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Posts posted by rustytengo

  1. Yvette looks around the large room a bit in awe of the cranes on the roof. The sounds of her heels could be heard clicking as she walked around the room muttering a bit as she casted detection spells to see if there was anything she might want to gather. Well Jezzabella searched a any boxes she could easily get to and open.


    Yvette will look around with Detect Outsiders.


    Detect Outsiders: A simple spell that shows the caster the location of beings or objects not native to the current plane of existence. Also shows the locations of rifts or portals into other planes as well as areas where the veil may be thin. Has proven 99% effectiveness. Usable three times per encounter.


    While Jezzabella will open some of the boxes.

  2. "5...4...3...2" Mornings Arrow's count down almost finished before Gilgamesh transformed into Tiamat. "My Lady readings have changed do you wish to proceed as planned?" Mornings Arrow chimed to Bridgett. "Yeah lets continue but lets also use that," Bridgett said with a bit of a smile. "Are you sure My Lady? It is very dangerous." Morning's Arrow chimed once more. "I know the risks so activate it." Bridgett said as she tightened her grip on Morning's Arrow "Very well....reconfiguring connection to Linker Core....removing first layer of seals.....Activating Einherjar Mode level 1...." Morning's arrow chimed as the collection of magical energy that has been collecting by Bridgett suddenly grew larger. "Continuing Valkyrie Breaker count down......3....2...1 fire when ready My Lady." "Right let go Valkyrie Breaker launch!!" Bridgett called out as she  slammed her device into the collection of energy sending it into the group of enemies where it exploded upon impact.


    Bridgett Enters Einherjar Mode Level 1.

    Einherjar Mode: A experimental mode that grants Bridgett's spells more power as she releases its restraints, but due to its experimental nature it causes extreme strain on her body. Can be activated and deactivated as a free action. each level increase is also a free action on a separate turn after initial activation.  Each level carries the effect of the previous levels with it. initial Activation cost 20% of Bridgett's max hp and cost another 20% at the end of each turn after. The cost increase with each level increase. 


    Level 1: Increase damage dealt by her attacks by 25%. Costs 20% of max Hp each turn after activation.


    And fires Valkyrie Breaker at Timmat, Lesser lahmu D, the Greater Lahmu and the Bel Lahmu. dealing 4d4+3d8+45% to each of them.


    Valkyrie Breaker: A wide area bombardment spell that deals 2[WD] damage to 4 targets. Requires 1 turn of charge before firing. Each turn passed adds 1d8 to the total roll. has a cooldown of 3 turns. Can use 4 cartridges to ignore the turn of charge.


    Bridgett stuff to remember


    Base Stats: 
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 6
    Intelligence: 3
    Constitution: 7
    Synergy: 12


    Barrier Jacket: Grants a pool of 24 HP. For every hit, 4 points of net damage will be subtracted from this pool instead of the wearer. 3 Turns after being reduced to 0 HP, the pool will fully replenish. Bridgett's barrier jacket, a light blue dress with silver gauntlets, and boots. It has a short white coat over her shoulders that go to about the middle of her back.

    Free Action: Heal the user for the HP of the pool, and reduce the pool's HP to 0. Bridgett reworks the wards of her Barrier Jacket, recovering her health.

    Passive: Once per encounter, when an attack would otherwise reduce the wearer to 0 HP, negate that attack, and reduce the pool's HP to 0. All benefits of this item are lost until the pool replenishes. Bridgett purges her Barrier Jacket, negating an incoming attack.


    -Base Form: Grants a pool of 20 HP. For every hit, 4 points of net damage will be subtracted from this pool instead of the wearer. 3 Turns after being reduced to 0 HP, the pool will fully replenish.

    -Craft Upgrade: Adds the following Free Action: "Heal the user for the HP of the pool, and reduce the pool's HP to 0."

    -Craft Upgrade (Reactor Purge): Adds the following Passive: "Once per encounter, when an attack would otherwise reduce the wearer to 0 HP, negate that attack, and reduce the pool's HP to 0. All benefits of this item are lost until the pool replenishes."

