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Posts posted by Bearadactyl

  1. Yeah, that's a funny little coincidence that suits me just fine.

    Also, had to post this cuz hype.

    Yeah, warzone is the mode I'm most interested in. Big Team Battle saw the most play from me, getting my CSR to 41 in that playlist and mowing down ai has always been fun. I've always made good use of distractions.

    I'm hyped for so many reasons, particularly Buck coming back and being a Spartan. You can already see the power struggle between him and Locke in a lot of the content, I feel like Locke might wind up alone in his hunt in the end; but that's just my prediction so far.

    Also, you can customize your Halo 5 Spartan before launch on Waypoint apparently.


    Not much to choose from at the start, of course, but I have enough from my Halo MCC exploits.

  2. Don't let me get into my zone.

    I love playing multiplayer and killing dudes but I've always loved doing things coop and decimating enemies from all sides so I'll be up for doing campaign things like finding waypoints.

    I'm your guy for campaign runs and competitive matches.

    Based on that it seems like Warzone might be right up your alley, given it encompasses both Coop and Competitive Matches in to one giant gametype. Which, is modeled after a typical MOBA I might add.

    Regardless, for the campaign there are a ridiculous amount of hidden goodies this time around to hunt for.

    Also tfw when the number on your trainer card is 117.

  3. Alright, so Halo 5's clan system; or Spartan Companies has gone live a week before the game's launch; and I decided to take it upon myself to create my own company; I've always wanted to have a small Halo community dedicated to just enjoying the game.

    A few of you have already joined, and Glory Reborn is officially Active with six members. The Company is open to all Reborn Community members who intend to play Halo 5; I have a lot of ideas for things I want to do, including events and community montages/streams/etc. Though, of course, I may need help from other members of Glory Reborn given I am busy on weekends when a lot of people will be active.

    I want this to be a positive community first and foremost, where everyone is accepted; as this is actually a pretty common issue in the Halo community. Racial and Sexual slurs are commonplace online, not necessarily the forums, but in matchmaking and such. The point of a game is to have fun and enjoy yourself, not to get uppity and to be disrespectful to others.

    I'm hoping Glory Reborn will eventually thrive, and be a Company that maybe; just maybe inspires the kind of positivity and fun-loving atmosphere that I have always hoped for with the Halo community.

    You can find the Spartan Company here.

    This is the Spartan Company page, it's all done through the Waypoint website, so of curse you'll need an Xbox Live account which if you're joining I assume you already have. No sign up or subscription needed, as per the no advertising rule in the forum otherwise I would not have posted this.

    Once there is around 20 members, which I hope we will reach and go beyond that, I'll assign another moderator and then assign another every 20 members until 100; I feel 5 moderators is enough to moderate a forum of 100 people. If need be, I'll add more along the road.

  4. Name: Alex Montgomery

    Age: 22 years

    Birthday: April 24

    Location: Hell, KY

    Height: 6'3"

    Hair Color: Ash Blonde

    Eye Color: Grey

    Live With: Unfortunately, mother and step father.

    Pets?: A cat, named Freddy Kruger.

    Relationships?: Sore subject, move along.

    Crushes lately?: Again, sore subject, move along.

    Dream Job: Good question. Lots. Youtuber, Writer, Musician.

    Currently Playing: Fallout NV, Fallout 3, The Long Dark, Tera, FNaF.

    Favourite Food: Is it cheesy? Yes.

    Favourite Drink: Alcoholic, Black Jack Cola; Non, Teas of various kinds.

    Favourite Color: Aqua

    Favourite kind of Music: Another good question. Lately I'm on a metal binge. With a dash of pop punk.

    Favourite Band: Zebrahead

    Favourite Album: Broadcast to the World

    Favourite Game: Dragon Age: Origins

    Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, Single player. Horror is a close second.

    Favourite Hobbies: Trading Card Collecting, soul collecting, Gaming, Singing, Plushie Collecting, and gaming.

    Favourite Movies: Not much of a movie watcher. Spawn?

