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Posts posted by rustytengo

  1. Yvette looks to the other with her finger to her mouth making "shh" sound. "They are shy so let's try not to scare them." She says to the other gently before turning back to the imps "Its okay I won't hurt you. Why don't a few of you come over here?" She said to them daintily crouching down and patting her legs like you would to get a cat to jump up on a lap

  2. "Electricity is fine. I can basically use any kind of power source, back home I use water wheels or windmills sometimes.  If its okay with you then I will use his power as a source."  Yvette said as she waved Jezzabella over. Jezzabella Walked over and handed Yvette a piece of chalk for her apron. Yvette quickly got work drawing runes in a language that most likely no one else other then Yvette and Jezzabella would know. After a few minutes or so there are two circles drawn in chalk on the floor one around Ichi that looked a bit more complex and one empty connected by a line and then each connected again at another point making a triangle.  Once she was done drawing she handed the chalk back to Jezzabella who handed Yvette a small knife from her apron. Yvette then moved over to the empty circle and said something in a language that most would not know and then pricked one of her fingers with the knife and let a few drops of her blood fall into the empty circle. Eventually, a portal opened from her ritual.



    Yvette will use Her blood as an offering, the red sparks as a catalyst, and Ichi's power source as the power source 

    Power Draw: 39,

    Itchi is fine.


    Luck: 26,

    Random Blitz: 3,

    Quality: 36,


    After moving to a side area so as not to get in people's way Yvette begins her ritual. All goes as well as can be expected and after some trial and error, she eventually musters open the portal. No larger than three feet across at the widest point, a brilliant red haze is all that can be seen clearly on the other side. At least until a strange one-eyed creature popped its head up from the base of the portal....followed by his thirty or so friends. None of them seem aggressive at all.




    Yvette looked at the small creature that came out of the portal with Jezzabella standing on guard. She wasn't expecting this many of things to come out of the portal that quickly.  She weaved a quick tongue spell so she could hopefully communicate with them "Why hello there and what are you called" She asked the first one that came out of the portal reading to cast her binding if things turned bad.


    Yvette tries to talk to the creature that came out of the portals.


  3. Spoiler

    19] The sparks can act as a weak catalyst, though the portal will need extra power to operate.


    "Well, I was seeing if it could work as a catalyst for one of my portals," Yvette said with a sigh as she finished her inspection "It is usable though it's rather weak for one. It will take a bit more extra power than usual for it to key into the plane it's from....." she started explaining only to realize that Hirata probably didn't understand this like her with computers "To explain a catalyst is basically a key I use to well key the portals into a certain plane and in order to open the portal I need a power source strong enough to let it connect to the plane and sustain the portal." 

  4. "Well, there isn't any other ones like Jezzabella but I can't promise anything about them having clothes or if they will need any," Yvette said as she moved over to Ichi and inspects the red sparks to see if they or would make a decent catalyst for a portal by casting various minor detection spells and whatnot.


    Yvette inspects Ichi and the red sparks to see if they would suitable for a catalyst by casting various minor detection spells and whatnot.

  5. "Well then is there anything that it's doing you can't explain or is unusual? If so it's probably related to that energy cell thing you talked about and if so would it be okay for me to look at that dear?" Yvette asked smiling at the young girl. "If it meets certain requirements I might be able to show how I can make demon to come here."

  6. "Yeah, he showed me how to turn it on and go through I think he called them the menus." Yvette said as she turned on the PBA(its still on the default settings) and showed Hirata the menus."I was going to experiment some more with it once I had some time to. And I asked because I casted a spell to see if any outsiders other then our group was around, since they are prone to using teleportation, and well it has only a piece of something outside of this world on it and I was wondering if I could have a look at what that was it?" Yvette said her eyes showing a bit of curiosity 

  7. After Yvette finished looking around and let Hirata and Shamhat finish there talk she addressed Hirata "Sir Roy gave me this computer its similar to the one he has." Yvette pointed to her arm where the PBA was."I would be happy to have you show me more stuff about it when we have a chance. " Yvette smiled looked at Hirata's mutant and then back to the girl "But if you don't mind me asking your umm...." Yvette paused for a moment to find the right word "Creature where did you get it from?" she asked the girl.

  8. Yvette grunted a little at getting whacked only because she wasn't expecting to get hit by anything which caused Jezzabella to give Hirata a death glare. Yvette waved Jezzabella down before she did anything "It was an accident Jezzabella calm down. " She said before turning back to Hirata. "Well, I was given some basic information we are here to get a copy of something and the good Sir Roy gave me a quick explanation on what a computer is and how they work. As well as made me my own with his abilities that I can practice with. Is it that noticeable that I come from a place that doesn't have such technology?" Yvette asked Hirata while looking around the room some more at the mention of Teleportation and casted Detect Outsiders to make sure there was any such thing here(other then Jezzabella) since they were prone to using teleportation.


    Yvette cast Detect Outsiders to see if anything is around the Teleportation Room...other the Jezzabella


    Detect Outsiders


    A simple spell that shows the caster the location of beings or objects not native to the current plane of existence. Also shows the locations of rifts or portals into other planes as well as areas where the veil may be thin. Has proven 99% effectiveness. Usable three times per encounter.



