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Posts posted by Bearadactyl

  1. If you want to get TECHNICAL, Pokémon has a very wide variety of inspirations from a great deal of cultures internationally. Which, is one of the things I have loved about the series since I was old enough to understand it.


    This can be seen the clearest with the Legenedary Pokémon. Most of them are based off of religious figures or concepts across the world. The one that has been made clear here so far, would be Groudon/Behemoth, Kyogre/Leviathan, Rayquaza/Ziz. This was actually something I centered and entire research paoer and speech over back in high school. Actual (ly, most of Gen III's mythology in general is Hebrew/Jewish inspired. Regirock, Registeel, and Regirock are all Golems.

    Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem are all rooted in Taosim. And of course, my absolute favourite...


    Yveltal, Xerneas, and Zygarde are all based off of Norse Mythology. Actually, that revelation made me go off on to a total tangent of fanboyism my friends didn't think I was capable of. Yveltal is based off of Hræsvelgr (Hresvelgr), the corpse eater/swallower. Xerneas is based off of Eikþyrnir (Eikthyrnir,), a stag of Valhalla. Zygarde has two central bases, Níðhöggr (Nidhogg) and Jörmungandr (Jormungand.) Níðhöggr is a dragon that gnaws at Yggdrasil's (The World Tree) roots. Its actual role is a bit battled over, a lot say the tree's roots keep it from the world while others say it also eats the corpses of Náströnd; or basically a part of Hel. Náströnd is basically where those who commited adultery, murder, and oath-breaking wound up. Aka, the nastiest part of Norse Hell. Jörmungandr is a sea serpent, and one of Loki's sons. Think of Jörmungandr as the apocalypse clock, a giant serpent that circles the world; grasping its own tail. When it lets go, the world ends. Which, according to researchers Ragnarok was supposedly supposed to be Yesterday.


    I could go on for hours, especially about Jörmungandr. But... I'll settle for ending this here. Basically, one of my favourite things about Pokémon is its mythology and how it's rooted in modern day mythology.

  2. Hey... Poison Types are my thing!

    Also, needs moar Garbodor or Muk. But, other than that your team isn't bad. Toxicroak should be a nightmare to any Steel types you encounter, Skuntank, Drapion, or Gengar should be able to handle most of the Psychic types.

  3. Eh, I'm as far as I can physically get right now. And, I haven't bothered EV training in the slightest. I seldom do. EV training doesn't matter nearly as much as having a well balanced team in the end. You won't get very far with a Gen I attack only strategy, howwever. Biggest tip I can offer, is always have a counter for Fire and Electric in your party. That's usually what brings me the most trouble in game, due to a particular annoying team.

    So, yeah, you don't have to bother with EV training. Hell, nature isn't even that important. Almost my entire team have hindering natures, and I do fine. A well set up team and strategy can solve just about every problem you will ever encounter; no matter what natures or the state of your team's EVs may be.

  4. I went with Froakie. I always pick the water starters, and Greninja fills a spot in my party that I seldom have filled in the first place. I have a lot of tanky and stall types usually, with my taste being Posion Type. Not only that, but having a Dark/Water pokémon is a boon. Greninja can dish out a hell of a lot of damage, and you will seldom encounter something faster.

  5. I honestly don't think either are really all that bad.

    I mean, we have rating systems for a reason. If someone is offended or has a problem with some form of sexual content or violent act, no one is holding a gun to their head and telling them to buy the product that contains it. Censorship, in a whole, eliminates freedom from my stance. The freedom of choice is severely limited in these cases, and in all honesty it annoys me.

    It seems the US may be the only country that I know of, that sexuality is more shunned than violence. I mean, what is the point of having a rating system if we still censor everything? "Oh, I'm offended by that!" And, I'm offended by the concept of my purchase being censored due to your offense.

    If you're offended, don't buy it. It isn't that difficult of a concept to grasp, but then again many have the mentality of how others are "supposed to live their life." It isn't up to you, or anyone other than said person to decide how they wish to live their life or what they may want to look at and/or play.

    It isn't a big deal. Censorship is pointless, and restricting from my view point. I could go on for ages about this, and I could go off on multiple tangents such as how "man up" and such and the typical expectation of masculinity amongst males has a severe impact as well. I could write a damn book on the entire subject of other's exectations of the lives of other people.

    But, for now I'll stop.

  6. Aright, I'm bored and have ben absent for a good long while now. So, I've decided to come up with a fun little forum game. So, here is how it works:

    Post 1 names off a pokémon.

    Post 2 has to create a team, centered around that particular pokémon.

    It will continue in this format.

    Post 1, pokémon.

    Post 2, team.

    Post 3, pokémon.

    Post 4, team.

    Etc, etc.

    Obviously a few rules need to be made for this.

    Rule #1: There are obvious exceptions, such as Magikarp and other "useless" pokémon. (Unless you make it clear the team to be made for it is for, say Petite/Little Cup. However, this is the only acceptable circumstance.)

    Rule #2: Keep it Clean. :[keepitclean]:
    This isn't a competition, it's just a fun little thing. So, obviously no calling anyone a scrub or giving criticism where it is not warranted. Being constructive and commenting on certain teams is all fine and dandy. Just keep elitism and general jerkiness out of the picture.

    Rule #3: The same team cannot be posted more than once, by anyone. And, I mean no minor changes such as one move being changed. I mean, no team with all six of the exact same pokémon.

    Rule #4: Try and give your team a fancy/creative name! Not required, but it would be preferred.

    Rule #5: No specific details on the pokémon, as that removes flexibility/creativity. No naming specific tiers, either. The only exception is Little/Petite Cup to give the weaker pokémon a fair game. You simply list the pokémon, nothing else. No abilities/moves/etc.

    Rule #6: You can be as totally outrageous and/or practical as you like. Remember, this is for fun, nothing else.

    Note: This is quite similar to the Research Center forum, however opposed to making a single set for a pokémon you are making and entire team to center around said pokémon.

    I'll start us off with the first pokémon: Garbodor.


  7. There is only a single pokémon that I hate.

    And, that my friends, is this bastard right here.


    Why? Because it is the most fanboyed over, over rated, annoying god damn pokémon in known existance. So many other great pokémon get overshadowed, because of this bastard right here. I don't understand the appeal, even as far as the dragon factor goes. Nothing satisfies me more than knocking one of these bastards out in a battle with a single shot.

  8. To my knowledge none of the music is done by Amethyst, I believe all of it is done by GlitchxCity. I'm not really sure about what program is used for it, however. You could possibly try shooting them a message on Youtube.

    And, as for how Ame does her custom sprites; I'm unsure. Actually, I believe there may be a tutorial thread floating about the forums somewhere; so it might not be a bad idea to search for it as well.

    Other than that, that's all I really know.

  9. Alright, thread has finally been updated; I apologize for the delay, life sort of kicked me in the stone for a while.

    New verses have been added, and all lists updated. If I'm missing something or if I've made a mistake, shoot me a PM or reply here.

  10. "good,bad,I am the guy with the gun"-Caleb on blood 1

    The original quote is actually by Ash from Evil Dead, the game was referencing it. >->

    But, anywho... This quote made me chuckle.

    "Sometimes you've got to man up and tell the powers that be to go fuck themselves." - Pissed of Last.Fm Subscriber

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