    Favourite Shows: The Walking Dead, Steven Universe, Noir, El Cazador de la Bruja, aaaaand Ed Edd n Eddy.

  5. Here's my two cents; at least you've gone to school, and at least you are on the path to making something of yourself and doing what you love. Don't budge from that path, once you're on it, it's a hell of a lot harder to get back on once you've been knocked off.

    As for your mother, fuck what she wants, it's your life not hers. If your parents don't want you to pursue your dreams, they're honestly not being parents. You have the opportunity to do it, so go for it. Don't let your perception kick you down, because you won't get back up once you begin to allow it.

    Your GPA won't ruin you, and if need be, there are other options and various other routes you can take to get to where you want. Things aren't always as black and white as they seem.

    So, what I'm say, is fuck all; go for it. You lose nothing if you leap, but if you don't, you run the possibility of always looking back and thinking: What if? Trust me, you don't want that. Just go for it, and do whatever is necessary to catch that dream.

  6. Eternal nutcase/ Bear Lord here,

    Alright, so I'm not entirely sure what provoked this; but I just kind of want to share my life and the things that have happened on the road so far. Just a warning, if you are triggered by abuse, mentions of suicide, and molestation; you should probably not be reading this.

    So, for the earlier part of my life, I have actually blocked much of it out. I have glimpses, small bits here and there of the bad things that went on. I was generally a pretty happy kid at the start, things never really went downhill until my parents divorced when I was six. I was in elementary school; starting early I had a major problem with bullies, I was a quiet and reserved kid who liked to keep to himself. Not only did I have student bullies, but later around third grade it extended to teachers.

    One teacher in particular decided to single me out; for reasons I still don't get; I would get in trouble for really small and simple things, hell I would mention being bullied and actually wound up getting in trouble a few times because the teacher believed I was provoking it or lying. So, that ultimately started the whole, no one is going to bother to step in so ride it out mentality that I held through much of my life with bullying.

    School was the lesser of the evils; I had a hardass step father, who I was never good enough for and still will never be good enough for. He tells me he loves me, and I can say he has been here for me much more than my dead beat father. But, overall... It's always been really weighted, and he's shown clear preference over the other siblings; he used to get loud at times and just go completely off over things involving altercations with his children. One time my family was kicked out entirely and we hade to stay with my aunt for a while.

    But, even then, that was still not even close to the worst things to happen. My father married a woman; well, a monster. This woman was the most... Monstrous, evil cretin I have seen to this day. Things ranging from verbal, to phsyical, and mental abuse were things I dealt with during visitation to my father from the age of seven; until I was fourteen. Her children took note, and often gave me a hard time too; they would make up stories, do things intentionally and blame me; to the point of their mother searching my belongings when I left like I was some kind of convict. I was afraid to tell anyone of what was going on, I had been led to believe if I said anything or told anyone anything I would be stripped from my home and placed in foster care. So, that's the gist of the whole ordeal of a large chunk of my life... This woman tore at my self esteem, destroyed any confidence I might have had... I was always the lesser. Everyone was better than me, I would never amount to anything and her precious little daughter would always be my better... Visitng my dad was a complete hell for me up until I started to think about everything and just told my father; I was done. Once I hit fourteen enough was a enough with that ordeal, and ever since my father and I have been barely on speaking terms; we now don't speak at all.

    Next... Comes something I've blocked out almost entirely. From ages eight to nine I have virtually no memory of anything. When I would get off of the bus from school, I would walk to my aunt's just up the road and she would watch me and my sister until my mother got off of work... Her husband had a friend, a man that no one thought anything of. He had back issues, and fed the family some bullshit about me helping him get around and walking on it and such during the day... And, not wanting to get in to too much detail and due to lack of memory of most of it; I'll just be blunt and say it went from touching to a lot more. I never told anyone until my mother when I was seventeen. He's currently in the Florida State Prison because he was caught with another young boy, thankfully from what I hear before he was able to really do anything.