  9. "I like to think that I am sensible most of the time. I was just seeing if there was anything I could find out about this blob it's rather fascinating. Do you....."Yvette was cut off by Hirata yelling that she found the way out in the next room over. "Well, it looks like we will have to come back here later unless we want to get left behind. Well, I hope I don't offend you Ms. Evelyn but I will be heading over to that room to see what the little dear has found."Yvette said with a curtsy as she turned as walked to the teleporter room with Jezzabella right behind her.


    Yvette moves to the Teleporter Room


    Arriving in the room Yvette looked around intrigued by all the stuff in this room but not seeing any way out of there she looked at Hirata "So where is our way out Dear?" she asked the young girl.


  10. "I will keep that in mind Sir Vratislav you never know what uses I could have for you," Yvette said letting the implication hangs in the air for a bit. "But I shall excuse myself for now and see if I can be of use somewhere else. You are welcome to join me in my wonderings if you wish," she said giving a curtsy to Vratislav "You two are also welcomed to join in the wandering dear Baron and Ms. Yoko. If not I will see you to later hopefully you will not of killed each other by then." she said to Yoko and the Baron giving them a small curtsy "Now lets head in this direction Jezzabella." Yvette said as she wandered down the loud hallway into the Teleglich room.  avoiding the blob the best she could even though it was of great curiosity to her she made her way to the portable console that Evelyn and read the message on the screen and attempt to see if she could find any more information on the console about the blob.


    Yvette moves to the Teleglich room and sees if she can find any more information on the blob on the console with the warning message.

  11. Yvette nodded at Vrarislav spoke. "I see if that's the case I may have a job for you back in my lands...if you prove to be more competent than my current advisors." Yvette giggled a bit "Well it would be wrong for me to ask about your abilities and not offer an explanation of mine. I specialize in the opening of portals to hell and binding the creature that comes out of them to my will and then researching them. Perhaps at some point down the line, you and I should collaborate and compare our research and see what we could figure out." Yvette said giving him a winning smile.

  12. "That would be lovely Sir Najciemnieuszy. If we can manage away back to my world I would love to show you the Seven Vales. I has many lovely places and things of interest." Yvette said "So what is that you do with in the group? If that is okay for me to ask of you?" She finished with a smile.

  13. "Boost mode and then start charging Valkyrie Breaker." Bridgett said to Mornings Arrow. "Yes My Lady." it chimed back


    Bridgett uses Boost mode with 2 cartridges to increase damage by 10% for each cartridge used as a free action and begins charging Valkyrie Breaker.


    Mornings Arrow. Bridgett's Personal device. It sets the dice for actions that use dice to 2d4.  As a free action can use boost mode to increase damage done by 10% for each cartridge used for 3 turns with a cooldown of 5 turns. Can use up to 2 cartridges in this ability.

    -Base Set Damage die for actions that  use them to 1d4
    -Craft level: Boost Mode: as a free action Increase Bridgett's damage by 10% for each cartridge used For 3 turns with a cooldown of 5 turns. Can only use a max of 2 cartridges when used.
    -Craft level: increase the damage die by 1d4


    Bridgett stats and  stuff to remember 


    Base Stats: 
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 6
    Intelligence: 3
    Constitution: 7
    Synergy: 12


    Barrier Jacket: Grants a pool of 24 HP. For every hit, 4 points of net damage will be subtracted from this pool instead of the wearer. 3 Turns after being reduced to 0 HP, the pool will fully replenish. Bridgett's barrier jacket, a light blue dress with silver gauntlets, and boots. It has a short white coat over her shoulders that go to about the middle of her back.

    Free Action: Heal the user for the HP of the pool, and reduce the pool's HP to 0. Bridgett reworks the wards of her Barrier Jacket, recovering her health.

    Passive: Once per encounter, when an attack would otherwise reduce the wearer to 0 HP, negate that attack, and reduce the pool's HP to 0. All benefits of this item are lost until the pool replenishes. Bridgett purges her Barrier Jacket, negating an incoming attack.


    -Base Form: Grants a pool of 20 HP. For every hit, 4 points of net damage will be subtracted from this pool instead of the wearer. 3 Turns after being reduced to 0 HP, the pool will fully replenish.

    -Craft Upgrade: Adds the following Free Action: "Heal the user for the HP of the pool, and reduce the pool's HP to 0."

    -Craft Upgrade (Reactor Purge): Adds the following Passive: "Once per encounter, when an attack would otherwise reduce the wearer to 0 HP, negate that attack, and reduce the pool's HP to 0. All benefits of this item are lost until the pool replenishes."

    -Craft Upgrade: Increase pool to 24 HP (20 -> 24)

    Hurstwic Cooldown 3 turns remaining  

    Valkyrie Breaker Currently at 2[WD]+2d8 of damage

    Magic Arrow Cooldown 2 turns remaining

  14. "Thank you, Sir Najciemnieuszy," Yvette said giving a small curtsy and doing her best to pronounce Vratislav last name. "And you would be correct in that assumption. You are actually the first to ask about that. She is a demon a very special one at that. For all of the research, I have done involving her I haven't discovered her exact origins." 

