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Posts posted by Jelly

  1. Congratulations, Jelly. Wishing you another great year ahead.

    thanks viri. i think you're a swell dude. i like the mega ideas you put into the ao chat and i think you're way too smart to be on pokemon forums

    Why Jelly / Gelli?

    hmmmmmmmmmmm a v short story:

    i used to go by random alts because i was twelve and thought the name "thatoneguy" was cool or something. then i went to reborn and settled on "Jellyman" which over time just got shortened to "Jelly"

    Congratz jelly, you're a good friend and I hope for another thousand posts.

    hi bagel you stink



    Jelly Belly, you're one of my bros. You've come so far and I'm proud of how you grown.

    thank you thank you. as an aside, when i was thinking of what to do for my 2k post i went back to my 1k and was horrified by what i saw so.

    Looking forward to a new year for Jelly's reign!

    thanks duder. if we're being honest i think you're a bit cringey. but then again you are very young and people mature very quickly throughout their teenage years so im looking forward to seeing the member you will become in a year's time.

    This is an AMA? Ok.

    Why did you forget about me?

    if im being honest it's because i dont think we've ever had an actual conversation. i really appreciate what you've done for this place over the years and welcome you as a figure in the community i just dont think we were ever that close mael :(

    can you teach me the way of the meme senpai

    word vomit + keyboard = ???

    Ayyy, we should definitely talk more cause you seem like a chill dude.

    Congrats on the 2k post mark jelly, and may another come your way as well!

    thanks you it means a lot to me

  2. hmmm i guess i can make a quick top 5 with very little explaination as i just woke up for some midnight milk n cookies.

    5. mf doom - i love the way he'll say a joke and make the punchline in the same bar it's astounding.

    4. chance - ive been way on chance since 10 day and he hasnt stopped impressing me since. i feel like his stuff is v "new aged" rap and heavily gospel influenced which makes it sound kinda "homey" if you catch my drift

    3. jay-z - ive said what i thought about jay in the other thread. i feel like he paved the way for a lot of these new artists to be more expressive and creative on beats.

    2. nas - the only reason nas isnt #1 on my list is because he really never quite lived up to anything post-illmatic. it was probably the highest watermark ever set for anyone and i dont think anyone will come close to illmatic.

    1. kendrick - i really really like kendrick. honestly when i listen to his stuff i get a bit nostalgic because it sounds a lot like what my dad listened to when i was growing up. i really love the imagery in all his songs and a lot of it connects with how i grew up. poor and scared and in the hood. luckily it wasnt a particularly bad neighborhood like compton but still. money trees is my absolute favorite rap song.

  3. i couldnt think of anything very special for my 2k post but since im a fan of big numbers and an ever bigger occasion, my 4 year anniversary on these forums, i figured i would post this now in honor of the community ive come to love. im going to be posting everything i think of or have a conversation about or listen to in this thread from 4:45pm cst until i sleep. let's start with some short shoutouts though.

    -ame, for seriously not banning me when i was causing a shit for no reason. thanks for keeping the community going.

    -ikaru, you're honestly one of the reasons i kept coming back to reborn after all this time. after i had thought i was being singled out by auth i knew you were one of the people i could talk to. thanks for sticking around my dude.

    -dan, thank you so much for talking shit out with me. you've probably stopped me from getting banned on several occasions. i appreciate the fact that no matter the situation you always like to come and talk to me to see what the fuck i was thinking when i post something stupid or... well basically yea just post anything stupid.

    -kamina, you are one of my best friends on reborn. thank you for talking to me about personal stuff when i have no one else to talk to.

    -rupe, you are my best friend on this fuckin forum dude. it kinda sucks that everyone will have to outgrow this place eventually. thanks for keeping ao memey.

    -slant, you're the boss man. i know life stuff has gotten in the way recently but come back soon!

    -moony, you suck for quitting mons.

    -skitty, thanks for being someone i can talk to about personal stuff. i know we arent really that close but i consider you one of my better friends.

    -void, you're a fucker. thanks for secondhandedly teaching me how to play mons lol.

    -bagel, what the fuck man i always go back to thinking what it would be like if you hadnt been added to the group on a whim. but im so glad you did because youve become a close friend of mine over the years and it's been great.

    -pixl, you know even though you've been in the skype group for over a year at this point i dont think ive ever seen you on the server. i know you're a good dude and you should hop in call more often lol

    -fink, my dude i dont even know how you came to be a part of the group but im glad you did because you're a constant source of witty comments and backhanded compliments and i find you absolutely hilarious. good luck with all your school stuff.

    -kurotsune, ive never actually talked to you too much but i enjoy your presence.

    -edge, we've come a long way over the years and i believe that we're very similar people which is why we didnt get along way back when.

    -xiph, i know you told people not to call you xiph but nanny nanny boo boo.

    -vex, you never ever post ever dude it's hard to keep track of how you're doing. hope all is well though.

    -kyoyo, i really dont know how you view me but i think of you as a friend

    -erick, honestly i feel like since youve become more active recently the forum quality has gone up. i love your insight on things and i really look up to you as a person. hope we can talk soon.

