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Posts posted by Commander

  1. Okay, here's 18.71's link it's mostly just for fixing two big glitches but since they cause major game crashes I figured I'd just make a quick release fixing them along with a little bit more content than waiting 3 months for more. I might figure something out for content updates in the future to get the game out little by little or just do a big dump at Serra. Something. Anyways, here's the changelog


    -Implemented a way to access debug mode in the game

    -Added hard mode up until Corey

    -Fixed the Fly Bug

    -Fixed the ExpAll bug

    -Added all missing Redux HQ trainers from the thread


    not a big update but an update nonetheless. As for the debug mode, there's a password which I included somewhere and where to activate it....it's very, very early into the game but at some point past the starter room. That's all I have for you.

  2. 18 hours ago, Waynolt said:

    Quick notice: the previously mentioned code pass has now also been done in regards to SWM in @Commander's Redux.
    The result is:
    - most SWM mods should not break Redux, because they alter script sections that Redux didn't change (knowing whether Redux breaks them would, instead, require a more thorough checking and testing process)

    - SWM mods that are compatible but quite redundant (i.e. ItemBan) have been left unaltered

    - ExpShareFullTeam is redundant and incompatible: it will now close the game if you try to use it in Redux

    - EvOverflow will now engage a "Redux compatibility" mode if it detects Redux being used

    - executing the pass on the Mouse mod is still waaaaaaay too time consuming to actually be done; you can use it in Redux, but at your own risk and peril


    First, thank you so much. This was on the bottom of my to figure out list but if the basic stuff works then that honestly would really benefit both of us. Second, I did my own quick testing and it seems like everything on the list is compatible with no conflicts. If I see something that pops up, I'll let you know. You don't know how thankful I am for this. It's not because I use the mods, but because this one has become so ingrained it's almost required to workaround it since half the time bug reporters are using the mods.


    Anyways, figuring something out was on my to do list ironically but this is better than anything I would've done. Funny story time. I was actually testing when I got sick of replacing cut so I was going to download the SWM and figure out compatibility when I saw this today. \o/ I consider this a win considering the messes caused by game-z. There's a lot of little things on my to-dos that kind of add up so sometimes I put off things. Most of the things I'm doing now aren't even random new ideas but things that have been lingering for a couple years back when I didn't have the experience or knowledge to work on them.

  3. I know it used to be a Night Club members only (was it called ace trainers) but I think you can delete topics or at the very least hide them if you want to. Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about an embarrassing topic but if you really want to get rid of it you'd need to edit it. If it's archived I'd have to take a look.


    I took a quick look and it doesn't seem you can hide archived ones but if it isn't archived you can do the following to your own threads



    • Like 1
  4. Before I go into anything else, my god when did I get so out of shape?


    Ring Fit Adventure is honestly quite the interesting game I've only played half an hour into and my body can feel it. Actually, it can't really but that in itself is a good thing. So to give you some background, I'm actually not some overweight loser, more just a right on the edge of fatness loser. I gained about 30 pounds too much over the past year after getting skinny but my goal isn't exactly to shed that off. It's more about getting back into the shape I was around 5 years ago back in my high school days. That would require the greatest barrier and most failed New Year's Resolution to overcome: actually exercising.


    I already know most of you are probably looking at me funny because what would a fat gamer know about exercising. I actually took 4 years of marching band and let me tell you I had calves of steel from that. But we actually had to do all kinds of stretches for warm ups which many are now ingrained into my head. Marching 8 hours a day for a month then 3 hours every single day plus 4-6 hours on a Saturday really makes for a wild workout. You also feel the pain of holding a chunk of metal for all that time. So yeah, I do have some background on this. I'll get more into my band stories which will tie into what I talk about in a minute. There's actually something I know more or less everyone reading this will understand. One issue that plagues a majority of the US.


    People don't like to exercise. That's just a fact. It's grindy and painful and there's a lot of things that should be done that people just don't want to do. Most people's daily exercise if they do any is to just jog for 30 minutes a day and be done. All you're doing is just working your legs slightly which is good. But once it becomes routinely, it's just some lull in the day to stay healthy. Now there are still a number of people who go to the gym and work out there which I say, "Good for you." There are actually issues doing that which is ties into my issue from marching band. There's areas of your body that you just don't do workouts for because it's tiresome and troublesome so when you have the option to not do it, you don't do it. One of the reason I have stick arms even while in marching band. It grinds down to one of the simplest answers to the biggest problem: people don't like to exercise because exercise is not fun.


    I want you to remember this: "People don't like to exercise because exercise is not fun" as this entire review and discussion will be centered around that. Ring Fit Adventure is a very niche game that became mainstream for some reason that was designed around that philosophy. So what exactly is Ring Fit Adventure? It's an RPG where you have a ring and jog in place while you run through the level like a sonic character while dealing with enemies in battle by performing different exercises. There's also minigames and normal excercises but for the sake of discussion, I'll leave out anything I haven't tried yet and I'll talk about them when I get around to doing them. The game's story is also relatively simple in that you travel to a bunch of worlds to stop a dragon named Dragaux from corrupting the world in evil darkness.


    I really want to be proven wrong here but I can't imagine seeing people putting this into their daily regimens which they should. Personally, I think this game was suited perfect for me. What I really like about the game is the combat. I won't beat around the bush in saying that combat is miserable. When you get into combat, you have to do things such as pullups or pushing the band in and out. And it's not some simple cutesy 2 times. You have to do 15-30 depending on the difficulty you set. Considering they are color coded based on the core getting the workout, there will be ones you dread to do. I died inside every time I had to do the chair pose. It deserves to burn in a pit of fire. Squats I really liked doing (I have the thighs of a First Class Soldier) so I often went for those when I had the choice. But enemies are color coded so you'll be either suffering more doing what you love or suffer a little doing what you don't want to.


    That really is the secret to Ring Fit Adventure. It rewards you for doing things you don't want to do. I don't want to be in pain, but I'm willing to put up with it to progress further in this game. Getting through the first world was rough for me doing it on the normal difficulty. I felt tired, worked up a good sweat, and needed water and fast. When the game says have a towel and bottle of water ready, they aren't kidding. You need those. World 1 took me around 10-12 minutes to do and I did a few of the rhythm games (gotta have my Odyssey) while I did a bit of world 2 for 8 or so minutes leaving it around 20-25 minutes. Let me tell you something: I burned more calories in those 20 minutes than I would in two hours with the Wii Fitness. And the even crazier thing is that I'm in much, much less pain.


    And given I'm probably like one of the 5 people who can actually talk about this, Ring Fit is different the Wii Fit. People like to compare the two but they are two entirely different entities which a majority of people prefer one for a reason. Wii Fit is more about posture and stretching muscles to become more nimble and be able to balance more. Ring Fit focuses more on a daily regimen on what you should be doing in a day and slowly pushes you to do more and more to get a full workout like you would in a gym or more specifically a gym class. Ring Fit does a lot more to what will feel natural. The other crazy thing is that it doesn't eat up my day like Wii Fit would.


