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Everything posted by rustytengo

  1. That would work to that's actually something I thought about though if I remember right from the wiki people can chose the class but can't decide who they get unless they have some sort of catalyst conected to them or something. If it was me I would not use the servants that been in the show.
  2. ah you should not give up especially on the FSN one. its one of the ones that i am really interested in(though you would need at least seven people if you use all the classes) also I am really curious how that would be done especially if you could make your own servant cause i actually have some ideas in that area. I also think that it would be a lot of fun to do its an interesting world.
  3. I yawned as I woke up from my comfortable sleep,well as comfortable as one could be from sleeping on the ground. I stretched out my body and rolled up my sleeping bag. Once that was done I looked at my pokegear to check the time it was nearly noon."Crap, well it looks like i will have to eat breakfast well lunch on the run." I said to my self as I stomped out the fire I had made the night before. I pulled on my green hoodie and grabbed my backpack as I ran towards the town know as New Bark Town. After what seemed to be around twenty to thirty minutes i finally made it to the town Where the Winds of New Beginnings Blow, out of breath and still hungry so as usual I pull out my bag of candy that I always have with me and eat some well I look for the Lab. The lab was easy for me to find being the biggest building in town though it was small compared to others that I have seen being more like a large house then a place for research. I walked in and ran right into man in his mid thirty's wearing a lab coat and with glasses. As we both fixed our glasses the man said " I am so sorry that I ran into you, I was running late to meet a trainer who is starting over here in Johto I hope I did not hurt you." the man offered his hand to help me up which I gladly took."I take it that your Professor Elm then?" I said as I stood up cause him to get I confused look on his face" How did you know that" Elm said in surprise. "Simple, I happen to be the you are looking for. The name's Josh Elder and I thought I was the one running late." I say with a smirk.Elm taking a quick look at his watch realizing what the time was, looked a little embarrassed, but that quickly changed to laughter that I joined in on as well.After a few minutes of laughing Elm had me fill out a few pieces of paper and handed me my new Pokedex and 5 spare pokeballs."Well now that all the formalities are done which Pokemon would you like. With the influx of new Pokemon from other regions I now have more Pokemon then the usual three that I would give out so just ask and I will see if I have it." Elm said with a smile. After a little bit of thinking I ask "Do you have a Rhyhorn? Because i would like that one please." Elm went though his data base of the pokemon he had stored "Ah here is one" one he said as he clicked a botton and a pokeball appeared in the machine next to his computer. He handed me the ball asking if I would like to give my new Rhyhorn a name I think a little bit and say "Boulder. That shall be its name." "Ah that is a good name. Now that every thing is done you can be on your way." Elm says well he lead me to the door. After saying good bye to Professor Elm I check my Pokegear's time which is now saying 2:00 PM I decide to head back towards the place I camped the night before on Route 29. I find my way back there with ease and decided to let Boulder out of his ball. In a flash of red there stood a gray rhinoceros that looked like it was made out of rocks. I introduce myself to Boulder which lets out a "Rhy Rhy" showing its understanding of what I said. I decide to go look and see if I can find anymore Pokemon around my temporary camp I mange to find a couple of Rattata but when I send out Boulder to try a weaken them they manage to out run him and get away from us do to there superior ability to maneuver compared to Boulder. Boulder looking sad because he can't manage to catch one of them and comes back to me I tell him "Don't worry we just need to find another way to get them." Once we got back to where I had left my bag we notice a orange lump of fur digging tough it. As we got closer the shape of the lump took the form of a little bear. I take out my Pokedex and scanned the orange bear it reads off "Teddiursa, the Little Bear Pokemon. It lets honey soak into its paws so it can lick them all the time. Every set of paws tastes unique." "See Boulder just needed a way to catch them off guard. Boulder hit it with Horn Attack." I tell Boulder. Out rushed Boulder from the bushes that we where hiding in charging start at the bear hitting it and slamming it into a tree nearly knocking it out in just one hit the bear could barely get up before I had Boulder hit it with another Horn Attack this one much weaker without the surprise that we had earlier the bear nearly out of energy tried to retaliate by scratching at Boulder but it claws basically just bounced of Boulder's rock like hide the bear realizing that it could do nothing against Boulder tried to run but before it could get to far I tossed a pokeball at it. In a flash of red it vanished into the ball, the ball shacking one, two, three the ball let out a beep letting me know that the little bear was caught. I run over to the ball picking it up and say " That's one new member for the team Boulder good job." After collecting the things that the Teddiursa tossed out of my bag wondering to my self what it was looking for in it. I pull out my bag of candy and start eating some as a flash of red from my newly occupied ball. Teddiursa pops out onto my lap and starts grabbing for my candy bag," Ah so this is what you where looking for. you know what that shall be your name Candy you like it." i say to my new Pokemon." Teddiursa it says with joy still trying to grab my candy " Okay, okay you can have some. But then you need to get some rest, you too Boulder." i say as Ireturn both Pokemon to the balls. Sometime later I was wondering around route 29 some more I hear the sound of a battle going on. i head towards where it was coming form i see a young girl using a weird looking plant Pokemon battling a little Pokemon that looked like it was made of steel. The battle took a long time due to both sides not being able to cause that much damage to each other. Eventuality the girl managed to weaken the little Pokemon enough and captures the Pokemon.She mutters something to her self that I could not hear but I call out to her saying "Well that took you a while. It is your first time catching a pokemon isn't it." team Boulder Ryhorn/relaxed LV 10 Ability Lightning rod moves Horn attack Leer Stomp none Candy Teddiursa/Brave LV 10 Ability Pickup moves Covet scratch Lick Fake tears (ooc well that was long winded the reason i post like half once was for that i would have something saved because my computer likes to randomly kick me off. Fix the stuff that i spelt wrong and fix some grammar)
  4. I would totally post but I am at work so only quick post for me right now. How much starting money do we get.
  5. okay by the map it looks like UTC-7 or Mountain time the one where Montana is anyway during the weekdays won't be active until 6:30 to 7:00 PM and weekends not until noon or later.
  6. okay dokie i will join i will be using Josh Elders then only one i have at this time anyway he has a blue backpack and a red and black pokegear by baby stage you mean first stage right if so then i would like Rhyhorn then if not Magbay and mega i would not do that until we actually get x and y so we can actually see everything about it
  7. Okay i really should do this and just to let people know i live in the mountain time zone -Name; Josh Elders(is the generic name i always use) -Appearance/Characteristics; About 5'10" thin, with light skin and dark blond hair and blue eyes. wears a green hoddie,with a red shirt under it dark blue jeans and black and blue tennis shoes wears blue rim less glasses(bottom of the lens has no rim. -Birthday;July 20 1990 (or 23 depends when the Rp is set will make younger if need be) -Things to Know; He is lazy and very sarcastic about thing. he acts like and idiot but is very smart but does just not show it often. He usually is under control of his emotions but sometimes he lets then out usually in anger. can be impulsive at times. likes to sleep and eat sweats. backstory for Pokemon:Aftermath will had more as i need to or feel like
  8. i would say .Hack series and pirates anything because they are awesome also add me to pokmeon, Fate/stay night, fallout, elder scrolls, persona, original and general fantasy. i would also say that there should be a place where you can look up time zone differences but then again that could just be me being lazy.
  9. well i could do that i am usually careful about letting people know my email but just let me know what it is and i will send to you once i get it typed. the title could work though if i use pokemon reborn then it sounds like the storys in the reborn region so maybe Pokemon: Serendipity would work better.
  10. Thanks for the offer Acquiescene but to look over it but i would not have a clue how to get it you so you could. i am a bit of an idiot when it comes down to that kind of stuff(this site is about the only site that i am on other then a youtube account but i don't put up videos). And Noir you are kind of the opposite of me i am great at ideas but when it comes to describing things i am really bad at it. Thats part of what takes me so long to write things(though i would loves to read anything you got i just like reading) that title is not actually to bad i was trying to avoid having Horizon in the title because then it would feel like the story is about team Horizon but then again having horizon in the title just sounds good.
  11. just been playing fire emblem awaking on easy and casual just so i can actually see all the support scenes. Moragan why do you have to be so adorable in almost all of yours its to much MOE.

