it's cleaner looking

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Magnezone is quickly becoming better and better in my eyes.

    1. Lostelle


      i remember 2 mag 2 drag, those were the days :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. As a general rule of thumb: before posting to lament that a Pokemon you have faced in Reborn is behaving strangely, a quick search (both on Google to read about the abilities it normally gets, and here to see if it was given some special tweaks in Reborn) would be a wise thing to do...

    1. Lostelle


      Ah yes, the same people who play Pixelmon and know nothing about Pokémon at all..

  17. Our kitten was just found at the bottom of the pool. It's difficult to determine when it happened, but chances are when it did I was upstairs, playing video games...

  18. Ever since updating I get stuck if I enter Opal Ward from Obsidia.. Why?

    1. Lostelle


      Just wait, it should work, or hold one of the direction keys

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. This is what I have to deal with http://imgur.com/dJyBvT7 http://imgur.com/qQ6Q6wJ When I agreed to coming to Israel no one gave me the heads up netflix and crunchy roll isnt available...

    1. Lostelle


      Maybe you should enjoy being in a foreign country and do other things besides sit on a computer.. just a thought.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. Doesn't this make you all wish you were on showdown when I was? http://prntscr.com/7rnrjg http://prntscr.com/7rnry1

  21. I didn't MEAN to break the site, it just happened.

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