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Everything posted by UsagiKaze

  1. I'm messed up okay? Okay cool.
  2. Seeing as I posted a thread on ti by accident and got redirected here; Okay so where do I start. I guess it's better I clear the entire story with all the facts and all the truths. And in as much detail as possible without skipping out on anything. On December 26th 2009 me and a friend online got together. I think both with the intention of making each other happy as friends. We did however end up falling in love with each other (Well, I know I did and she said she did, he truth behind it is about 95%) We were in an extremely happy stable relationship. I mean, I know I kept a little distance on her because I didn't want to seem to clingy and I yelled at her and said we need a break for a few days whenever she would be, but that's just how I am. It was long distance, if we were too close too much, it'd hurt the longer the relationship went on. (This wasn't my first long distance relationship by a long shot.) Anyway about a year ago. I busted her, big time. A site I used to go on. She was pretending to be a whole bunch of people. All with their own separate boyfriends. And even after I had hard sure fire proof to bust her, she still couldn't admit her mistake. I was a little upset by this, so I forced my hand a little and did what I had to, for the other people's sake. I wasn't proud of myself, but leaving them hanging as their "lovers" disappeared into nowhere would just be worse. Anyway, I had spent alot of time trying to forgive her for this, and it made me get annoyed at her more sometimes. Even more so when something recent happened which caused us to part ways. She had done this whole thing, all over again. The list of fake profiles on Facebook I found is currently totalled around 20. She dated her friends as a means of "support" apparently. However, busted she still couldn't own up and I had to once again step up to a group of friends she made and reveal the real her. I really don't know what to make of this because after tapping into a few accounts she owned and trying to push it out of her. I'm the bad guy. I'm the only one in the wrong. Perhaps I am, trying to help someone change to help themselves, is not the best of things. What doesn't help is, I'm a sensitive person, and feelings for people I hold onto for a while. I still do miss her regardless of what she's done, but I know she's out of my life now, and it hurts. So yeah if I act mopey/upset/whatever. There's my reason why. If there's anything more people would like to know, or discuss on it. I'm open to talk about my perspective...
  3. Exca is just a retard. Prio Fighting beats it pretty hard and some stuff walls it good to. Shadow Tag Chandelure just allows for dumb derpy set ups. Darkrai is bad. End of discussion. Well people who spam void with it are bad. Manaphy gets Rest and can reach +6 SpA effortlessly as well as in rain Rest gets washed away? Lol okay. I'm not to sure about Skymin though.
  4. I'm not to fond of stabby swordies... Sure Hark, guess that works.
  5. It doesn't quite have the same ring to it I'm afraid Astro, but hey. I'll have to find some new form of weapon to fuck people up with.# Maybe a watch or something. Or was that a hare in that book...I forget.
  6. A few loose ends? Hi, thank you for the welcome. The weather could be better but hey I like the miserableness of Winter.
  7. Thank you Unknown. You of the thank Ame.
  8. Thank you Skeleton. I also wish to apologize as while under my guise I believe it was you Skeleton who I sent a pm about a pointless story which I Google searched on my only visit to Reborn. So for that, yeah, sorry.
  9. Evans, right from the server? I think I don't have good memory and I had a sleep since then. Enigma, I recall someone from my times as Alice by that name. Also rocking the chick from Scott Pilgrim in your sig. My memory escapes me, Rose was it? Hi Summer, thanks for that although it was more me coming clean because of well, a personal issue. Also thank you.
  10. Guess I will just have to find out on that one huh?
  11. Hey I'm UsagiKaze. First and foremost, there is something I must get off my chest. A lot of you may have known me as my false identity I originally created for Pokemon Online which was Alice, or Kazira, whichever you knew her as. Call me what you will for doing this, but I committed my crime so I will not hide from it. Now that is out of the way let me begin my real introduction. I'm an experienced player, nothing amazing just a guy who knows that in which he is doing. I've dabbled into the Meta a few times but I can't keep interested in it. My favourite tier is UU. I can't say my welcome will be warm, or that you will like or hate me. That is your own fate to decide. If you care to know more, hit me up and I will respond.
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