    -Craft Upgrade: Increase pool to 24 HP (20 -> 24)

    Hurstwic Cooldown 2 turns remaining  

    Magic Arrow Cooldown 1 turns remaining

  3. Jezzabella's face twisted in confusion as the girl ran away. Giving a tsk with her tongue she held the gun by the top and carried as she caught up with Yvette. "Enjoying yourself a bit Dear Jezzabella?" Yvette asked her as she rested a hand on her lower back "Almost as much as you are Mistress...Though you shouldn't tease so many of the group it might cause problems. You might break that little one if you're not careful. I may not like her but she will have her uses."  Jezzabella said  she walked next to her Mistress tracing her tail up one of Yvette's thighs "Oh, I will be careful just like you need to be." Yvette said as she and Jezzabella walked into the next room after the others.

  4. Jezzabella was noticeably squirming as Hirata held and stroked her tail "YYYeah nnow  l..et go please." Jezzabella said to the girl giving her a bit of a glare as she tried to hold something back. Yvette walked up leaned down (giving Hirata a nice view) and gently grabbed Hirata's hands moving them off of Jezzabella's tail. "Don't worry dear Jezzabella gets a little excited at times it shouldn't happen again." She said looking Hirata's face smiling holding the girl's hands. "Now we best be moving along so the Miss doesn't get too far yes. Jezzabella give them their gun back and let's move on." Yvette said as she stood up and patted Hirata on her head "I can't wait until we have our session." She said as she turned and walked away letting her hand linger on the girl's arm for a moment before walking away. 


    Jezzabella moved to Hirata and held the gun out to her."Thank you and that didn't mean anything I just got excited like the Mistress said." She said looking embarrassed as she waited for the girl to take the gun.


    Jezzabella learned the Trick Meticulous Guns Blasting: The user knows how to use a gun, but they are too cautious, ensuring that the gun is clean and isn't jammed before firing it. Guns deal 1d10 more damage, but can only be fired every other turn.

  5. Unfortunately for Hirata, she would find it rather hard to get away with Jezzabella's tail wrapped around her. Though probably to her surprise the demon didn't seem to have much problem handling the recoil from firing the gun. As the gun fired Hirata would see a devilish grin appear on her face and would feel her tail become more animated as it started to snake its way under her shirt. From the back, Yvette clapped "Oh, that's wonderful but dear Jezzabella you seem to be getting a bit overly excited." She said giggling a bit. Jezzabella's tail stiffed a bit before she pulled it away from Hirata. Hirata would see a very noticeable blush on Jezzabella's face. 

  6. Jezzabella inhaled quickly as Hirata brushed against her bottom and tail before she moved her tail to slap at Hirata's hand. Jezzabella resisted Hirata moving her hand a bit before sighing and letting the girl guide her hands along the length of the shaft and when Hirata leaned into to show her how to brace the gun Jezzabella fidgeted a bit until she sighed and moved her tail to wrap around Hirata's waist so it wasn't in between the two of them. "The only safety we have for crossbows is not having a bolt in them until you are ready to shot it." She said to the Girl starting to sound a bit impatient. 

  7. "I'll look forward to it dear," Yvette said as Jezzabella roughly grabbed the gun with one hand. "What do you...." Jezzabella started to growl at Hirata until Yvette shot her a look.  Jezzebella closed her eyes and sighed "I have used a crossbow before I find them rather slow and unsatisfying to use. I assume that the bullets come out of this end?" She said calmly as she held the gun from the top and pointed the barrel at Hirata.

  8. "That would be lovely dear." Yvette pursed her lips and moved a finger up to her mouth in thought. "Though I'm rather useless when it comes to using a weapon. So I might need some private lessons later but how about you give Jezzabella a quick one right now. So we don't fall too far behind the Miss." Yvette said playing with her hair a bit and smiled cutely. Jezzabella looked a lot less happy. "Mistress is it really the time to be doing that." she said dismissively. "Oh, now don't be a meany and let the dear teach you. Besides you kind of owe her at least this for all those mean looks you have been giving her." Yvette said as she pushed Jezzabella over near Hirata "Now feel free to do whatever you need in order to show Jezzabella, my dear." Yvette said giving Hirata a wink. As she moved to the side giving the tow some room. Jezzabella didn't look happy "Just make it quick little one." she said accepting the situation

  9. Yvette had a small blush on her face when Hirata's.....companion spoke up luckily between the girl asking a question and Shamhat blasting the corpse gave her enough time to compose herself again. "There is nothing but stones and scrap in the giant's bag Mistress," Jezzabella said as she returned from her searching or maybe just getting out of the other mages temper tantrum. she shot a glare at Hirata as she got closer having also heard her companion's words. "Miss its already dead. Jezzabell made sure of that. Best not waste your strength by destroying a corpse." Yvette said to Shamhat before turning to Hirata "I'm not sure about the Miss but nether Jezzabella nor I have any knowledge on how to use one of those guns has you call them." Yvette said with a smile.