    Next, comes the middle school years. I really don't even know where to begin here. Middle school was awful. It was when my step mother's abuse was at its worst, the bullying escalated from names and put downs to physical violence. I just... Ignored everything. I began to recede in to a shell, not opening to anyone, I just became very quiet... I took to the habits I had when I was even younger, I always used to play Pokemon when things got bad. I would recede in to my own little world... I was someone who mattered. I had a party of creatures from large to small who loved me no matter what I did. When I would get lost in that world, that was the closest to happy that I was... Of course, it got to a point where when I would visit my father and the monster he was married to would take my game boy... It got bad enough that when I would stay there, I was locked in a room by myself for the entire weekend. No contact with anyone until it was time to eat, the occasional outing to keep up appearances. All I had was myself and a box of toys I had outgrown. It was miserable. It wasn't until the end of my last year in middle school that the bullying was paused, one teacher actually stood up for me; and I'll never forget it.

    All through middle school, leading through high school I had become an under achiever. I just... Didn't see a point in trying if I would always be lesser than everyone else. If I wasn't going to succeed at anything, why try? It seemed everything I took a genuine interest in and tried at always went wrong. I just gave up. I had maybe one light in all of it, my best friend. I met him in seventh grade, and he provided a much needed escape. I could be myself with him, and he opened my mind a bit; showed me a perspective I lacked outside of what had been forced down my throat ever since I was little; which would lead to a struggle with faith later on in my life.

    Him and I were thick as thieves, we were in to trading cards; had the same taste in music and games; I still talk to him and am very close with him to this day. I can say, things got to the point where I wound up with feelings for him; which caused a very big sturggle with my sexuality an way of thinking. I thought it was just wrong, unnatural. But, here I was, physically attracted to and in love with my best friend of the same gender. It is of coure unrequited, due to his sexuality being a polar opposite of mine; but I let it go. I do love him, I can say that without a doubt; but as long as he's happy, I'm good. Through me he's met the love of his own life, and I'm happy for him.

    But, that aside. The older I got, the more sucked in to video games and stories I would get. Role playing, books, every video game you can think of. I used all of it to fill that void in my life, to escape an be someone else. Someone, who just matters. The hero, the one who saved the day. Video games in particular are very responsible for me even being alive today I'd say. Those, and a few friends I've met along the way.

    Once high school hit, I really started to struggle. With my sexuality, gender identity, self confidence, faith. Everything just... Screeched to a halt and my eyes were open for the first time.I started to break away from what my mother had molded me in to. I won't say much on my gender identity, because I have made a post about it in the secret forum before; and it's a very sensitive subject. That aside, the struggle with my sexuality was the hardest. I've never been solely attracted to a single gender, as a matter of fact gender has never been a factor for my attraction to be honest. I've always looked at just a general pleasing aesthetically and personality wise. Which, my upbringing was extremely christian so I had it ingrained tha anything from heterosexuality was wrong. What helped with my sexuality was my break away to other religious views... Or, the lack thereof. At this point, I view myself as very secular; for a while I was a militant anti-theist. I blamed religion for a lot of my problems with that "Grrr Teenage Angst" thing. I've grown out of it, due to personal experienced I have a very... Pagan view.

    I fought with my mother over religion a lot. I kept my sexuality an extremely guarded secret, actually I still do. Very few people know about it outside of online forums and a few close conifdents. Living in the middle of the bible belt makes you very afraid of coming out for clear reasons. But, back to the religion ordeal. It was bad for me. Bad enough that my mother and step father physically forced me in to a church on multiple occasions; they forced me to talk to various pastors; it got the point to where I threatened suicide to end it; which it worked, mind you the threat was not in vain I was dead serious at the time. I wanted everyone to just leave me alone and let me be who I was, a mentality I still carry and feel should be universal.

