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Posts posted by pbood2

  1. OK first of all BlackWarGreymon is AMAZING and adorable in the series so checkmark to you lol.

    I'm 23 almost 24 so it's cool you're close to my age.

    What's your ideal career and why?

    Digimon or Pokemon or both for anime and games wise?

    Triumphant or adorable moment in your life or that you witnessed?

    I hope I can get to know you better over time. You seem like a cool dude. :) Have a great day/night.

  2. When did you decide you wanted to be non-binary and why did you decide to?

    What interests/hobbies do you have or like to do?

    What do you strive to become later in life? How old are you?

    An embarrassing moment you wish to share? A touching moment you witnessed and why you thought it was?

    How did I do on the questions asking :) Have a great day/night.

  3. Favorite food?

    Pizza or Mac N Cheese?

    Starly or Fletchling?

    Zubat or Woobat?

    Pokemon Digimon?

    How old are you?

    If you had a chance to go back in time ONCE, where would you go?

    Do you like turtles?

    Favourite Food: Schnitzel with Family Recipe Potato Salad (made rarely though), Stir Fry


    OOH that's a tough one but Starly

    Zubat for sure

    Both I'm sorry they both are amazing for both games and anime

    23 (24 in November)

    High School for sure so I could focus, do well in math especially and pursue an official business administration degree instead of the health studies one I had to listen to my parents and get because of bad grade 12 math marks sigh...

    Turtles are cool but slow lol. ;)

    Thanks for the awesome questions Armored :) Have a great day/night.

  4. Why is your name pbood2? Was there a pbood1? What is a pbood?

    I thought I would get this question lol.

    My fake name so people can't trace me over the internet is Patrick Bood so I shortened that into pbood a long time ago and I just used it for everything online like emails, accounts on things, etc. Why there's a 2, I really have no clue. I guess it's just something that happened like fate lol. A pbood is a male pboob ;)

    Thanks for the question Cyanna :)

  5. Hello everyone.

    I see the trend of AMAs is rolling around again with people making threads.

    I love interacting and socializing with people so AMA time (I'm open to any non-R7 questions). It's fiery because of my sunglasses typhlosion avatar. :)

    Have fun coming up with cool questions. I'll reply quickly most times because I got nothing better to do while job hunting lol.

    Have a great day/night and type to you soon ;)

  6. I actually consider Insurgence a pretty weak game both in story and gameplay, its only strength being in my opinion the design of its fakemons and new moves, such as the New Moon mechanic or Mega Dugtrio for instance (I just love Mega Dugtrio). However, taking into account that Reborn tries to stick to the cannon gameplay it has nothing to take from Insurgence,unless Ame had a sudden interest on adding fakemons.

    Sadly I disagree that Insurgence is a weak game in terms of gameplay and story. I personally love the cult angle that Insurgence has and I'm always excited to see what will happen next. Reborn is also amazing at storytelling. I guess I'm just not as harsh and critical on the creators for their hard work and attempt to make something amazing as other people are. :) I do agree the fakemon is a huge plus but saying it's a weak game for story and gameplay is a harsh assessment.

    Ame and Suzerain would make an amazing game full of online, mystery gifts, other features with an amazing plot and gameplay. I'm sure of it and I'm curious if it would ever happen.

  7. of course my phone is one version behind the required android with no update in sight :(

    Blackberry with Android 4.3 when it needs 4.4 minimum? Yeah I googled it a couple days ago and it's impossible for them to do 4.4 so we are out of luck then. :( If you don't have a blackberry ignore my rambling then lol.

    Good luck figuring something out though. :)

  8. I'm always available due to being done with university so up to you. I lost by one turn during atlantis so I don't think I'm a bad battler even though i am 2-2 so far.

    Good luck to everyone battling this week and let's get a win this week if possible. :)

  9. These are all awesome ideas so great job coming up with them. I'll try to follow that format but I can't promise I will when I do it especially because the fun part of deltas for me is the designs and abilities and new typings and the possibilities because of it. :)

    Keep up the amazing ideas. I hope all you delta lovers will like the deltas Pokemon Darkness has in store.

  10. I wish I could see what this game is all about but even though I can download it on my blackberry z10 which can play some android apps, this one and Record Keeper will not open and load for some reason. Does this app need google services if anyone knows? Oh by the way, all I see when I click and open the app is a black screen which never progresses onto the game and I always have to close the app or else it would be a black screen forever.

    It annoys and bothers me that they are not making apps or games anymore that support Blackberry like people still use Blackberry gaming companies sigh...