  10. raph_4_t.png

    Raph looked at the swordsman and gave him a half-hearted smile "Why don't you come over and see. You would be surprised what someone can when pushed into a corner." He said with a laugh "Ow...best not laugh for now" He said as he looked back to Vivi "If what say is true then I suggest we make haste. I have managed to drive the fiends away for the moment but it's likely they will return to finish what they started." he said as she lowered his weapon or at least took a less aggressive stance.

  11. raph_4_t.png

    Raph considers the words of the man for a moment before speaking. "Ha, like I would fall for such a ruse. Most of you may have discarded you cloaks in an attempt to fool me but one of you still wears their's and smells of dark magic. Now Prepare to Defend yourself!" He said as he started to move forward he only made it a few steps before he lost his footing a bit and planted his spear into the ground so he didn't fall over. "...Now could one of you kindly come closer so I can defeat you with the wrath of the Goddess that would be quite lovely?" He said heavily breathing but managing to stay on his feet.

  12. Jezzabella continued to smash her axe into the zombie for a bit longer until there was nothing left of the face but mush. She turned back to Yvette and her wicked smiled dropped as she quickly grabbed a cloth and wiped the blood off of her face before tossing the soiled cloth on to the once giant. She then moved next to her Mistress. Once she was next to Yvette she leaned in and whispered something into Yvette's ear as her tail wrapped around Yvette's waist and a hand started to explore one of Yvette's thighs as Jezzabella started to move Yvette to a corner.


    Yvette giggled a little and grabbed Jezzabella's hand and stopped her directing of Yvette and waving a finger in front of her "Ah ah ah Dear Jezzabella we are in the midst of company so your going have to hold out until we are done with the mission here and have a private room." Yvette said to the maid. "But..." Jezzabella was about to say something but was cut off as Yvette leaned and whispered something to her causing her tail to sho straight up and a very excited look to appear on her face "Remember you are going have to hold out until we get some private time. Now be a good girl and check and see what that giant was carrying in that sack of its." Yvette said as she turned the maid around by her shoulders and a pat on the butt(that may have lingered a bit) sending the maid off as she started to cast her detection spell to see if anything might be of interest to her in the area.


    Jezzabella will search the burlap sack the giant had set down.


    Yvette will use Detect outsiders to see if anything is around here is of interest to her.

    Detect Outsiders: A simple spell that shows the caster the location of beings or objects not native to the current plane of existence. Also shows the locations of rifts or portals into other planes as well as areas where the veil may be thin. Has proven 99% effectiveness. Usable three times per encounter.

  13. Jezzabella smiled wickedly as a gout of blood shot out of the guard she just killed she didn't get much time to enjoy the sight before the magic that Yvette casted causing a limb that was meant for the Mistress. This caused the smile to change to a more cruel one "Well big boy lets see if you can take more then your friend did. After all, you have to pay for you audacity of attempting to strike MY Mistress." She growled at the once zombie (if it could be called that anymore) and leaped at it slamming her axe into what looked like the weakest part of it(probably the head...usually the head). While Yvette unleashed a gout of hellfire on the beast after she moved back a bit,


    Yvette uses Hellfire Ignetion on the giant zombie!

    Hellfire Ignition(level 1): By opening a small portal to hell with her own powers Yvette burns an enemy with hellfire dealing 2d6+Int Disintegration damage.


    Jezzbella leaps and slams axe into the giant zombie. Matronit Deals 2d6+Str[12] Negative damage!


    Yvette loadout


    HP: 22

    Moves: 1




    Essence: 6


    Constitution: 1


    Dexterity: 0


    Intelligence: 8


    Strength: 0


    Synergy: 6



    It's in the fine print(Level 1): Yvette can stun one of her minions or former minions for one turn. When stunned it taunts creatures equal to its Essence. Cooldown of 2 turns.