    I still get hit with passive aggressive attacks over religion, even from my sister at times; even if I love her to death and would utterly destroy someone for her. But, moving a long, I think things hit their worst for the time the year my grandmother died. My grandmother was extremely special to me; I respect the woman more so than any other that I know, she was a very strong person that I looked up to. Stubborn as a mule, she was a woman who never budged and never let anyone push her around. I loved her dealy. I remember at her funeral, I wasa Paul Bearer. I never cried until the moment her casket was put in to the herse. After that... I just completely fell apart, I wasn't able to lower her to her grave; I just couldn't do it no matter how hard I tried to convince myself. I cried for days after... I still cry over her. I miss her.

    But, my grades fell, I started failing classes... The only class I managed to keep up was choir. The choir director was such an inspiration. She cared so much for her students, she was always there for us. She's one of many phenomenal women in my life. My choir grade fell for a small dip, but she helped me pull out of it for her class at least... I remember, I tried out for a solo, but the audition was a failure because of a disruption. I cried over it. And, she gave me the solo, I remember it was because she said I was the most ready out of the entire student body because I was so emotionally invested in it. She was like a second mother to me... And, now, with the state of everything... The few times I've seen her I've hidden. I can't bring myself to face her... I feel like I'm such a failure... That if she knew where I was now, she would be so ashamed. I can't bare the thought of letting her down... I've let so many others down, I refuse to let her down.

    High school was... It was an interesting time for me. The bullying picked up again, which weighed in on my growing depression and lack of self confidence... It only stopped when one day, after my grandmother had died I snapped. I just... I blacked out, I remember when I came to there was another student on the ground unconscious; I was suspsended for two weeks. I think that was the pique of... An intense anger I've held my entire life, probably spurred on by everything that has happened. My emotional outlet has been primarily anger. Anger, that if I let build, it just... I feel like it's ripping me apart inside.

    In high school, I had a number of love interests. Girlfriends, a boyfriend I kept hidden. One in particular had a huge impact. Her and I were in a three year relationship; we had been with each other through quite a bit going on in each of our lives. Then, came graduation. One of my biggest regrets. That night, she left with her mother to California. I had the option to go with them. I could have left everything behind; started new. But.. I said no. Stupid, stupid decision. I wanted to give my dad a chance... To live with him for a little while, take a break from school and everything; but that fell through due to his new wife being just as monstrous as the previous. I came home after a month. I couldn't handle the stress. So, that was all for nothing...

    I was out of school for two years... Met another person, the love of my life. They and I were just... We clicked, everything about the relationship was wonderful. But, things as usual fell apart... Secrets on their part came to light, and everything began to fall apart... I tried to hang on to the sinking ship, but it was inevitable. It was such a hamper on my mental state. I hit another severe depression and just... Lost hope, I'm still climbing out of that depression... I invested so much in to them. So much in to everything that happened, all for nothing again.

    During this time a whole new series of evetns began to unfold. I still hadn't gone to college, and am constantly pressured to go. The problem being, I don't know what I want to do. I have no idea what I want to do with my life and haven't had one for a very long time. I got a job that wasn't half bad at first, which then of course as everything else in my life it got progressively more stressful. I still have the job out of necessity, and still hate it, but things for now are better than they were... So, where I am now, after everything is... Well, I have a dead end job with no future in sight... I want to try doing something with Youtube as you are all aware, because video games are such a major part of my life... If I could somehow make a living off of something I love so much, it might actually bring me a lot of happiness that I've never had.

    Over the passed few years I've been diagnosed with an eating disorder, Binge Eating Disorder; essentially I'm an emotional eater who loses all control while eating copious amounts of food, to the point of making myself ill at times. I have no physical control and while binging am aware of that lack of control. Lately, I haven't binged in a few months, the most progress I have ever made.

    I know things here are simple, but I didn't see the point in giving a full every detail seminar about my life. Everything I have ever attempted, every endeavor and interest; has somehow inevitably gone down hill. That isn't the depression speaking, that's just my turn of luck. I still get put down a lot, I still hide parts of my even from my dearest friends, I'm an anxious mess... I'm always depressed... And, right now I just don't know what to do. That's, pretty much the gist of my life and everything that's gone down; the road so far has been filled with bumps and holes... And, now, I don't even see a road ahead. Just a large drop off. I don't know if I should leap, turn off for a new path, or what. I am in this state of just "I don't know."