    So as this is not something you can simply spend a week on to give a good review we're going to be doing a little challenge here. My end goal is to be able to play this an hour a day on the higher difficulty each morning but for now I'll slowly start from 20 minutes each morning and try going longer and longer. At the end of the month, I'll do a weight check to see if I actually lost any weight (that's not a goal but a good thing to check). I plan to keep doing this daily but only through September I'll actually be jotting stuff down. But here's my quick thoughts version:


    This is a good game to get into an active lifestyle which is something myself, and I imagine a lot of people also have issues with. Personally, I am not that bothered by tedious or grindy games so this fits up my alley but I could see a lot of people being turned off and dropping this after a month alone. This also is going to simply be a supplement to losing weight and not a heavy hitter to knock those pounds off as while you do workouts, there isn't anything intense to really shed those pounds off. But regardless, it'll be good for a better rounded workout than a simple jog a day like I've considered getting into and haven't...for the past year.


    Also I'll probably make a quick blurb daily but here's my Day 1 Suffering Workout





    Day 2 in a nutshell: F*@# you doors. I shall burn every door in the vicinity down. Also, I did not sign up for Through the Fire and Flames but with my body


    Day 3 in a nutshell: Maybe I shouldn't have done the Rhythm game. Also, screw you Mr Boss. You can't take two turns in a row. That's against the rules.


    Day 4: When I said chair pose was the worst I was so, so wrong. Planks are much, much worse. So much worse. My arms feel like they're about to fall off.


    Day 5: Oh my abs. I decided to crank it to level 30 as I thought the stage would be simple to test it...it was actually a boss stage. I'm in a lot of pain.


    Day 6: When I said I had the legs of a first class soldier, I was so, so wrong. This one mastery workout pooped me out early.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, keyblade336 said:

    Debug>Variable or Switches
    1500 entries / 800 entiries
    im checking through them now

    Edit: Edit these at own risk

    It's variable 200 (should be labeled difficulty)


    0=normal mode

    1=easy mode



    Also the rule of thumb for variables and switches is to not touch any of them unless you know what you're doing as you can softlock yourself into parts of the game. Seen it happen time and time again. I would say not to touch anything in debug mode but...we all know people will never listen to that.

  6. 3 hours ago, FujiwaraNoSai said:


    Thanks for the reply, but that doesn't seem to work. I still can't use Fly even after entering and exiting the back room. Follower Pokemon aren't active either and when I try to talk to the Goomy to enable them, this occurs:


      Hide contents



    Send me a save file and I check and see what's going on. Seems like there's too many possible little things for a one off scenario. I'll try and get it fixed


    Edit: I figured it out. Hooray for spaghetti coding. Just download the scripts file and should fix it.

  7. 4 hours ago, FujiwaraNoSai said:

    I think he may have been talking about a bug that occurs when you first fight Cain. A message about an exception possibly related to the Exp All pops up after you defeat his Koffing and you don't get any experience. He also doesn't send out any Pokemon on his next turn. I can't find the Exp All anywhere in my bag, so that might be related to the issue. Screenshots attached below.




    So I'm an idiot and broke the Exp All. If you're getting an error at the beginning of the game just turn the Exp All on or download this script and replace the one in the data folder (will upload a new version after waiting a bit for bug tests)

    I really need to just start assuming people don't read what I say anymore and highlight stuff in big bold letters so people can figure it out. The cause of the bug is forgetting a single line in the scripts and I uploaded a scripts file to fix it in the meantime. I'll just upload a fixed version just to avoid this issue any more than it has. I'll make a note when it's up. Just doing a zip file this time.


    Edit @FujiwaraNoSai did you try entering and exiting the back room of Agate City Circus. There's a lot of stuff that gets provisioned in there like Neo Reborn City


    Edit 2: and we're done fixing the upload link. I also threw in the 18.4 code change in a new scripts download file

  8. 46 minutes ago, Nutshell said:

    Hi, I created an account solely to ask that question actually as I started to play the game a few days ago. It looks very nice.
    I'm just wondering because the level cap does not seem to be activated, I could beat Florina with levels 30+ without any disobedience. Is that normal ?
    I read above that for the hard mode you had planned to get out of the limitations the main game had, as I chose to play that mode from the very beginning (on the train), was that one of them ?
    Thank you.

    I imagine it's the Exp multiplier or something like that caused this issue. The problem with SWM is that it overwrites code implemented into the game which there is no solution to resolve this other than for me to go out of my way to block the ability to use SWM entirely. This causes problems. So many problems.


    I can't really tell you what's compatible as I never use SWM but I think the type and stat modifiers are 100% safe to use as I don't touch those sections...I think. You can use them if you want but any glitches or issues you experience from them are not my responsibility.

  9. Comprende un poco Espanol (I don't feel like punctuating that correctly)


    These translations of fan-games really do fascinate me because I imagine it's quite the load of work. I've heard talks of people wanting to translate Reborn for many, many years but to see people actually doing both that and Rejuv really does surprise me. Best of luck on this project.

    • Like 1
  10. I know people are asking questions and sorry I don't get to them. Yes Corey's Crobat has a brightpowder (I blame the person in charge for that decision) and party system is unlocked in the menu once you get a certain NPC next to grand hall. Now for the actual post




    So here's the link to 18.7 which oh boy, there's quite a load here for a changelog and also putting the link at the bottom so that you guys will at least READ the changelog



    -Pokemon follower system has been added (talk to goomy in Grand Hall to Deactivate if needed)

    -Custom follower tweaks have been added up through Episode 8 (Serra)

    -A new harder difficulty mode has been added up through Episode 2 (Florinia)

    -Exp All has been added to the game

    -All features from Reborn's 18.3 have been implemented (improved AI and better performance)

    -An improved field override system has slowly been implemented (will rework events over time with Hard Mode)

    -Added the custom Cain scene in Coral Ward back


    So there's good news and bad news about 18.7. Good news is that everything has been converted over and the Redux you know and love is on a better system. The bad news is that the better copy had the follower mons so you don't have a choice and probably never will because I put way too much time fixing the follower mod. Also I'm probably going to disappoint people but I'll probably only make a simplified follower mod for normal Reborn and all the custom stuff will remain Redux exclusive because it's so tangled up with everything that separating it now is almost nigh impossible without adding weeks of work. I like and hate it. It works. It no longer breaks the game (I hope) and everyone is going to have to live with it.


    Now for the Hard mode. This is meant to go with Reborn's challenge mode. Hard mode is...different than you might think. The best way I can put it is that it's not something you see a lot with games or even at all. Some games do it the way I did it but those are few and far inbetween. Think of Normal mode of Redux being me designing the game within the boundaries Ame created. Hard mode is me not restricting myself to those limitations that most people would forcefully work with. This means that it's a lot more work so I originally planned to try and get an episode done a week but that's honestly unrealistic even with having more time to work on modding. That's going to take a long time. So it's silly for you guys to wait a year to play a better version of a game that's already been updated. I also do want a little bit of feedback on the hard mode to see how people like it. And before anyone says anything, I'm not trying to be Memeborn. I've always done my own thing and still will.


    So here's the download link

  11. 5 minutes ago, ShogokiX said:

    I'm with Gastro and Cass on this one. Sky battle, or any other system that limits your choice of Pokémon for the Elite Four would only piss people off and create a rather unnecessary artificial diffuculty.

    Yes, you could argue that any kind of game difficulty is artificial, as the whole game is, but as Gastro said, that is not really a valid point in terms of this question.

    No matter how strong/difficult any given opponent in the story is, there hasn't been a single unfair fight that would have been difficult because you couldn't prepare the right team for that fight.