    Hellfire Ignition(level 1): By opening a small portal to hell with her own powers Yvette burns an enemy with hellfire dealing 2d6+Int Disintegration damage.


    Defense is imperative(Level 1): Yvette chooses one of her minions for the next 2 turns any attack targeting Yvette targets the minion instead.  Cooldown of 3 turns.


    Dark Blessing(Level 1): Yvette targets one minion and picks one of its stats that minion gains a buff to that stat equal to half of her Int for 2 turns. Cooldown of 2 turns.


    Ring of Swift Winds (level 1): A enchanted ring that allows to wearer move faster. Grants a +4 to Initiative.

    Jezzabella loadout


    HP: 26

    Moves: 1




    Essence: 2


    Constitution: 3


    Dexterity: 4


    Intelligence: 2


    Strength: 8


    Synergy: 2



    In Eternal Service: Due to the circumstances that bound her to Yvette as long as Yvette is alive, Jezzabella can't die. As long as Yvette is alive when Jezzabella is reduced to 0 hp she isn't killed instead she is removed from combat and revives at 50% hp after the encounter is over.


    Demonic Armament Matronit: Jezzabella summons her demonic weapon from hell.  It takes the form of a large axe. equips Matronit to Jezzabella Matronit Deals 2d6+Str Negative damage.


    My Duty to the Mistress: If Yvette is reduced to 40% or lower hp Jezzabella can choose to use a free action to send Yvette to a designated safe place on the world. Usable once per Plot.



    Custom made Battle Maid uniform (level 1): A maid outfit Yvette had custom made for Jezzabella. Made for both battle and performing maidly duties.....and is also really cute. Grants DR 9/Slashing.


  14. "Try not to get to carried away my dear," Yvette said as she begun to weave another spell over Jezzabella. Once it was done Jezzabella charged forward "I'll be gentle!" The demon said excitedly as she dashed past the giant zombie, the strange mage lady seemed to have that under control and into the midst of the two guards that had appeared "Hello boys! Let's see what you can take!" Jezzabella said with a bit of a flirtatious tone in her voice as she slammed her axe into one of the guards.


    Yvette use Dark Blessing on Jezzbella increasing Jezzabella's STR.

    Dark Blessing(Level 1): Yvette targets one minion and picks one of its stats that minion gains a buff to that stat equal to half of her Int for 2 turns. Cooldown of 2 turns.


    Jezzabella slams her axe into the guard with the shotgun. Matronit Deals 2d6+Str[12] Negative damage


    Yvette's loadout


    HP: 22

    Moves: 1




    Essence: 6


    Constitution: 1


    Dexterity: 0


    Intelligence: 8


    Strength: 0


    Synergy: 6



    It's in the fine print(Level 1): Yvette can stun one of her minions or former minions for one turn. When stunned it taunts creatures equal to its Essence. Cooldown of 2 turns.


    Hellfire Ignition(level 1): By opening a small portal to hell with her own powers Yvette burns an enemy with hellfire dealing 2d6+Int Disintegration damage.


    Defense is imperative(Level 1): Yvette chooses one of her minions for the next 2 turns any attack targeting Yvette targets the minion instead.  Cooldown of 3 turns.


    Dark Blessing(Level 1): Yvette targets one minion and picks one of its stats that minion gains a buff to that stat equal to half of her Int for 2 turns. Cooldown of 2 turns.


    Ring of Swift Winds (level 1): A enchanted ring that allows to wearer move faster. Grants a +4 to Initiative.


    Jezzabella's Loadout 


    HP: 26

    Moves: 1




    Essence: 2


    Constitution: 3


    Dexterity: 4


    Intelligence: 2


    Strength: 8


    Synergy: 2



    In Eternal Service: Due to the circumstances that bound her to Yvette as long as Yvette is alive, Jezzabella can't die. As long as Yvette is alive when Jezzabella is reduced to 0 hp she isn't killed instead she is removed from combat and revives at 50% hp after the encounter is over.


    Demonic Armament Matronit: Jezzabella summons her demonic weapon from hell.  It takes the form of a large axe. equips Matronit to Jezzabella Matronit Deals 2d6+Str Negative damage.


