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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Bearadactyl

  1. I hate the United States of America. That is all.

  2. So the internet guys came to fix the internet but our house is on a hill so it's really windy and the guy was afraid to climb up to the roof. Yesterday and the day before weren't windy but they didn't want to come until next week so yeah this week has been pretty terrible.

  3. I now have the highest CSR of my entire friends list. Dominance has been acquired. I am your lord and master.

  4. Did someone say not turtle-y enough?

  5. So... To sum up how shitty this week is: Due to a debt from my step father's previous marriage, my family is having to file bankruptcy. We have a termite infestation. And, to top it all off, my dog may need surgery. Fuck. This. Week.

  6. So... To sum up how shitty this week is: Due to a debt from my step father's previous marriage, my family is having to file bankruptcy. We have a termite infestation. And, to top it all off, my dog may need surgery. Fuck. This. Week.

  7. Granado Espada's music is actually pretty nice.

  8. Do you believe in magic~ In a young girl's heart?


  10. So, I have an idea for my most painful Nuzlocke yet. Randomized Soul Silver N/Nuzlocke Challenge. A combination of the randomizer, nuzlocke, and the n challenge that's been floating around the internet. This should be fun.

  11. tfw after years of selling/carrying weed at school you get suspended for carrying some goddamn anxiety medication

  12. i fuckin hate straight boys

  13. I wanted to dye my hair rainbow colors for the gays, but she said no...:c

  14. If it were not for Last.Fm... I woudldn't be nearly as musically diverse as I am today. It is by far the best online radio service for discovering new music.

  15. If it were not for Last.Fm... I woudldn't be nearly as musically diverse as I am today. It is by far the best online radio service for discovering new music.

  16. If it were not for Last.Fm... I woudldn't be nearly as musically diverse as I am today. It is by far the best online radio service for discovering new music.

  17. To hell with it! Im joining LoL!

  18. i hate edgy people because you can't tell them to 'cut it out'

  19. Ahh, nothing like a hot shower to wake you the fuck up. Now, where are my Bakery Fresh Donuts?

  20. Alright, Reborn, I am here to ask your opinion once more. As I will soon be selling back my school books and expect a decent bit of money (around $50 hopefully), I was wondering what Steam game I should buy. My current choices are either Borderlands or Fallout 3/New Vegas.

  21. Alright, Reborn, I am here to ask your opinion once more. As I will soon be selling back my school books and expect a decent bit of money (around $50 hopefully), I was wondering what Steam game I should buy. My current choices are either Borderlands or Fallout 3/New Vegas.

  22. So... I'm getting really close to writing a piece on why the whole "Violent Video Games" scapegoat within the media is complete bullshit. Thoughts?

  23. You kids and yer LoL and yer TF2 and yer...

  24. Episode 8's going to be further delayed, because I've decided to pack the would-have-been Episode 9 into it too.

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