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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Shotoman

  1. Fake Cypher 2013 on my Youtube... On a side note, my revalidation is having issues

    1. Ikaru


      Didn't know revalidation was even a thing, but should be fixed, and hi again!

  2. What's up Reborn

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sir Flash™

      Sir Flash™

      the food in my belly

    3. Skeleton


      The food in your belly is up..?

    4. Sir Flash™

      Sir Flash™

      lol only if im on a roller coaster :o

  3. Sprite Comic, anyone?

    1. Godot


      I Was thinking of doing that

    2. Will


      Sounds pretty crazy

    3. Neo
  4. Alright, also, a render is a transparent image of the focal you would like to use. A stock(In this case) would be a screen or something containing the focal. So in your case, I'd need a render of both pokemon.
  5. I probably should have mentioned that I prefer doing single focal signatures, but I may make an exception. I say that because I like to make the focal fit into the background, and that's hard to do when there are multiples that are in separate locations. I do, however have an idea to try out, so if you'd like to risk it, I could go for the two focals.
  6. You can do that!? Sure I guess, I need these specifications though: Size: Text(keep it short, less text the better. None is best): Render/Stock(It'd be best if you provided your own, make sure its a good one): Anything specific: Color(Optional, I'll make the harmony myself if need be): Theme(Red, isn't one): The price would range from like... 50 to 200? If that's a good number. I'll only take 3 slots for right now(Including Slut(lol, slut)). 1. Slut 2. free 3. free
  7. [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/222/7/d/watch_the_power____by_shotomanexe-d4629ro.jpg[/img] At most, this took an hour and thirty minutes.
  8. Lucario vs Deoxys Picture can be found in my gallery.

  9. Should I try to league? I'm not sure I'd do well at it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shotoman
    3. Amethyst


      Do it because you'd enjoy it, not because you'd be good at it.

  10. Today... is creepy pasta day. I probably won't sleep till 4.

    1. Will


      Creepypasta FTW

  11. Mortal Kombat just became twice as beast as it was before. Freddy Kruger's coming!

    1. Knight


      Are you still on about that?

    2. Shotoman


      Yes. Yes I am.

  12. That'll be the last time I ever play with tripples, and without sleep clause.

  13. *sigh* I hate misunderstandings. They get people mad and generally screw me over...

    1. Will


      It's how god makes himself lol

  14. Hm... A fighting type. Croagunk. That face is pretty trolly.
  15. Coming soon, Chains of Redemption. A interesting new take on a popular hero.(Basically, the next form of media you'll see from me)

    1. Shotoman


      Twill be an animation

  16. Clothing set done. Pretty easy too, I think I can do this.

  17. Ban is such a harsh word when it comes to Pokemon. What did they do? I prefer the term "Promoted".

    1. Amethyst


      Amethyst likes this.

  18. I know you do >_> Also, just did up a trainer sprite. [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/188/9/3/shoto_kemon_by_shotomanexe-d3lc24m.png[/img]
  19. Noticing my severe lack of pokemon related media, I found this old comic I did. [spoiler][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2009/341/c/9/Pokemon_Comic_Demo_by_Shotomanexe.png[/img][/spoiler]
  20. Geez, I didn't think people would step on my toes here.(mild butthurt)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stein


      What happened?

    3. Shotoman


      Eh, its nothing. Got caught off guard.

    4. Shotoman
  21. I don't understand. Does it have to be animated?
  22. To clarify on what I did. The Head is a compilation of Scizor and Misdrevous, as are the prayer beads. The Chest is from the normal Deoxys. The Lower body belongs to Deoxys-D (and the fact that one leg is shorter is because its further away) The claws... well, you know who the claws belong to, and the Pallet is solely Deoxy, except for the eyes. I'm proud and disappointed at the outcome, I probably could have combined them together better. I'll come back harder next comp, so look out!
  23. SSFIVAE Baby!

    1. Cyrus


      They made that?

    2. Shotoman


      Yea. Its got four new characters.

    3. Godot


      Evil Ryu has WAY more personality than regular ryu ha ha

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