    My Duty to the Mistress: If Yvette is reduced to 40% or lower hp Jezzabella can choose to use a free action to send Yvette to a designated safe place on the world. Usable once per Plot.



    Custom made Battle Maid uniform (level 1): A maid outfit Yvette had custom made for Jezzabella. Made for both battle and performing maidly duties.....and is also really cute. Grants DR 9/Slashing.


  15. "Oh dear. That steam isn't going to do wonders for my dress. Jezzbella lets get started shall we." Yvette said as she weaved a spell over Jezzabella. "Yes, Mistress this is going to be fun!" Jezzabella said as flames formed in the maid's hands before tuning in to a large black and red axe.


    Yvette uses Defense is imperative on Jezzzabella.

    Defense is imperative(Level 1): Yvette chooses one of her minions for the next 2 turns any attack targeting Yvette targets the minion instead.  Cooldown of 3 turns.


    Jezzabella summons Demonic Armament: Matronit equiping it. 

    Demonic Armament Matronit: Jezzabella summons her demonic weapon from hell.  It takes the form of a large axe. Equips Matronit to Jezzabella. Matronit Deals 2d6+Str Negative damage.


    Yvette load out




    Essence: 6


    Constitution: 1


    Dexterity: 0


    Intelligence: 8


    Strength: 0


    Synergy: 6



    It's in the fine print(Level 1): Yvette can stun one of her minions or former minions for one turn. When stunned it taunts creatures equal to its Essence. Cooldown of 2 turns.


    Hellfire Ignition(level 1): By opening a small portal to hell with her own powers Yvette burns an enemy with hellfire dealing 2d6+Int Disintegration damage.


    Defense is imperative(Level 1): Yvette chooses one of her minions for the next 2 turns any attack targeting Yvette targets the minion instead.  Cooldown of 3 turns.


    Dark Blessing(Level 1): Yvette targets one minion and picks one of its stats that minion gains a buff to that stat equal to half of her Int for 2 turns. Cooldown of 2 turns.


    Ring of Swift Winds (level 1): A enchanted ring that allows to wearer move faster. Grants a +4 to Initiative.

    Jezzabella Loadout




    Essence: 2


    Constitution: 3


    Dexterity: 4


    Intelligence: 2


    Strength: 8


    Synergy: 2


    In Eternal Service: Due to the circumstances that bound her to Yvette as long as Yvette is alive, Jezzabella can't die. As long as Yvette is alive when Jezzabella is reduced to 0 hp she isn't killed instead she is removed from combat and revives at 50% hp after the encounter is over.


    Demonic Armament Matronit: Jezzabella summons her demonic weapon from hell.  It takes the form of a large axe. equips Matronit to Jezzabella Matronit Deals 2d6+Str Negative damage.



    My Duty to the Mistress: If Yvette is reduced to 40% or lower hp Jezzabella can choose to use a free action to send Yvette to a designated safe place on the world. Usable once per Plot.



    Custom made Battle Maid uniform (level 1): A maid outfit Yvette had custom made for Jezzabella. Made for both battle and performing maidly duties.....and is also really cute. Grants DR 9/Slashing.


  16. raph_4_t.png


    It was all going according to the plan that the Goddess had for Raph. She had gotten him to the mainland and to a place that needed his help and he was well on his way to solving the disappearances having gotten himself captured. After all, to stop a problem you need to know what was causing it. Once he got to where ever his "captors" were taking him he had planned on escaping his captors and killing the head of the snake whoever it was. Of course, that was his plan until the cart he was in stopped and he heard a commotion and he felt the goddess telling him that he needed to jump out of the cart. Having learned whenever he felt the goddess telling him something he should act on that and he did jumping from the cart just as it blew up from an explosion. Standing up from where he had landed he looked around both prisoner and guards lay dead from the explosion and found himself surrounded by cloaked figures. 