    Artificial difficulty is a vague term and looking it up really doesn't apply much to RPGs and especially to this engine so I'm going to avoid the discussion here. I agree the sky battle idea is ridiculous as the E4 system is designed to limit your Pokemon already (ie no rotation team). It's not something I really should see people worrying about because if I have plans on how to make this work with Redux, do you really think Ame doesn't have a solid idea what the fight is going to be like? I mean has Reborn really delivered so far. I assume it has otherwise most of you reading this wouldn't still be around.


    As for the last part, there has been one fight. Well more like it was a series of events that piled up and outright just became a massive glaring flaw when the Glass Gauntlet rolled around. I mean we have seen thread after thread and complaint after complaint anyone who says it isn't a problem is just kidding with themselves. And it was changed twice before a public release. And the biggest issue wasn't the fights difficulty but honestly pretty much 0 indication we needed to prepare for this. Though I would consider this more poor direction over "unfair difficulty" or "artificial difficulty".

  12. On 5/17/2020 at 4:03 PM, Mindlack said:

    I don't think I have commented on this thread before, as I'm more of a lurker, but I wanted to express my delight at seeing that your run, which I immensely enjoy, wasn't dead. 

    I loved your recap, even though finding the exact correspondance took me a while. 

    What's your Madame X theory again?

      Reveal hidden contents

    Is it that she's secretly Dr. Jenkel, or the other way around?

    I look forward to your analysis about Crescent too. 



    Oh there was a long joke I had planned where the big reveal was that Madame X's name spelled backwards looked like Xen Adam and that Sakibot was used during the one scene to explain the big plot twist as nobody would expect Adam. That had me have a "wait a moment" since there is something very fishy about another character in that same scene. One we haven't seen in a very, very long time. One that matches up almost too well. Sticking with Saki being Madame X since it isn't that much of a stretch.


    The recap was mostly a joke as I figured most people would honestly know the game quite well by now and I didn't know how else to say "French Fries betrayed the motherland." Got a wee bit carried away.




    Chapter 61.5 An ACTual Ending


    You know, I must be a mod's worst nightmare as every time I post, it always end up an arrogant pompous long essay that someone has to read. Or maybe they just know me and just ignore this stuff because who wants to read an essay about a game using tools that are the equivalence of video game ductape. The results are mixed but it still works. Well I haven't gotten a point ever since the time I talked about the one video that was an absolute ear...infection. Part of me wants to throw something in to test, but that's also the part that thought giving a trainer 26 mons was a good idea. Probably not a good idea to listen to it. Probably also thought that making this run was a good idea. Why do I ever listen to that part?


    I thought of a new drinking game. Take a drink every time a subcaption isn't funny. Let me know how long it takes before you die.



    (I wasn't sure how this party would turn out, but best girl is here so it's...okay.)


    I know I don't like Venam but seriously? I didn't even have a screencap. I need to fire the guy in charge of these and replace him with someone more competent. This is like the 100th mistake he's made so far.


    (Raise of hands on who wants to see me get jiggy with the captain here. Whiteheads unite...wait a minute)


    (Who the heck are you people?)


    (Seriously, I should remember who you guys are but can't for the life of me)


    (What a baby. It took me nearly three years to get to this party. Was it worth it? Hell yeah!)


    (I'd say so. But who the heck are you guys?)


    So this reminds me a bit of two characters in the Trails series. No, don't go away here. Basically, they were two generic looking guys which one is a guy who has an unfortunate love life which his friend literally is just there for the ride and just gets a kick out of the misadventures. The reason they are so memorable is that there's often a quest or a few quests which the first guy professes his love and it ends horribly and not often in the way you'd expect. Point is that these guys were memorable. Points is that I for the life of me cannot remember if these guys were actually in Goldenleaf. I feel like they were in the PC but I don't remember. Kind of wish they were more reoccuring as a bicker couple's misadventures could be amusing. Even something as nonsensical as getting stuck in the past could be that little bit of humor people dig around towns to find. What I'm saying is that I think there's something to work with here that could be an amusing small detail. Small things like that are insignificant but get enough and they'll be magical. Kind of how Xenoblade works. If you haven't played the original, try the definitive edition. I'm sure Jan would approve of my shameless advertising.


    I realized I'm going to be stuck working on Redux when I could be playing Xenoblade. Damn the temptation is strong. Why does this have to be the year of easily distracting video game? Reminds me of this comic where there's a character who is the personafication of games that easily distract the creator on why he's not getting more comic pages out. I'm not sure if it's still up but it was by the "It Sucks to Be Luigi" comics. Honestly, I'd be surprised people would be bored waiting for me to output another chapter every once in a while as I do give a number of things to look at.


    (I need a trainer for this brain. Even now, it keeps going to the gutter)


    (I wanna take you away. Let's escape into the music. DJ let it play.)


    I am cultured in what many of you would call "Millennial Trash" and I'm proud of it. 


    (What about the time they got cold feet with Angie?)


    (Are you sure this isn't the training? I hear it takes a real man to hold down your alcohol. Da fuq do you mean there's no booze?)


    (Honestly I feel better than ever. As if a heavy burden was lifted never to plague the world ever again. I'm taking a long, long break from doing that ever again)


    (Alright, which one of y'all want to challenge him to a dance off?)


    (Maybe we should've had you step on that switch 'cause clearly you don't have a soul)


    (Well go take your doo doo somewhere else if you're gonna be like that)


    (You know who you're dealing with, right? You absolutely know who you're dealing with. Back in my youth, I defeated god with just a Blastoise. Did I mention he had a shield that negated all damage?)


    For some reason, I really want to nuzlocke Raptor. That might be a good side thing when I'm really bored.


    (Oh no, not you. I already ranted about you. I don't think I have it in me for another)


    (At first, I kind of hated you. But, you're alright in my book)


    I don't think I have ever talked about it but I often prefer orchestral music in games over other stuff. Though I also really like a well done metal cord drop like "Those Who Fight Further." Found out about a series who explains music theory in games which is a good listen but I don't have time. I do know quite a bit about music but I'm no conductor...even if I look the part.


    (I'd question if their boss would get mad, but given they all GTFO'd of Terajuma, I don't think they'll mind)


    (You can stay, but on one condition:)


    (Hey buddy ole pal. The stakes are high and the cards are hot. Let's have one more round before we all have to hit the road)


    So another fun fact I think I've mentioned before. I had to learn a number of card games when I was little and often had to play them in band since being on a smartphone didn't exist back when I was in highschool. Nowadays, you see everyone playing games. We had to find other ways to entertain ourselves. It's been a while so I'd have to brush up on some but I've played Rummy, Spoons, Euchre, and another one made for big groups. Can't remember the name of it right now. I know I'm not that much older than you guys but it's really kind of scary how different socialization is nowadays compared to even a few years ago. Also scary how I first found out about Reborn in high school and now I'm a working class citizen and it still isn't even finished. What were we talking about again? Ah, that one game with Amber in it.


    (I think it say back but honestly, I'd say remove "a while back")


    So minor nitpick I learned in High School. If something is unneeded in a sentence, remove it. People make a bigger deal out of it more than they should as honestly, it helps sentences flow better and annoy that slight irritation of reading something pointless. Your mind often subconsciously does this all the time and I do it for this chapter as well because I don't edit. Easiest way to edit is to use the rule of 3: Write it, Read it, Speak it. Everything I talk about is based on that simple ideology. Those dialogue boxes are also terrible to work with since it's messy to read through. Imagine reading a passage but that passage has no details nor spaces between paragraphs. And the easier to see and understand version is in another room but you can't change anything in that room. Some stuff you can fix on the fly and others you can't. Story dialogue is one of those things.


