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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Copashi

  1. there is a current best champ in the game, her name is Nidalee
  2. i got you Bagel since i ninja edited
  3. So sign up here if you're interested in it times will be 3:00 PM CST on Sunday, March 8th. People signed up- Sir Bagel Tacos And Flowers Izou Kosher Kitten
  4. I'll make a sign-up thread now actually. I'll have Jelly edit in a link from here when he's alive again!
  5. you can join up with zetaark who as of right now has no partner.
  6. So I'm mostly doing this out of boredom more than anything else but I've decided to host a 2v2 League of Legends tournament. Only condition to join is you have to be level 30 The tournament itself will be double elimination with 1st place earning $10 of RP each 2nd place is $5 of RP each 3rd place will each get a mystery skin Date: 11/9/14 Start time: 2 PM EST Sign-ups close on 11/4/14 And our fabulous Cohost will be none other than Jelly Rules of the match The match will be played on Summoners Rift You must stay in Mid lane jungle is not allowed Either me or Jelly has to be spectating your game 3 Bans to each team 2 Kills First Tower 100 CS 3 notes 1. Me and Jelly will both be participating aswell 2. The final match will be in Bo3 Format 3. Make your teams before signing up only 1 person has to be from reborn for your team to be valid I'm quite disappointed for the lack of people actually being there, but for those that were the winner was me and hawx with doj's team comming in second in our tiny version of the tour
  7. im jumping ship i'm no longer going to be apart of this alliance, do not bother asking for my reason.
  8. I think I'll be joining this one if you don't mind sec
  9. i think i'll be participating in this PZA thing so if anyoe wants me to join their alliance jsut pm me :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Copashi


      anyone* typing is hard apparently ;-;

    3. Chase


      You can join Cerulean if you want..

    4. KingRyan


      Forget the fairies and the fabulous! We do it the hard way! The Vermillion way.

  10. I know it's an Ao inspired thread because i was in call with Jelly while it was made and he told me. reguardless i have no desire to argue here anymore considering even if i do i will be in the vast minority
  11. there are plenty of none OU pokemon that you can use in OU teams with success against anyone
  12. honestly I disagree with this, i like that fog of war i think it's more fun this way especially to those of us that like to use none OU pokemon on the OU ladder the suprise factor is always great. the more annoying thing about this topic is that AO decided to all just back this up in their backchannel just to all agree on it and they had Jelly write up the topic rather than the one who had the idea(Kamina). also the most bizarre acting like they just read it <<
  13. http://www.raidcall.com/go.php?sid=7508848 not much else to say i guess, all mods on server that join will be mods there aswell
  14. Okay, so I was playing Smite during the beta then stopped randomly for a few months then got back into it, and i've decided it's a lot of fun so me and jelly went ahead and made a reborn smite clan! So, if any of of you have interest in playing smite or are already playing smite you should send me a friend request my IGN in Copashi and after you do that i'll send you a clan invite whenever i'm next on
  15. they didnt use nightblue because he said he didnt want to play professionally he would only sub in if their jungler was sick/unable to play was sick or tsm was desperate
  16. build a late game brutalizer and upgrading vamp scepter should be last item
  17. Okay so as i said to ikaru before i went through the mess of getting this account back, There is a practical way to get yasuo a target to ult every 18 seconds, using zac or trundle however building%40 cdr on yasuo is a really bad idea Shiv-IE-LW/cleaver because it is the only way for him to be really relevant as you need to abuse his passive( GA could also be built before LW/Cleaver if you're really ahead).
  18. if i get the okay from my opponent can i tart my first round 1 hour earlier? time is not good for me otherwise
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