    1. The Fush

      The Fush

      meanwhile female Morgan sadisticly teasing Yarne

  12. so i guess fanfiction then which is good it about the only site that i know any thing about. truth be told this will be the first story that i will be letting people read other then my friend. so i am not to worried about getting to many other people other then y'all to read it. Though i still need a title for the story and i would like a picture to post with the story on the site that's actually unique but art is not my forte.(i could be a cheeky bastard and ask if anyone wants to draw one or if they had am idea for a title but i won't though i would not be opposed to it if anyone wanted to ni hahahah). so any way be on the look out for when i put the link i on here when i do.
  13. Yep totally should it will be fun.
  14. so anyway ignore the post of me complaining about a bot that what happens when i wake up and see stuff like that i don't like bots. Vergil the reason i have not said anything well most of the people don't know where i will end up putting them in the story though the one thing i need from you is your characters reaction to the main three people(me, King D's character and Rose's) In happy news i actually got something wrote up well at least for the first chapter now i jsut need to want until my internet stops being stupid so i put it up.(still need to type up as well and send it to my friend so he can look it over you know edit it because trust me i need that) so with luck and nothing to interesting on youtube i will have something up by October. which kind of leads up to this point what do you all think would be the best way for me to get it up to read i was thinking of getting an account at fanfiction.net and putting it up there and putting a link for you guys can go to it if any one has a better idea please tell me. and that about does it anything else hmm... nope any who y'all have fun time doing what ever it is y'all do.
  15. So to Ame or any one is there a way to get ride of these bot post on this I really don't like them being on this. Please and thank you. Thank you omnipotent authoriy figure for getting rid of the bot.
  16. why can't i ever get people to play MAid RPG I think it would be funny as hell to do.