    (We'd throw you into a museum of modern art. Probably have more relevance there)


    (You guys are about as helpful as the Kanto Police Department is at catching criminals)


    (It's Rejuv. The only normal day we've had was a freezing cold prison cell on a tropical island)


    (Speaking of things that don't make sense...)


    (This is what happens when you play too much "Corpse Party")


    (......By "throw" a party, do you mean you had one at your house or actually threw them off into the distance)


    (Starting to think it was the second one.)


    (And now she sounds like a broken record)


    (You're starting to scare me)


    (Jan, I don't need to play another horror game in my life. If she starts murdering people, I'm out)


    (She's about as emotionally stable as this game's plot)


    Jan, I appreciate all the work you put in, I don't think you're going to fully pull off whatever it is you're trying to do. Because of that, I'll always make fun of the games plotline. After everything presented in V12, I quite honestly have absolutely no idea how anyone can pull that off and not stumble and fall a bit if not a lot. If by some miracle it turns out to be absolutely amazing, not only will I admit that I was wrong going over a huge number of things I bashed on along with you being leagues above wherever I'll ever reach, but I'll make and create that abandoned Rejuv DX project. And I will keep my word on that.


    The main reason I abandoned it as I knew Az would really be able to design crazy difficult fights and it felt redundant for two people to try and do the same thing. Other than a certain fight, the Az and Alex did a really good job. Well, I could say for a few fights, but really only that one I take huge issue (at least I can beat it on normal with much less issues...I guess that's improvement).


    (Probably should do the same. There's a reason these chapters take forever)


    (Why are you here? I literally saw you fly away in the "conclusion" scene)


    (They can't be terrorists all the time)


    I'm not really sure how I feel about Eli & Sharon being there which kind of ties in to a big issue with Rejuv. End of the day, Team Xen is a terrorist group and that often gets kind of ignored to the point they don't even feel like a threat if not aligned with you. Crazy enough, I don't think you fight a single Xen grunt in the main story up through V12. They are still there but they are no longer really the enemy. You can still be enemies and the enemies can be very sympathetic. That's honestly I feel what the entire trails series thrives on. I don't think the transition was done that well as it just kind of...happened while a whole bunch of other things are going on. Delightful things that we'll probably spend a couple years talking about. If this run goes on longer than 5 more years, I might croak by then. 


    (Honestly, I want nothing to do with Xen after the emotional roller coaster they put me through)


    And now we finally get a gym battle after all this bloody time.


    (Also quite the ego. Is it really necessary to have your face on everything?)


    (Really? We're gonna be doing that now. Really?)


    I don't think Amber's dad really even gets any mention. I know WLL it plays quite the role but it kind of feels glazed over here. God I love Jenner in that. I miss that game already. Speaking of WLL, I find it a real tragedy this run has as many views as that page does. I'm mostly saying I feel like too many people are missing out as that really was a nice side story worth playing.


    (I...don't think Focus Blast counts as "Awesome Coverage")


    (Basically it's an OP flamethrower)


    (We ain't cheapskates here. We fight them at their best and only their best)


    (Anyone who does this deserves to be thrown into the pit of lava by Geara. Don't make Amber sad. Don't be that guy)


    (.....Gee, I wonder where we experienced that field at. I don't know maybe 10 minutes ago)


    (It also makes Flash Fire mons immune to rocks and more or less strong against them)


    (Eruption damage really isn't that big of a deal. Good for chip damage but won't really change the field of play)


    (Yeah...hazards being up would really help me in this battle)


    (I needed your help in the last battle, not this. This is just late advice)


    (Yeah...typically don't like changing fields unless I have to)


    (We all know who exactly did this. Jan also seems a bit too self aware of the mechanic)


    (You could say it really...dampened her party)


    Let's talk about field changes, shall we? I have a love-hate relationship with that mechanic. I love the concept as that means you can turn the field around and make it so that you have a huge advantage. It's actually really well done in Reborn as there are consequences for using this mechanic in some battles. Reborn I'll admit has a lot of really cool gimmicks. But let's focus on Rejuv here. I'm very mixed on this as the game really promotes you to use field changing mechanics which if you don't, it almost feels like you're getting punished. Reason why the one fight I had so much difficulty is I didn't prep for field changing which that whip lash effect from Reborn really shows there. 


    Every fight afterwards, I felt like there was way more freedom to design things around and prep for. I really felt post Erik is where the game really balances out better and is way more fun (I really do think Rejuv has a better lategame and Reborn has a better earlygame). 


    (I do find it truly ironic Crawli is next to Eli & Sharon)


    (what the heck is going on with the guy in the bottom left?)


    (So...is this a family quarrel or simply a mother passing her responsibilities onto me?)


    (Someone call 911 Shorty fire burnin' on the dance floor)


    For the next few screencaps, we're gonna see how many songs with fire in them I know lyrics of off the top of my head


    (I fell in to a burning ring of fire. Down, down, down and the flames went higher)


    (You think by now, that I would've learned not to play with fire if I don't want to be burned. But I'm a pyromaniac)


    (It's gettin' hot in here)


    (Chestnuts roasting in an open fire)


    (Like fire. Hellfire)


    (Through the fire and the flame we carry on)


    (Drop it like it's hot)


    (This is why I'm hot. This is why I'm hot)


    (al;asd;lfkjasdl;fkjasdflkj; I'm out of songs)

    (Not hard to figure out what happened here)


    (And that's normal mode completed)


    Had to adjust the team slightly and way more attempts than should be needed but here's intense:





    (To be fair normal was like a 1-0 and Intense was like a 1-12)


    Better than Angie. I had so many video outtakes of that fight. So many.


    (That's cause I'm the best)


    (Please don't be a song dedicated to me. Too tired to react to that)


    (...Not a song but close enough. So where's the melody badge?)


    (Is it possible...)


    (Hell yeah. Second best TM we got from a leader. Sorry but Shadow Ball is just better)


    (Sorry, I'm just thinking about Sun Drop right now. So who's gonna drop it?)


    Honestly, I didn't showcase much but the normal mode fight is really fun and way more interesting. Actually does a lot more surprising tactics than the typical intense mode's HO strat. We all know how I feel about that, but anyways it certainly felt harder than when I did it in V11 though I really, really am quite rusty so that could factor in as well.


    (Aww...she's gonna miss us. Wonder how many meditation session it'll take to get over this)


    So I picked both options because you can:


    (If it means being rid of this island forever, I'm not sure I can keep that promise)


    (I realized the next few leaders are doubles...maybe stopping and living here isn't so bad. Maybe Crescent was right)


    Speaking of the devil:


    (And here we have Cres Ex working her magic)


    (Oh boy if I didn't have enough reasons to hate Crescent)


    (To be fair, this kind of is your own fault for sending two people in there)


    (And Nim is back. Why am I not happy about that?)


