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Status Updates posted by rustytengo

  1. To many games coming out at the same time!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rustytengo
    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      And then every Summer....nothing.....why? Can't we ahve games all year?

    4. rustytengo


      because liches. its always a lich.

  2. 200 years ago the world of Falnix was thrown into a devastating war between the lands of Humans and he lands of the Elves. During the last battle the Immortal king of the elves and the young leader of Humans slew each other in combat. With both leaders killed the war ended with the humans controlling the lands from their capital of Stilling in the west, to the Mountains of Silver which is the ruled by the dwarves who refused to ally with either side to the north, to the border of The Moonwo...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rustytengo


      By the use of the Elven Princesses, the King of Dwarves, and a young man from the village that stands upon the last battle field of the old war.

      (i got bored)

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It is fine, there are jsut better places to do it. Also....Peeps might freak out at the long status, just saying lol.

    4. rustytengo


      i know i could do much worse trust me on that.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rustytengo


      it depends on which you watch if you didn't like stay night try Fate/Zero its much better and actually explains things unlike Stay night. me i just like the whole idea behind the holy grail war. this scene is not from either of those two so i can't really tell you much about it but if you like magical girl animes then you might like this one.

    3. Nico Nico Nii~

      Nico Nico Nii~

      illya's best was when miyu was dressed up as a maid tho

    4. rustytengo


      that is so true.

  3. Holo is back cause shes awesome.

  4. Hmm... I probably should get a new pic but I don't know what to pick.

    1. nevs


      useally i pick my favorite anime or caracter or just look for something random like an egg

    2. Shamitako


      I usually have my favorite video game character at the time

    3. HolyKnight


      or just pick a banana as a pic

  5. I really need to get on that Dragon acadamy thing for the RP section. Damnit i really need to stop being in Plutia mode so much.

  6. Three ways to get past a shield wall...1 attempt to flank it. 2 try and blast it down with magic. and 3 use a dwarf as a battering ram!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. rustytengo


      if your really curious Hukuna probably could explain it better then i can.

    3. HolyKnight


      I see. seems fun.

    4. rustytengo


      yeah its a lot of fun though a lot of it depends on the people you play with.

  7. So what would y'all think a good name for a Rock Gnome wizard be all i can come up with is Bobles.

  8. if people haven't figured it out teh Rock Gnome Wizard is my new character for the new edition of DnD.

  9. I am a Rock Gnome Wizard fear my great power!!!

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. rustytengo


      then hold monster works either way or i just trap you for ever under the ground ROCK GNOME POWERS.

    3. rustytengo


      because i am a gnome i under stand machines.

    4. HolyKnight


      Nope, you´re nothing more than a machine that make tortillas and can´t do nothing to me. Anyway, imma cut you up whit an axe cuz the empire wants booze and whores, and steel is kinda worthy on the junkyards. It was a plesaure, underwear gnome, you will be missed.

  10. Taking a break form Project Diva F to watch youtube videos that will probably be the same thing...something has to be wrong with that somehow.

    1. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      Nothing is wrong with that, embrace the fact that you don't have a life, and know that there are others with you xD

  11. So I'm not dead if thats what anyone thought just busy.

    1. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      Anyone thought of you? Um..jk

  12. So second episode of Sailor Moon Crystal...I liked it. It matched quite well with the original episode that introduced Ami. Mercury's tranformation was much better then Sailor Moons mainly because it was shorter so you don't have to deal with the bad CG for to long(and Mercury's just better anyway). Though i wish they would keep Ami in the glasses long cause i like glasses on girls...wait why did I say that...anyway Sailor Mars is next can't wait.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rosesong


      Nah, Jupiter's going to be awhile I think. Nephrite dies before she awakens too, if I'm right.

    3. rustytengo


      well i don't think they will have alot of the filler like stuff the original did given Ami was the second episode and it took like 6 or 7 in the original to get to her. so yeah it might be a bit later then my guess but it shouldn't be much more then 6 or 7 episodes. unless its different in the manga cause that's what Crystal fallowing more.

    4. Rosesong


      I never read the manga ^^; But I can't wait for episode 3, that's for sure. Pyro comes back!

  13. ADD....I am back from camping.

  14. So starting tomorrow i am going camping so I won' t be able to get on here.

  15. okay weird thingy in my pokemon y i have a gible that is getting boosted exp without anything that would normally cause that. so no lucky egg, not traded, no pokemonamie or anything.

    1. Sutoratosu


      stop whinning about it and be grateful for how lucky you are

  16. So just incase people think i did not like it i actually did like the new Sailor Moon. I just did not like the transformation sequince.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rustytengo


      yep the just used really bad CG on the transformation. But the rest was good especially if you have seen original recently it matches pretty well.

    3. T-Raz


      The original made me into the anime fan I am today. lol. But yeah I agree with ya on that, the new series looks to be really great. Can't wait to see Mercury again.~

    4. Rosesong
  17. So back to Hell Girl for me.

    1. Maelstrom


      Those feels.

    2. rustytengo


      don't remind me I have been trying to ignore them.

  18. So Astamon fits me or not?

  19. So apperentaly the scriptwriter for Hellsing is the same one for Digimon Tamers...explains a lot.

    1. HolyKnight


      Chikai J Konata is awesome. Too bad he didn´t worked whit digimon anymore.

  20. I wonder how many people noticed that I disappered for awhile?

  21. Let me tell you a story about cute girls.... CUTE GIRLS DRIVING TANKS!!!!

  22. So the Faint Smile returns.

  23. its funny people are surprised that i wasn't popular well i was in school.

  24. "Behold my glory... Hear the thunderous applause... Sit down and praise... My Golden Theater! Kingdom of Heaven and Hell... My heaven, reconstructed! This is where the limelight shines! Aestus Domus Aurea: Golden Theater of the Deranged"

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