    -dark desire, honestly i believe you dislike me for whatever reason. i'd like for you to come forward with why because i hate sneak dissing

    -jericho, our relationship is like an on/off switch. sometimes we're cool but other times we're not. i know you're a levelheaded guy though so no worries. it's mainly me being a shithead most of the time anyway.

    -murdoc, i like to make fun of you and i have no idea why. i think you talk out of your ass a lot but that doesnt mean you arent an alright guy when we agree on things. you're a solid dude.

    -odybld, i think that's your name anyway. i have never talked to you once but you seem like a very respectful guy. ive only ever seen you calm so that's cool.

    -pocky, you're a nice memer and one of my longest friends on reborn.

    -silver, idk why you're all the way down here but you were honestly like my first friend on reborn. then we werent. then we were. im not exactly sure what caused a rift between us in the first place but im glad it cleared up. youve gone through a lot and you're honestly one of the most mature people i know.

    -trhstatement, i think that's how it goes. but ive seen you around and think you're cool.

    -skeleton, we go way back lol. i missed you those months and some you were gone tho. glad you're back.

    -sapphire, you were around back when i lurked on mysidia and again when i lurked on reborn. i never thought very highly of you until recently. i'd like to say we're pals now.

    -azery, man we used to make fun of you so much but i think youve grown up a ton in the past year and i respect that a lot because it took me many years to get from shitty new user to where i am now.

    -cowtao, man im always forgetting that you used to be a very good friend of mine. you used to play xy nu with me when no one else would and that meant a lot to me and probably caused me to stick around with competitive mons for how long i have. keep being you dude.

    and now, the moment youve all been waiting for, the stream of consciousness:


    -chicken schnitzel

    -flash flood

    -eating ass

    -extreme mario



    -vegan cheese?


    -people sell sandwiches off a truck for fuckin 15$ a pop in texas im dropping out of college

    -cities you'll never see on a screen are like 60% of cities


    -halle berry or hallelujah

    -interior crocodile alligator i drive a chevrolet movie theater

    -chat shit get banged

    -star wars political commercials

    -mono white rebels

    -"secret menu"

    -branson, missouri

    -fast food nachos are probably the worst thing to exist

    -louisiana fried chicken > all else ( not louisiana famous. there isnt even a louisiana famous in louisiana)

    -i literally only watch food videos on yt

    -hey you pikachu mixed with la noire

    -i should play la noire again

    -thinking of getting 252/252/4 tattooed somewhere


    -diamond pearl platinum

    -lucky bastard



    -how did i even get 2k posts



    -reborn's bw was whack lmao

    -target is a wasteland beyond hope


    -filming you snoring

    -i think im the most single ive ever been

    -it really sucks to think some of your family is flying private jets but you grew up in poverty


    -ending the night off with an episode of arrow

    and that's it guys. there was no radical memeing today so i feel like this was kinda lame but i needed a chill night honestly. i appreciate you all and if you werent mentioned in this thread but feel the need to be in the list then hmu.

    also this is an ama and what i think about you so ask me anything and i'll let you know what i think about you in more depth :3c

  4. honestly a couple of years ago i disliked jay-z. but then i really just sat down and listened to the blueprint and the black album and i realized i wasnt looking at his music right. he really pushed for hip-hop to become more open in terms of expression. think the transition from say 50 cent to kanye west. overall i'd say jay-z is the man when it comes to staying relevant because he's been doing it for fucking years.

    also dead presidents ii is the fucking goat

  5. finally my chance to be sappy

    let's start with my day 1's, ao:

    kamina: thank u for welcoming me back a couple years ago when i came off of my hiatus. i know you forgot who i was but that doesnt matter lol. ur probably one of my best friends and i know i can come to u with anything

    rupe: my dude u've gotta be fuckin kidding me. ik all we do is meme and shit on each other but honest ur my best pal here

    slant: the og. you dont come around much anymore but you're one of the best players ive ever seen even though at this point u'll be pretty rusty lol

    void: fuck you xdddd. the best battler to ever grace this site and alo one of the most levelheaded people i know

    moony: i hate you for quitting mons for league but it's okay because you finally joined call again

    skitty: i love the teams you build and the energy you bring to chat. we're not really close but i know you'll be there if i ever need someone to vent to. never stop being you

    bagel: holy shit dude where to start. we became friends because emvee was making fun of people's names one day and added you to the skype group because your's was awful. however ive grown to appreciate it because it led to you becoming part of the group.

    pixl: mr. afk forever. youre full of stories and i hope you can settle down for more than 3 minutes at a time between flights to join call more often


    cowtao: i honestly forgot you existed. where have you been for so long dude? you're a great guy w good music taste

    im too tired to finish this so if i forgot you and you care enough just tell me and i'll put you in lol

  6. Imperial - as I said before, it Bagel has to wait till Sunday, then he'll wait till Sunday. We're barely halfway through the week.

    im posting this here because we were told not to continue in the other thread. but if bagel can't play on saturday/sunday and your player was seen online during a time they could both play, but didnt, then you should be forced to sub. correct?

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