    (I don't get it either but perhaps there's a logical explanation to it)


    (Does Crescent have some manipulation powers or something. They never really explained it)


    (You'll have to wait for about 6 or so chapters to get the context behind this)


    (I know the entire plot and this scene still makes no sense to me)


    (No offense, but that's a godawful name for a loner. Personally I would've went with Lonestar or Uno. You should never forget to call Uno)


    (I miss when the plot was silly. Can we go back to that? No? Awww...)


    (I'm really trying with these screencaps, but I just can't)


    (And no, I didn't forget to screencap. They just don't tell us)

    (Well let's see what Lorna actually means here)


    A place of honor and victory. So fun fact, that's the feminine name for Lawrence which Loewe the Samurott is actually named after a character with that name. Coincidence, I think not. Crescent clearly named Nim after my starter. I really just try to avoid Crescent stuff as I know all that'll happen is I'll get peeved. But here's a good ole analysis of Cres Scent Machina:


    Crescent is best described as "The Masquerading Goddess." She is quite the vague character and everything we really learn about her is through other characters. Melia is the one who gives us the most insight to who Crescent is and made her sound like a normal person as she likely is closer to that than one would think. One day she simply vanished with a goal to turn against the gods themselves. To do this, she had to put up a facade and become the Crescent we know today. She appears as an all powerful being which removes all obstacles out of the player's way which they cannot move themselves. Some are enemies while others are allies. Her goal is simple and linked to the player themselves. It's to stop the player from reaching an endpoint.


    The rest of Crescent really is a mystery and we could all take guesses on who the woman behind the mask is. Is she the mom of the player? Is she actually a normal human who just knows her way around making it look like she has powers? Maybe she is a very caring person. All we can see is a stone cold overtaker interfering only when needed to. That's all I have on her which is actually the problem. Gods are boring by default. They are near invincible to the point you know they are going to win if they're on screen. There's two way to go about designing this: present there struggles or make their methods interesting.


    I'll start with presentation. Which would you find more interesting to play out: some with quick reflexes killing three guys before they can even move or one guy walking up to one of the three men, shoving his forehead onto the pistol and tellilng him to shoot. After he gets shot in the head, he falls to the floor and waits about a minute to start laughing picking himself back up freaking the three guys out causing them to run away. I think Karen and Crescent are great physical demonstrations of it. Which one are you honestly more excited to see?


    And now let's jump into the easier one to design: struggles. It ain't easy being a god. Things go wrong about every minute and sometimes there are things that make you powerless over. There's a lot to work with. Maybe it's having an exploitable weakness or despite being this powerful entity, it feel all for naught seeing as they are powerless to change anything. The key is defeat. Everyone has to experience defeat at some point and more importantly, it has to be satisfying. Crescent it never really felt like she was defeated and more shoved out of the way later on. Karen, oh boy Karen. That's a character who suffered consequences for what she did. That's a long winded story but it really ties things together.


    Speaking of that I feel Karen is going to be one of the last but one of the most fun characters to analyze since there's just so much to theorize on her character based on her dialogue. I wish I had more for Crescent as I thought I would but I just don't. Sorry.


    Also this sums up how I feel every time I complete a chapter:



    Don't know when the next chapter will come but if I announce something, times it by 3. I mean it's totally Monday. But what really happened was I was on a roll with designing something and wanted to get that wrapped up which is why this is so late plus busy times at work. I imagine it's going to be a long while before the next one since I'm working on wrapping up a behemoth of a project. Maybe I'll take a break inbetween. I don't know.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Oh boy I really don't want to make this tutorial. This thing is a bitch. If you tried to install this thing before, you know the pains. It hates you and you hate it. It is quite literally not made for games like Reborn and Rejuv where cutscenes happen every 5 minutes and stairs are your worst nightmare. So you wanna know why the follower mod isn't widely used. Well, that's not what we're here for. Today we're simply for the simple installation of the follower mod and the number of fixes on how to get past the dev oversight. I haven't worked out all the kinks but let's just get started:


    Where to begin:




    I can't find the wiki used for the original tutorial but here's a good place to start. It contains all the download links for the basics of the follower mod. As for the graphics, technically we have up until USUM but I'd rather see if I can verify if a few dozen of these graphics were taken as free use or not. I've verified some of them as such but others I don't even know where they came from. If you really want that file, PM me and I'll share the sprites. I'm not going to rewrite this piece as all it really is doing is copying a script and pasting it into RMXP like this:




    Pay attention to that top part as that's where most of your issues and crashes are going to come up as. This is a custom made script designed for Reborn which is why the switches and variables are high. It's best to put them near the tail end so that you can keep track of them in case you need to make changes. But anything in 1400s is a variable, anything in 2400s is a switch, and anything 90-100 is an animation. Plug this all in and you're almost done with the base installation.


    If you do this and keep getting crashes starting the game up, you probably forgot to put the animations which are shown here:




    If you're lazy, technically you can copy and paste them from another game (like I did from the follower mod) instead of trying to import them in. There's also the common events page where you need a common event that shows like this below




    You may notice common events 68 and 69 (event 67 is a personal one for me) and I'll be going over what those are in a bit. Why do you need a common event that does nothing? I dunno. Probably poor scripting. You need it and it works so don't question it.


    The next thing you need to do is activate the follower mod system which can be done with the following script in an event:




    For the normal person, this would make as much sense as Cain's maturity level. I'm going to break this down as we're starting to get into more of my custom stuff (because typing 20 lines of code gets annoying after event number 50). I'll start with the Follower EV#. That is a variable that is used for the event that'll become the follower Pokemon. Each map with a healing machine needs to have a blank common event for the follower. This one happens to be map 70. It's not doing anything now but will in a minute. pbPokemonFollow(69) is the direct command to make a follower Pokemon the event. So in this case Event 69 is set to follow the player. Act Fall Switch is the switch that activates follower Pokemon so that needs to be turned on.


    pbToggleFollowingPokemon needs to be done twice. So the first one actually is used to make the Pokemon appear (why the event should appear off camera) and the second one will make it so the Pokemon pops up from behind you. And that's it. You're done. You now have a follower behind you...now you just have to do a whole bunch of stuff to make it work everywhere. Let's start with healing:




    So let me take a deep breath and explain all of this. So to remove the pokemon you need to use pbToggle twice (plays animations) before using pbRemoveDependency (makes mon disappear) and make sure to turn the switch off. Then you need to add the follower back using pbPokemonFollow(event on map) turning the Act Follow switch back on and the use pbToggle again. It gets better when you have fainted Pokemon but we're not there yet. If you mess this order up or forget a step, you get an error and your game crashes. That seems like a lot of work to do the same thing over and over again copying one set of lines then another so I was lazy and came up with this solution:


    Remove Follower:


    You can set it to dependency2 as it doesn't need to be three and...


    Add Follower:


    and this is to add the follower back


    So whenever you want a Pokemon to go away, you'd just use a common event remove follower. And then to add them back just use a common event called add follower with the scripts show above. You may be wondering "Why is there a 108? There is no 108 event." and "Do I need to make it event 108 every time?" And we'll get to that. Now let's look at the much cleaner version of doing this




    Now you only need to do 3 things. First thing is set a variable to be the Event tile to what you need it to be. Then use the common event remove follower to get rid of the mon. Then at the end use add follower. So now the last thing to do is make is so that the variable above is used to determine the event instead which is done simply but inserting this little in the script right here:




    Is that the best way to do it? No. Does it work? Yes. Now you have to deal with the other half. What happens if you wipe:




    Just need to do Add Follower. You already healed there so it remembers everything else. Just add follower. Switch 2466 is a personal edit that fixes the escape rope problem but since that is situational I'm not going to cover that mix. Maybe if people need it. You just need to make edits to the when people join you or add a 3rd dependent event script depending on your preference.