    Luckily for him, there was one of the weapons the guards had landed at his feet. With a smile, he kicked up the spear and leveled it at the figures. "You fiends will find me a greater challenge than that of unarmed prisoners and unaware guards now have at you!" he called out as he charged the figures. It was a grueling fight that had left Raph near death's door bearly standing on his feet but for the moment he had driven them off or so he thought as the dust cleared he saw another group lead by one wearing a cloak. Bracing himself as he stood up straight he would at least die on his feet if that was his fate. "You fiend have returned. If it is the Goddess plan to have me die here I will make sure to take those who misused her gifts with me." Raph said as he moved to defend himself for the inevitable attack that was to come.

  17. Junko, Rika, Rosemary, Rosalyn
    Rosalyn's Miles leaps at the Bear and grows larger slamming into the bear. causing the bear to stagger back and dealing another injury.

    Rika looks for Junko and notices the girl sneaking up to the bear


    Junko attempts to sneak up on the bear and attack him well she doesn't seem to surprise the bear that much her attack does cause some damage to it. Junko doesn't manage to sneak attack the bear fully but does deal 7 damage 


    Rosemary sends the flowers to attack the bear. Well, the assault of the flowers didn't do much the flowers manage to work its roots into the already injured bear finally bringing the bear down. the flowers deal & damage causing the final

    injury to the bear killing it.


    Junko, Rika, Rosemary, Rosalyn all gain 4 exp.


    With the death of the bear, the flower patch starts to die and a glimmer appears in the middle of the patch.



    The Stone lizard slams the axe into Valerie's shoulder well it was a mighty blow Valerie managed to reduce the damage a bit. Valerie takes 5 damage.


    Yoshirou, Tsukihash, Elizabeth

    Luckily for the group, the map that Yoshirou pulls out is not a visitor map but one meant for employees they easily identify an employee entrance nearer to the wheel than the one they came in from.



    Iva manages to make a medium sized snow drift near the wheel. The new cops seemed to have turned around the side of a booth or another ride and haven't noticed anything ...yet. The Drift only gets Iva about half the way up to the glimmer she figures she could jump the rest of the way if she wanted to. Also, she feels if she used more magic it would have gotten her up higher. 

  18. "Oh, I wouldn't mind going with you dear. I can't say I will much of a use in there though but I will be happy to join you. If you're worried about it being dangerous then why not ask Ms. Yoko or your large friend. Deadlift? I believe you called him that. Or even the Dear Baron they may have lost the fight but they proved to be an able combatant." Yvette said with a smile to Hirata.

  19. Spoiler

    Arcana: 11 vs 18,

    Yvette finds that it's some sort of hex or marker for another spell and a powerful one at that. Though the mark itself shouldn't be an issue.


    Yvette frowned when she couldn't find out much more about the brand other than the mark was no danger itself and it was created from a rather powerful one. She rubbed her arm where the brand was "Thank you for your concern. All I could figure out was that its some sort of hex or a marker for another spell a powerful one. The brand itself shouldn't be a problem. I'll probably need some time to research it a bit more or we might get lucky and find out what made it and solve it then." Yvette said "So where is every going to be heading to. I won't lie this mark might cause problems down the line for anyone who chooses to have me along."

  20. Yvette stared at the creature as she closed the portal she was going to attempt a portal to this plane again at some point she doesn't like being embarrassed "I might take you up on that at some point Ms. Yoko. though I will admit that I do have a failing in some physical activities and just a bit of me letting my guard down Sir Vratislav nothing to worry about."  Yvette said just before she grimaced from a burning sensation on her arm. Looking at the brand Yvette shook her head "I have no clue what this is." Yvette said as she started to cast multiple detection and identifying spells on the brand to figure out what it was or what it did. 

  21. Yvette was caught off guard when the creature grabbed her from the portal not giving her enough time to call Jezzabella over to protect her before Evelyn cut the tentacle off at the tip causing Yvette to fall on her but with a small "oof". Taking a quick look around and not seeing anything in the portal or in the room Yvette sighed and looking a bit peeved scuffed her heel over one of the connecting chalk lines breaking the line causing the portal to close.  She then looked over at Evelyn "Thank you, Ms. Evelyn I got a bit distracted and forgot some of my usual precautions when opening a portal." Yvette said some of her usual composer lost under a bit of embarrassment has Jezzabella moved over and inspected Yvette to make sure she was fine. "Well, at least I learned a little bit about what is in that plane it and didn't lose anything other than a bit of dignity," Yvette said to her self as she started to erase some more of chalk just out of a precaution.

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