    I have zero motivation, zero ideas, and I'm so drained. I'm so tired of everything. I could just sleep every day away. Some days I struggle to get out of bed, some days I struggle with the idea of just living another day. I am surprised I'm still here. And, if not for one particular friend last night, I might not have been. Every day she thanks me for making it through... Every day she thanks me for my friendship, and the funny part is; I don't even know if I'm all that good of a friend or person. I try to do good, and I try to help others as much as possible; but sometimes I feel I either don't make a difference or get anywhere.

    But, that's the story so far; and if you've made it to the end, thank you for taking the time to read this. I really appreciate that anyone would be interested in this post, or the wreck of my life in general.

  7. Alright, so a while back I mentioned I would be starting up a channel for my gaming once I got my PC in and such; welp, I have my PC in and all seems to be going along well; so short of two things I need to purchase my channel is pretty set to go; I'm currently in the planning stages of it all.

    So, that brings in the most important part I would think, the name! Can't have a channel without a name.

    So, I've created a poll with a list of the names or at least categories I'm considering; and I'm somewhat indecisive so I'm asking all of you to help me out.

    Here is where I go in to detail about my choices and why:

    Nutcase Theme: Well, look at my name. I've used this schtick for a while now, one of my friends uses Crazed Insanity for a lot of his things; so I went with Nutcase and we go about with a similar theme of insanity with our online stuff. Things under this theme would be like: Pure Nutcase, Lord Nutcase, etc.

    Ursidae: The scientific name for Bear; this follows the simplistic preference I would like for my name. A lot of my friends refer to me as a bear, because I'm a veyr large; protective person who happens to laze about until provoked. If I were to go with this, I would go with the word alone. If the word alone is not possible, then I would go with Ursidae Dominus; or Bear Lord.

    Thaddeus: One of my favourite things in all of Dragon Age is a golem in the Black Imporium from Dragon Age II named: Thaddeus Gigantus Crumbum the Third. Don't know why, I just think it's hilarious. Tickles the ribs.

    Gigantus: See Thaddeus above.

    Narrowing this down even took some time on my part, and I would appreciate anyone who votes; and I am also very open to suggestions. I would also appreciate explanations for your choices.

  8. Poor Noah. Nick deserves the gallows, in my opinion. Then, we have Pete. Carol is probably right, even if it's the worst of all possibilities. Been there, current fiancé was in that type of situation before I came in to the picture and got her out; in the state of the world, Pete will either have to die or be exiled.

    Then, we have the ole' priest whispering in to the ear of the herd leader; which Satan disguising himself as an angel light becomes ironic and symbolic of himself in this situation. This season is really good so far, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

  9. I don't think there is a "best team" for any Pokémon Game, most certainly Reborn. Even for a Nuzlocke, all I can really recommend is go with what you prefer; Reborn has a diverse enough environment that there's going to be some wall ahead of you no matter what team you have, especially in a Nuzlocke. Even then, due to the rules of a Nuzlocke I doubt you'll have much choice of your team in the first place.

    There is no "easily" in Reborn. Maybe back a few versions where you had access to many power houses early on, but even then you'd have trouble. The Field Effects coupled with the Level Cap are going to be your biggest problems.

  10. Glop and Gob.

    In particular, Gob; given a great many people in the Pokémon community either consider it to be an awful design or a stupid concept. Muk and Garbodor, I feel are incredibly under rated; and these two are by far some of my favourite Pokémon in existence.

  11. I would say Poison, it has only one actual weakness; and it is only totally ineffective against one other type as well. Using Poison/Bad Poison is always nice, because there isn't much that can really resist it without items; a few specific abilities; and a few specific moves.

    It's definitely not a type that gets enough credit. Even then, consider many poison types are power houses in their respective areas, Crobat in particular coming to mind. A good Poison Team can wreak total havoc.

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