    Now we have the fun stuff. Let's just start with the flashing. Those Pokemon balls like to flash more than a stripper who has nothing to hide. When you walk out of a building, they flash. When you reach a new map, they flash. When you open the menu, they flash. When you use the PC, they flash. I'm going to go over a couple script edits that help fix most of these problems:


    Turning off Flash for map travel


    put a "#" in front of these things





    And these two places:



    You'll thank me later as that'll stop you from so much grief working on this damn thing. Literally no reason you should not do this once you get the script. Zero reason not to.


    How to Disable the Flash


    I need to pinpoint what I did as it disabled the sound but one of the biggest things when removing the follower is the big flash it'll make using the "Remove Follower" common event or the normal style I showed before. I use a global switch 2469 to stop the animation from showing when enabled and in the following places





    (not the best pic but ctrl+f should find it)




    (this one is under the surf tab so you can probably skip it in most scenarios)




    basically if it says refresh_sprite or Animation in it, you probably need to make a condition to turn them off. There's probably a better way to script this but I'm not a programmer but I do know a thing or two about this. Anyways once you do that it's actually really simple to turn on and off




    Turn the switch on to stop it and...




    This'll add the partner back and nobody will ever notice it was gone. Technically you should have a dump variable and have it look more like this:




    This is mostly used for cutscenes where you need to hide the player and their Pokemon which two objects and be really difficult to deal with. That last event is to avoid having Jimmy run into trouble and wiping causing the game to crash. Don't be like Jimmy.


    Stopping the flash in the Menu and PC


    So first thing I'd recommend doing is for the PC which is found below




    $Trainer.party[0] is the first Pokemon in the slot. If it's the same Pokemon, it'll ignore the refreshing the sprite. It's probably better to do a script variable instead of a global variable here but I'm bad at scripting. Anyways, you'll need to go into a section outside of the follower section for this next part to insert a piece of script here:




    And anytime you don't change the lead for the PC you won't experience a flash. Pause menu is slightly easier as it's actually done if you did the part above. Now onto the last thing:


    Moving a follower Pokemon


    So this is a feature that exists that I don't see get talked about. Let's say a certain follower behind you blocks the way. You could move them out of the way by doing this:




    You have to use the script command but this allows for you to move the partner however you like. Just make sure it's above a Wait for Move's completion. The partner can do everything in the move setroute in RMXP put you have to type it in by hand like above. That example the mon moves left 4 tiles before going down 3 and turning around to face south. Not critical but something good to know in case you need it.


    Sorry if this isn't the most helpful but this mod is a beast and I see a number of people just trying to download it and plug it in somewhere expecting it to work and just crash. I mostly used Redux's files (don't kill me, Ame) just so I could show pictures of what to look for and some things you can do. And if you have any tips and tricks I'd definitely say share them.

  14. @Frozenwolf94 I'll look into it but I can't promise I can identify the culprit. Lots of random little changes occur and something I just miss stuff.


    So it's been like 3 months since I made an update. What have I been doing all this time? Nothing. Honestly, it's mostly just been waiting for E19 development to cool off which seems like we're at that point. I decided to get my butt into gear on Sunday and start the pain in the butt migration process and testing. Oh boy is it always fun to test things over. Anyways, here's a little sneak peak of what to expect on the next release:





    That is the first peak at Redux 18.7 when it drops. I'm not going to talk about much but I guess I can drop a few little pieces. I had to redo the no items system a bit since there is a new difficulty mode coming. In the E19 release there are difficulty modes so think of this as getting your hands early on the harder Redux fights. As I said before this DOES NOT affect the gym leader fights at all. Those are more or less finalized and this is more for people who just think most of the game is a joke and really want more challenging fights. There are things exclusive to this hard mode because I always felt people should be rewarded for taking harder difficulties and not punished being forced to deal with easier fights.


    And to answer some obvious questions coming my way. No, I'm not trying to be memeborn or tap into the crowd. I just know there were a lot of people who were hoping for more fights and something I planned for E19 is being incorporated so I'll just do it for all the fights because it's easier then the alternative. Yes, the game does feel smoother after the update. Yes, the follower mod will be finished in 18.7. Yes, I did give Victoria Flame Charge like a mad lad. And for the last question: all of them.


    But real talk. Theoretically, I could have used the normal Redux files to do the conversion over but that is missing a number of fixes the follower mod version did. And we're about 90% done with converting it over as well. Just a couple things I missed because I'm an idiot and forgot to put labels onto them. Uberbug, disobedience, and the EV error fix is all I'm missing (and a couple pics). Only thing is I did have to sacrifice the Magikarp even for Game-Z. RIP Magikarp. That's a pretty big package and it's going to take me quite a long while before I can drop a release so I may drop a couple dev videos of things to help pass the time. Other minor things people can look forward to:


    -Aya is getting a new Alt fight (old one will be considered a Masters fight as well)

    -Charlotte is getting a new Alt fight (Current alt is replacing normal)

    -Zerk Path Amaria is getting a Master fight (chosen from menu)

    -Resh Path Amaria will alt between the three fights after the second loss

    -New Way to unlock Amaria's Master fight (previous way will still work)

    -Mystery Egg Changes

    -Slight Continuation of the Redux HQ sidequest


    The last thing is that 18.7 will be the last set of major changes until E19 drops. This is all the content I'm unleashing before the last episode. Once Reborn is fully released, nothing Pre Hardy is going to change. Dat's it. No more revisions other than bugs. No additional features. This is due to E19 probably going to be an absolute bitch to make at least 20 fights on top of all the fights coming in the main-game (I ain't doing postgame). In addition now that lag is less of an issue, would you want me to bring back the axed Park Forest? Could make it a hard mode feature as well. Really up to you guys. Feel free to ask questions before then.

  15. 12 hours ago, Dreamblitz said:

    Since both games are designed to be plenty challenging without the need for any added rules, It's not really recommended for either of them unless you've already played through at least once and know what to expect. Plus with the way areas are set up and the increased shiny rate, encounter rules get pretty hazy too. Rejuvenation Casual Mode would probably be suitable for a Nuzlocke, but if you just want extra difficulty then there's Normal or Intense mode instead.

    Nuzlockes in general are meant to make an easy game have a challenge. We generally don't recommend running nuzlockes as the game is quite a challenge in and of itself. Reborn is the easier of the two if Casual mode in Rejuv is not thrown into the mix. Rejuv also has the intense mode difficulty which really throws you through a loop. So many resets.


    Reborn doesn't exactly have an official difficulty mode but will has a small one in the final release. We have unofficial mods like Redux and Memeborn but they are slightly out of date due to bombshells being launched onto us this year. 