  17. well i thank you Jory for the character though i am currently full on characters i even changed the name of the topic so people would know that i am not in need of characters right now. oh and Acquiescence even i am no quite sure on the plot because it always changes for me as the story goes on. and pwb you can add a character later as long as its really just for your character development or if people die.
  18. okay dokie i have a lot to address mainly the abilities thing ok on that its this i has person does not know all the effects of a lot of the abilities so i really don't know if i could write them and then there are some abilities that make no sense in a story perceptive which is the reason why i have not actually asked for abilities my self and there are a lot of abilities that i didn't even knew where abilities like tinted leans or multiscale i literally did not even know those existed so i really can't use abilities that i know nothing about so really the only abilities that i can use are ones that i know which are the most common ones from at least third gen is where i know most of my abilities from so therefore if the ability is based of of a game mechanic i really can't use it because it makes no sense in a story i hope that makes sense it hard to explain but i will try to because there are know turns in a story battle abilities that use turns don't really make sense so basically you can't think of the battles in the story like the battles in the games ask me if you have trouble understanding it but right know i really don't need abilities though the points kind of mot given most of you all ready have given me your teams abilities. teh reason i asked for move sets was to get the feel of the role each pokemon plays in battle or second king D its fine if you want to switch out ditto but the pokemon needs to be from your backups or another first gen one. i also don't really need to much info fro your backups just enough so i could have them in a battle at a point. lunar it would work for your character to be a rival if your character was not ten years older then mine i want the rivals to be around the same age as my character because it makes sense for rivals to be around the same age. i am guessing if your character is younger it messes up somethings about him right? Jerome a main character is the character is the characters that the story follows a major character(which is what your character may become)is a character who has an impact on the story but the story does not follow them so you really won't need backup pokemon. i am sorry if i miss lead you. the idea of a character dieing was just an idea to see if people would react badly to it. i don't know if it will or will not happen or to who i would happen to. and yes color each time i think i know how the story will work out someone gives me an idea or character that can change it a lot and i agree i wish there was a roleplay section somewhere on the form(though after i get a few chapters i might make a topic for a roleplay game just to see what will happen if i do)
  19. Hmm... That is actually a really good idea for an evil team to do though it may not fit into what i have planed for team Horizon right now but later maybe but a really really good idea oh yeah Rose apparently the new Sailor Moon anime is suppose to come out in winter at some point
  20. So hey this is probably the first post that i am going to be a little mean in. But before that i what do you mean by cyborgs exactly lunar cause that makes my brain go into gunslinger girls mode. Now it time for me to be a little mean i thank you Jerome for your interest in the story and wanting to have a character in it but because Vergil asked first the character that he will give is going to be the last character that i was going to use(for now) because it would the bring the number of characters to ten and i think that will be all the characters that i can handle in a story so i am sorry about that if anything your character may not have a big part in the story but he may get mentioned or appear as a trainer during the league tournament near the end of the first part of the story. So Vergil Its fine you can join though your character is going to the last that will really have part in the story.
  21. he would be like Paul because Paul was about the only trainer in the anime who actually used pokemon and moves that would be in competitive or at least how people use competitive teams with the anime style and i am not sure about the shock gloves so that would be a maybe if i want to use it and rose well lets see not as far as i wish i could be given i just got a influx of new information in the last week it kind of messed me up a little in trying to figure where to fit people in from what i was originally thinking of doing and Noir it really depends on what i will be using your character for in the story given he will appear later in the story i probably won't have her in tell probably the Johto part of the story so currently not right now she won't be but probably later and just to let y'all know i really have not thought much on the abilities given i don't know most of the effects of them but the ones i do know will get use if i can figure a good way to use them
  22. well those are some interesting move sets never knew that Pokemon could learn some of those moves hmm probably cause i have no care for competitive battling in the games. i really don't care if Lunar's character's team move set is from the meta does not really bother me at all(he is kind of like Paul from the anime in that sense) my team is going to feel a little boring with its move set
  23. has i said in a really early post hm's are really not going to be in the story because of logic why does a pokemon need a machine to teach it how to cut things or break rocks and the like so its more like the anime in that since. and the killing a character would be for a good reason though falling down a hole and dieing is funny as hell. I mainly even though of it because of something that color said that if there was something between her's and King D's characters it would probably end tragic. So its just my brain going to Shakespeare and tragic and Shakespeare plus tragic means people die.
  24. welcome color you name deferentially matches you character loud in a good way i think that your character will been fun to write( I smell a magikarp battle) especially with king d's character heheheh. and thank you guys for asking question that i would normally ask it saves me from having to wait so long just for my computer will load the pages correctly so i can post things. so about the only thing i would need would be what your teams final move sets will be or most common moves used for them.(makes the looking things up slightly less over welling to my brain), i wounder how many people would get mad if i killed there character in the story. and i really should have a stopping point for when i stop accepting characters if i keep getting them at the rate i have been it my cause a brain over load or something hmmm i will think on that.
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