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Aqua Severwill

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Status Updates posted by Aqua Severwill

  1. Hello is this thing on?

  2. Made a new friend from a wrong number text. Funny how some things turn out.

  3. Since it's what I've been saying as a greeting to people recently I must say it here... Yo

  4. My family's vacation is over so they'll be home later at night. This also means my vacation is ending, so goodbye freedom

    1. Tringus


      Oh I LOVE those kinds of vacations! Me and my twin were home alone for an entire week, and we got to do whatever we wanted. We even had a small party of four: Me, him, and our two best friends who are also twins.

  5. If only I had enough rupees to change my name on here. (Yo, this is me asking you lovely people for donations to the poor little me)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Isa-Chu


      I understand you, my friend. I thought about a pseudonym way too late.

    3. Bearadactyl
    4. Aqua Severwill

      Aqua Severwill

      Thanks people. c:

  6. It's fun to forget to sleep

  7. Sweet Dreams. May you all be a sugar-happy-sweet-tooth in all your dreams.

  8. Setting up a Suicune makes me feel like I need to be very sorry for my opponent

    1. Bearadactyl


      If you can successfully set up, you should be sorry for them.

      If only Suicune was as good as it was in the old days, without need of setup.

  9. What's on my mind? Absolutely nothing, thanks for asking little text bar with a question inside it.

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      aqua pls stay I miss you

  10. Today is a new day

    1. Shing


      A fancy day.

  11. It's good to be back here, at last

  12. Funny how my reason to live is in the hands of ties that can easily break

  13. What can not be proven impossible can still be possible.

  14. To live a life without emotions can not be called a life at all...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Garnet.


      if you let your emotions go tho, ill call u a nerd

    3. Bluewolf


      It certainly can not.

    4. The Fush

      The Fush

      You ain't convincin' anyone with that sad face bibarel

  15. Summer is here, time to find a job

    1. Summer


      Yeah you better go

  16. Welp, a few minutes after a lightning bolt hit a tree outside, the storm has passed.

  17. Yay, second lightning storm in row. My street is a river again

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