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Bearadactyl last won the day on January 9 2017

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About Bearadactyl

  • Birthday 04/24/1993

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    Cave, Cave, Caved States of Bearmerica
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    Writer, Gamer, Vocalist, Youchuber and I like Creepy things.

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    Bearadactyl Prime#1337
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  1. Heroes of the Storm is honestly not that bad for a MOBA, definitely has more replay value than LoL IMO.

    Not only that, but I don't have to dedicate a half-hour to an hour every time I decide to play a game. LoL's match times are generally what turned me off more than anything else.

    1. doombotmecha


      my issues with HotS, as someone who has played both games, are as follows:

      I've never played LoL or HotS at anything beyond a casual level, but I always felt with HotS that there was something I was missing. It's difficult to tell when you should go for an objective or pressure a lane and try to get something in return, especially with pusher heroes like Zagara. I also couldn't  tell where I was supposed to go in terms of lane, or predict where my opponents would go.


      Small sidenote: My League main roles are generally toplane and support, and my the hero I played the most in HotS was Zagara, mostly 'cause I like SC2 the best out of blizzard's franchises.


      Secondly, the damage just doesn't feel impactful. The feedback just isn't there for me; even with ranged carries or nukers, I don't feel like I'm doing enough damage, whereas in LoL or Smite (the moba I play the most) doing damage feels faster. combat feels a lot more bullet-spongy, kinda like battleborn vs. overwatch.


      Lastly, team xp makes the game more snowbally and prevents you from seriously analyzing your contribution to fights, or detecting the other team's ace in order to focus them.


      all this said, League has its flaws too. mostly, imo, in the playerbase. I don't feel like I can go into a game and expect to play with nice, friendly people. absolute dealbreaker imo, which is sad because I love the characters.

    2. Bearadactyl


      I like HoTS, because not only is the community not as awful as League's; but overall it's more casual. Honestly, lane isn't super important in HoTS, due to the way the different map objectives come in to play; really any hero can function just about anywhere.

      And, the Team EXP is a good thing; because it promotes working toward the overall goal opposed to personal stats. It eliminates that one player being an ace, and it eliminates the showboating. If you don't combine the strengths of your chosen heroes, you lose. Overall, HoTS not only has more variety with its gameplay; but it lacks that "hardcore" mindset of League. HoTS is far more, chill out and play with your friends than League will ever be.

      And, the combat flows honestly like WoW combat; which might be why I have no issue with it as a long time WoW player. It progresses better later game, of course, but overall I like the combat flow. No bullshit gibbing, everyone has a fighting chance if they play their hero right. And, as I mentioned prior, it forces team work.

      And, having played the games each hero is from; and knowing their lore and background helps the "missing" feeling some folks have. I don't play a particular role, and main a few various heroes. Most from Diablo. Azmodon, Tyrael, Diablo himself, and I dabble with Zarya and Jaina.

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