  16. Dear mods,


    Thank you for not locking this thread




    A man who needs to find a better hobby


    Chapter 61 Hottie for a Hottie


    Dear god how long has it been since I've done one of these. I'll be blunt in saying that I just didn't feel like updating the run. Seriously, this part of the game just sucks. No, I'm not talking about the Amber fight, I'm talking about this:





    This reminds me a bit of a Kurt scenario. So for anyone who doesn't know, Kurt is a boss early on in Trails of the Sky SC. On nightmare mode, the literal strategy to beat him is "if he does xxx, reset the game." This was back when Falcom didn't really do a whole lot for balancing making the game absolutely brutal anything above normal. The games got easier beyond that one and honestly the series probably would have died if they stuck to it. So if you err on the too easy side, you'll lose less people the erring on the too hard. Just advice from someone who isn't out to play the hardest thing in the world (mostly do intense nowadays to keep people from bitching "oh you're so bad at this that's why you hate the game").


    Is this fight beatable on intense. Yes, in fact it probably would have been rather easy if I ran more optimal stuff with EVs more suited to their stats and better moves and yada yada. Or just turn it into the underwater field. Let's just break this fight down though. So the weakest link on the team is Minor. Not really a bad mon but leagues below everything else. What is the second weakest? Typhlosion. I know you all are laughing at me as that thing can slaughter but if punch it in the face, it's actually rather weak even after all the boosts it's getting. Gigalith rarely will go down without a turn and that thing hurts, Clefable literally can shut down a mon costing 1,2, or even three mons, Jellicent will cause burns. Dragonite and Gyarados are a deadly duo that need shut down immediately or will cause serious damage, Silvally is a bitch due to its new Ground Typing, and Absol will likely take something damaged down with Sucker Punch. Zetta is the weaker one of the two which isn't saying much given he has a Dragonite.


    It's also a double battle which means you have to strategize around it. The most important thing is being able to keep your side in control and thinking ahead. That's what makes doubles cool is the style you fight. And you're locked to half. And what if the other half doing? Using a bunch of moves that probably aren't very helpful. I get what Jan was doing and I think them for trying. But could you please for the love of god give Melia a better moveset. Why does Hydreigon have Heat Wave over Earth Power? Why does Togekiss know flamethrower? Why doesn't Snorlax have Crunch? Why does that Meganium only use Giga Drain when it isn't going to KO stuff and Reflect when I'm about to die? It might honestly be easier to win the battle with only my own 6 mons then with Melia's help.


    Partner boss fights are just a battle you can't win. Florinia's section was such a hassle with so many issues, I had to completely modify her team so she wouldn't die by turn 5. I had to nerf Cain because I made him way too good. I've made my share of absolutely awful battles with Florinia being the queen. You really just suck it up and go back to the drawing board when it becomes an issue. I really hate this fight. I dreaded the game when I realized I had to do it. I spent three hours just trying again and again and really just hit the wall again and gave up. I'm done with it. You're done with me hearing it. 





    So anyways lots of stuff happened and now the whole world is shut down due to COVID. I actually might of had it and with a bit of asthma problems it is an awful combo. Had to sacrifice some stuff and get off my ass into a healthier lifestyle. Also god bless Pepsid. Never would imagine that'd be the secret to getting better. Anyways, the world is a scary place and there's a 1,000 ways to die a day. There's a point where you just have to stop being afraid and focus on living your life instead. Good time to work on some things you've been putting off or pick up a hobby. Mostly just been working on my gaming backlog aka the nuzlockes of every mainline game. Finished ORAS and working on Yellow, but I decided maybe I should do another chapter. Why? Mostly because Redux is on hiatus another couple months waiting to see if any other surprises surface (procrastination ftw). Anyways back to my eternal suffering I never know when to quit.


    Maybe I should cancel Redux and this run to speed up the release times



    (Why is it that I'm always back in this room when someone dies? It's not even Velvet)


    Now for a recap of everything that went down over the past year or so: We got stuck on an island which we'll call Hell. Hell is a place we ran around trying to save a statue from what we'll call the French. The French weren't to keenly of giving it up unless we handed what we'll call French Fries over. We told them we'd never surrender and began working on a counterattack. We try to go and collect a rock of magical power we'll call infinity stones from Iceland but Iceland decided to get up and move to Cuba. Traveling to Cuba was a pain as we got nowhere and only mocked at before getting the infinity stone from Iceland only to find out Greenland is causing problems. Nobody in hell like Greenland. But Greenland has the infinity stone we need to cross into the French border so we have to go there. We get trapped inside of Greenland and Greenland begins to crack. Thankfully we get saved by Alaska who we saved who had the infinity stone all along. All at the cost of traumatizing french fries.


    Of course all is not simple as we need the golden board to attach the infinity stones to cross streams to reach the French. In order to do this, we had to sacrifice a waifu to the graveyard to summon hellfire. Hellfire unleashed to barrier protecting the golden board, but Nuuk cast a Change of Heart on Hellfire causing Greenland to be Reborn. But that's another game for another day. While this was going on, French Fries betrayed the motherland going into France pissing off Jimmy Hendrix and myself as we charge after her. We get pissed off even more as Iceland had an Fast Pass into France. France itself a woman who can't make decision. One moment its hot. Then its cold. Then its hot again. Then everything is fine and dandy when the French spit on me from their Berlin Wall. That is until Germany (with Japan and Italy) decided to break it down with their Big Bertha. We also let Madonna out of her cage, Iraq yeeting one of the Twin Towers out of existence but failing, and Iraq bombing Germany out of existence.


    We finally meet up with French Fries whose plan was to give Potato Chips to the French which Hendrix believed it would fool them all. It didn't as not even the French would fall for the ole chip-a-roo. When this failed, Potato tried to save the statue from being a fume to the fire but Bonaparte and his trusty sidekick Birdo decided to throw the potato into the boiler. After a long battle with many thoughts of throwing French Fries into the boiler as well, we defeated the French. But the French, being the French, never surrender throwing the statue and the myself into the boiler. And I died. But Iraq made me better. The end.


    Somewhere a history buff is cringing. I would blame it on a disease but this honestly is just the way I am.


    (All are problems would've been solved if we shot Geara in the head. All of them)


    (I'd say it was more spicy...to soon?)


    (You were the only girl in this game that mattered)


    (Honestly, I don't think she'd like you that much. You're kind of bossy, annoying, and suicidal. Nim's just crazy)


    (I only just realized those are candles in the water. Those look really cool honestly)


    I forgot to screencap: "For my father:"

    (Jenner and fire really don't mix well...do they)


    (Oh look self reflection. How rare from a character)


    (Eh, I'm sure he's in a better place. A much better place than this. Might've done him a favor)


    (I think it said Rest in Peace. RIP in pieces my dude and dudette)


    (Feels like Jenner's been dead for 3 years tbh so...late to the party?)


    (I mean I also try to deny your existence but the world disappoints)


    (Oh boy this cliche again)


    And now we have to go over the whole idea of parallel timelines. So I probably talked about time travel but let's just get into the discussion of when you can use it and how to not fuck it up.


    1. The Paradoxical Loop (My Favorite): So this is an element of time travel where the events that happened only happened because someone time traveled into the past to make that happen. Think of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. So the characters only knew about certain scenarios because two of them went back in time to act them out so that everything plays out the same way. I like this one as even though it's a paradox in and of itself (they can't travel back in time unless they traveled back in time) but it makes for one singular story stream to follow only getting more details as the plot progresses.