    Anyways this does look amazing and I wish I could play and enjoy like you guys :)

  11. Won vs Pbood.

    GG and sorry for the crits again


    Great game Mde. Sorry for pushing it to happen quicker than even I expected (I was thinking at least thursday but then I thought of last time where I practiced like crazy and got swept by slurpuff and I saw DW go straight for it so I'm like I will too lol)

    That crit at the end was clutch and my sandstorm WOULD have been clutch if I won because of sand rush stoutland and fire fang but great game and good luck to you in the future week battles. :D

    Have a great night/day. :)

  12. This is an awesome idea.

    Pokemon Darkness is doing Deltas from TCG so we will try our best to come up with as amazing ideas and concepts as you guys most likely will so we hope you enjoy them when we reveal them. :)

    I kind of wish if we ever get stuck, we could use this thread as a helper such as Baz with his CAMP thread for Guardians but we would need permission or something right. If someone could let me know, that would be greatly appreciated.

    I'll post some of my own ideas later once a few others post. :)

    Thanks for coming up with this thread idea Lord Chespin and have a great day/night.

  13. This sounds cool.

    Does it matter if I would be a newbie at RPing? If it doesn't matter, I would love to take part in this since it's pokemon and sounds really cool. I really like the Shadow Pokemon concept and how it's related to XD and Colosseum.

    Looks like you have lots of interested people too so I think this should be a successful endeavour so I wish you good luck. :)

  14. Happy Birthday Ark!! :) Hope your birthday is amazing and full of happiness and joy.

    Thanks for always being an awesome mod and helping people out with signature length issues without giving points. It's much appreciated and thanks personally for helping me figure out how to recruit my Team Darkness a long time ago when I first started Pokemon Darkness. :D

    Have an awesome day.

  15. I'm always available from now since I finished my degree in the spring so it's up to you whether you want to put me in or not.

    Good luck to everyone playing this coming week. :) Let's get another win and do our best.

  16. hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha

    YES, I was just made aware over PM that I phrased things wrong above sigh... I'm so oblivious to everything Reborn apparently.

    I'm glad you got a great laugh out of it. I didn't know he's gay so my bad lol.

    I was trying to give a compliment not about his body since I did that last time. ;)

  17. There's Regirock, Regice, Registeel, and Regigigigigigigas. And also Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, and Keldeo.

    i'll give you the justice quadra but not the regis since they were not revealed same gen.

    Also regigigas is more of a master of them because you need the three of them to get him. I'm thinking quadra like 4 separate but connected individuals like the unova quadra. :)

  18. BTW I'm watching Nappy's video about Tapu Koko news and I just realized I never mentioned my theory.

    So here it is:

    Tapu Koko is a guardian deity of the beginning island and since there are 4 natural islands, I'm thinking this will be the first appearance of a quadra set of legendaries instead of a trio if each island has a deity/guardian present.

    That would be so amazing and at least something new happening since we never have had a quadra set before. :) I'm excited for Tapu Koko and what lore and other pokemon are related to it (hopefully more legends)

    Let me know if you think my theory is a possibility in your opinion. I appreciate any comments about it. :D

  19. So I have analyzed the video we got today and calculated base stats for pokemon whose hp totals were seen during the video. I was using the assumption of 0 ivs and evs for all the pokemon possible.

    tapu koko has a min of 85 hp. i did comparisons accelgor at lvl 60 no evs, no ivs has 166 and aboma with 90 hp stat has 178 so tapu koko having 172 at lvl 60 has 85 min. if tapu koko is shown to have 85 base hp when released, it's confirmed videos show pokemon at 0 ivs and evs except for Zygarde apparently (see later in the post for why)

    vikavolt has 125 hp at lvl 41. vikavolt has a base hp of 91 based on my comparisons with known pokemon and what 0 ivs and evs results in hp wise at lvl 41

    bruxish has a base hp of 81 it seems. 86 hp at lvl 29.

    togedemaru's base hp is 75. Aggron with lvl 30 70 base hp has 82 and accelgor has 88 lvl 30 with 80 base so 75 for the spiky hedgehog since it's 85 hp at lvl 30

    the zygarde 50% shown in the video has max ivs for hp hmmm... I just figured officially out zygarde 100% hp base. it's 216 because the zygarde 50% has max hp ivs and is 108, blissey has 255 and 315 hp with 0 ivs hp and 330 with 31 hp so zygarde 100% has 216 base hp confirmed. oh the one in the video has 291 hp so take 15 away then 60 taken away and you have 216 as the base.

    Hope you guys like my analysis of hp bases lol.

    For my personal thoughts, I love vikavolt, tapu koko, the spiky hedgehog and Drampa. For the cutiefly, the bug/fairy typing is new I believe so that's cool.

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