  15. "Ah, another new face my name is Yve....." Yvette began to speak to only be interrupted By Jezzabella stepping in front of her looking annoyed "She is Yvette Duchess of the Seven Vales." Jezzabella said glaring at Vratisalv "Jezzabelle! I tould you not to do such things." Yvette chastised Jezzabella "I'm sorry Mistress but it is getting very annoying watching you be treated without the proper respect." Jezzabella said lowering her eyes and biting her lip. Yvette sighed and shook her head "Jezzabella you are too adorable sometimes. We will discuss this later in private." Yvette said her voice a mix of playfulness and seriousness. "I'm do apologize about for Jezzabella I hope she didn't offend you but as she said My name is Yvette." She said to Vratisalv before turning to Hirata "Thank you, dear." 

  16. "Yes, that would be the prudent thing to do," Yvette said as she tried to fend off the poking of the creature for a little before giving up and calling out to Hirata "Umm...dear could you get your companion her to stop poking me or Jezzabella might end up harming it." as Jezzabella moved towards the creature with a bit of a dark aura around her. 

  17. "A single god? I would hate to live in a world where a single all-powerful being could end all of existence on a whim. But to address your question well it may not be shards of a god inside of beings but there are occasions where some are born with the soul of a god but it is very rare and only happened at one time in recent memory of my world when the gods decided to go to war with each other. There were some gods who in an attempt to avoid their death during the war separated their soul into pieces to inhabit the bodies of mortals hoping that sometime later that they could rise to godhood again. Most of those born with the piece of the soul of a god became powerful rulers, Heroes, or villains or they were killed early on by a dragon or other creature because they thought they were more powerful than they were." Yvette said giggling a little at the end. She noticed the baron awaken so she waved for Jezzabella put her self in front of Yoko. Before turning to address Hirata and the Baron


    "Oh well, I hope you can finish your construct soon dear I would love to see when it is done." She said to Hirata with a smile she almost didn't understand what the girl said. The young girl reminded her of a gnome a bit. "Ah, I see you have awake dear Baron how was your rest?" She asked the Baron.

  18. Yvette cocked her head to the side cutely "That could have been a possibility of the death of a god at some time in my world history but currently none of the gods that the clerics of my world worship are dead. I take it your world no longer has any gods?" she asked Roy before turning to Hirata 


    "Sir Roy was helping me get my barrings. What is all that metal for dear?" She asked Hirata

  19. "Yes, demons can be tricky to deal with but if I can obtain some of those I will," Yvette said nodding. "Demons of my world come in many forms some are nothing more the beast bent on nothing but chaos while others are cunning and have a more human appearance and plan things out for centuries. While others are powerful enough to rival the gods of my world and have existed long before the material plane of my world existed." Yvette continued with a sigh. "The more I study and learn about them the more complex they become which makes the research quite interesting and consistently changing." Yvette finished with a smile  

  20. Yvette's smile changed from her usual charming smile to one that was more of pride. "Well, I am educated in leadership and ruling a duchy and a practitioner of the arcane. Unfrotunilty I was never too interested in the practical applications of it like enchantment. My interest lied more in things well beyond the material plane. Into that of demonology and by extension the opening of portals to their realm and into other plans." Yvette moved one of her hands pointing away from anyone and moved it as if she was writing something in the air. "As a simple use of such knowledge, I can open a small portal to unleash the flames of hell for a moment." Her words emphasized by a small tear appearing in the air near a wall unleashing dark flames for only a moment but leaving a dark scorch mark on the wall and the smell of brimstone in the air. "Given sufficient time, power and maybe a few other things if I wanted them I have worked out a ritual that will let me open a larger portal that could let actual demons through it. Luckily as part of that same ritual, I have put in bindings spells that will bind demons to my will...given a few requirements." Yvette said happily.

  21. "I see. Thank you once more, Sir Roy for dealing with my curiosity." Yvette said as she attached the PBA to her left arm and turned it off. "When we get some downtime I shall fool around with it and figure it out some more. would If be okay for me to come to you with any questions I may have with it?" Yvette smiled and gave Roy a curtsy. "Now I have used much of your time and you have given me a gift it would wrong for me not to return in kind. Unfortunately, I do not have anything to exchange for such a thing...asides for myself but that is not something I offer. So if there is anything you wish to ask of me or I can do for you please let me know." Yvette said with a slight laugh.

  22. Yvette watched Roy create the computer with great interest. To her, it seemed more like a necromancer's work than that of a cleric. Her eyes widened a bit as he handed the item to her. "Oh my. Thank you, Sir Roy." Yvette said as she accepted the item and stared at it for a bit turning it over in her hand. "Well, I guess the main questions would be How do you activate this item and deactivate it and how is one to interact with it? And how is it powering itself?" Yvette asked her eyes showing a bit more than just curiosity.

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