    2. Parallel Timelines: The easiest way to explain this is that for every action, there is a timeline that exists where a different action is taken. It's rather complex due to the nature of the idea but the simple version is to think of a stream that branches off based on a choice. The idea is that there are different consequences based on that choice and often can lead to some drastic scenarios. It could even be two entirely different games. But the idea is that character a could live and is a primary character in timeline a and in timeline b they immediately die.


    3. The fluctuating timeline: Before I say anything, Chrono Trigger. The simplest way to explain this one is the idea of a river where some force (aka the protag) causes the riverpath to shift or completely change courses. Every action has some effect on the timeline. The grandfather clause and the butterfly effect take the most precedence here.


    Now that we got that out of the way, there's a few rules on how to not fuck up time travel badly. Rule 1) Pick on of the three above AND stick with it. If you pick number 3, don't make it so that people from other timeline exist. They don't exist as that time doesn't exist. Rule 2) Keep an air of mystery about it. You'll want to have players wonder about certain elements to keep them engaged. Running around with Dinos is fun an all but something has to keep the suspense. Rule 3) Don't write a future of a prophecy that needs changed. Apocalyptic futures just almost never end well. And if you do that, don't make it the focal point of the entire plot. This is the number one way to screw up time travel. Rule 4) Don't be "intelligent". Time travel is dumb. Making it sound smart makes you sound dumb. Worry less about the explanation and more about the flow and elements impacted by it.


    Is this a surefire way to use timetravel? Hell no. Can any of these rules be broken and it still be good? Yes. There are no rules in writing. Just guidelines. Anyone reading this probably already knows the elephant in the room but this is just one of the things foreshadowing stuff...I really dread and hope aren't true. Though I do hope my Madame X theory is correct. I know it's not but damn that'd be a great plot twist I made as an absolute joke at first. Anyways,


    (Honestly, I'd say it's an improvement to the roster. Though I lost my rock, it was a valiant sacrifice)


    (Part of me wonders if the protag stopped giving a shit after mom died. I mean at this point people are dropping dead left and right or outright disappearing possibly forever)


    (Don't you mean my house. I like my house.)


    (Can we please just not? Her existence just pisses me off. Literally there to solve everything that Melia can't solve. Are you two sure you aren't besties?)


    (Fine, we'll go together only because that's a long ass walk.)


    Can I just say, thank god you get teleported off that mountain. That is a pain to go up and down as you have to change the mountain weather. And it feels like 10 floors. 10 long floors. It's why I never wanted to walk down it for anything.


    (Yes, yes I did save you.)


    (Did...she actually acknowledge I'm part of the family. I guess being drowned by a whale changes you)


    (Hmm...something definitely isn't right here. The blonde pic should be covered up by the pillar more)


    Not sure if it's my game or not with the double Melia. Not game breaking but a little silly seeing...or horrifying since there are two of them


    We're not posting anyone else's dialogue as they aren't important.


    (Nice of plot convenience to be forced to talk to Cres Cent Machina) 


    (If you teleported them to Saki's dream world, that'd honestly be kind of awesome. Wonder what it is like in her head. Has to be anything but normal)


    (How does one teleport something of that mass over a long distance of space? I don't even think Mewtwo could do that.)


    (By removing three people I like from the story, I can't really say that's something I'm all that happy about)


    (I explained it in the summary. Her sacrifice will not be in vain...oh wait this was the timeline where it was in vain...no, this is the one where it wasn't. It's so confusing keeping track of these timelines)


    (Well if you didn't run off, we would've told you 3 years ago)


    (Bad things happened back then. Bad, bad things we don't talk about)


    (Eh, she'll be fine. She's handled worse)


    (Eh, she'll be fine. She's been through worse)


    (Yeah. Finally you acknowledge running off on your own causes problems. Problems not even God could fix)


    (Hooray! Finally I can sit and do nothing. Run over folks. Go home. We did it. Only took a century but...we're not even halfway done. Are we?)


    (Oh great voodoo magic. The only voodoo stuff I like are the chips and those are so freaking delicious. They aren't good for me but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make)


    (Yeah, let's not worry about people when there's a terrorist organization with a leader with the god of death on her side)


    (I feel like that's some advice a lot of people should take. Along with "People die when they are killed.")


    (>Logic >This game. Pick one)


    Don't you dare say anything Jan. You had a mother launch a child through the roof. And someone capable of turning into a Timburr. And a Roggenrola. And Melia exists.


    (This girl. It's like she understands me.)


    (The music better be 🔥)


    (Personally I would've gone with nutjob)


    (Also, I feel awkward standing in the middle here. I feel a bit attacked)


    (She will not be given a space in my house. This is my house now, right?)


    Okay random thing. It kind of frustrates me we just up and leave this idea behind entirely. It never really gets talked about or brought up. We're offered to live here but never really stated what we would've done...because the protag can't talk. Actually, I feel like it's more that the PC is just there as a fly on the wall more or less. If it ain't a Pokemon battle they're kind of worthless.


    (I would've been shocked to see Cres Ex rave or even get drunk as hell. I'd pay money to see that)


    (Clearly Venam will stay behind and be emotional support for...)


    I didn't screencap but she doesn't. What? I have to cut something from the run because of how freaking long it takes for updates. Next thing you know, it'll be a year before the next one.


    (And it only took 3 years to get you to fight me. At this rate I'd be an old man if I tried proposing to you before you'd say yes)


    (Just because I'm slow doesn't mean I'm dumb. But uhhh...what main desk?)


    (Party time!)


    (Oh great! Now I have to hear more berating. Should I say "Yes, my lord" every time you give me "advice")


    (I try. I really try, but somehow I end up back here every single time only to screw things up even more than a Madoka Magica episode)


    (Have you met me? I die all the time in video games. I have 2 hours worth of me dying. I suck at games. Except puzzle games. Only thing I'm really good at)


    (Spoiler alert: The game contradicts this later)


    (You're right. Does it about 1000 times a night)


    (I'll get back to this in a second. I really like this line)


    (Don't have to tell me twice. We'll be raving until the sun goes down)


    (That is a change of character. Nobody here tells me to be happy. They just be like "Go save the world")


    (Well as they say "Misery loves company")


    (I dunno. I'm pretty rich in this game due to my restrictions)


    And since I haven't made a sexual innuendo this chapter:


    (How about I shove my Ekan into your ladder)

    Yes, I know this chapter is short and I will talk about that in a minute but I do want to talk about Crescent. I don't hate Crescent, but I can't say she's really likable. I've played through the game and I honestly just have to be blunt that she's the worst written character. Though I like Venam less that's more of a preference than more factual. The problem with Crescent isn't the plot because her backstory actually is rather interesting. The problem is she's just so stoic. The character basically just acts like God then contradicts herself acting human trying to be "nice" to the player. I'll do a character analysis of her in the next chapter and I think people will really, really like that one. But the problem with someone being stoic is that it also means they are boring by default. You have to get a bit creative on how you handle them with the biggest trick having a supporting character balance the flow making them more interesting. Opposites attract for a reason.


    Now for why this chapter is so short. My computer is having a fit trying to update and I don't feel like going through another episode of losing all my progress. There was quite a bit of rants I don't feel like retyping. I have the rest of the chapter, along with the Amber fight done and hilarious enough I did have a bit of trouble with Intense which either means the fight got harder or I'm rusty as hell. Anyways, I'll try to put out a Ch 61.5 sometime this week hopefully on Monday. But for now, enjoy a short updating just to know I'm not dead.

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