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Posts posted by Jelly

  1. Welcome to round 1 nerds


    Tournament Rules:

    -Smogon's Sun & Moon OverUsed banlist is in effect

    -The tournament is Double Elimination. After the first round there will be a winner's and loser's bracket.

    -Rounds are Best of 3

    -Games are to be played on the Reborn showdown server.

    -You MUST save replays and post them in each week's thread.

    -Contact your opponent immediately and set up a time to play.


    Pheromosa is banned according to Smogon's gen 7 OU banlist.



    Kamina vs Jinan B

    Maxmillion Pegasus vs Guzam

    Swampellow vs Jelly

    Cobalt996 vs Hycrox

    Bazaro vs Cool Girl

    TheDW66 vs Mr. Divergent


    Deadline for Round 1 is 11:59 PM Sunday April 16 GMT-5.

  2. 1. Why did you choose (insert username) as your display name?


    long story that's been answered before

    2. If you won 100000 dollars/euros/pesos/etc in a lottery, what would you do with it?


    probably just buy my house im renting then sit on it for emergencies

    3. How do you spend majority of your free time?


    studying/cooking/playing mons occasionally

    4. What are your favorite songs?


    i usually bounce around favorites but all of jump man 93's stuff is great

    5. Have you ever had your first kiss? If so, at what age?


    yea. 15.

    6. What is your motivation in living life everyday?


    pursuit of knowledge i guess

    7. What is better: school or work?


    school. i love learning stuff

    8. What is your favorite pokemon type and pokemon?


    i love steel types and fighting types and i like scizor

    9. Who is your favorite fictional character? Why?


    santiago from the old man and the sea. i relate to suffering

    10. Are you: the type of person who would give if someone asked you or the type of person who would approach the person needing something or neither?


    i usually wait until someone asks for something to give to avoid seeming like i pity them. however i dont think ive ever refused if someone's asked something of me

  3. 4 hours ago, Cobalt996 said:

    Why would I ever want to participate in something like this?


    Is this locked to the usage of one team per person?


    you can change teams as much as you like. this includes in between battles in the same round. for example, you can use team A during battle 1, then team B during battle 2, and if it goes to 3 then you can use another team. so on and so forth.

    1 hour ago, Cool Girl said:

    Not sure if I'll have time but I'll try. I'll let you know if I can make it so for now, I'm in.


    Also, what tier should we build our team?


    gen 7 ou.

  4. 50 minutes ago, Mr. Divergent said:

    I'm interested in joining, but I'd like to ask a few questions:


    - When are battles scheduled? Practically anytime?

    - How many weeks does this go for?

    - Will there be no specific theme aside from OU to go by? 

    1. it's up to you to schedule the battles

    2. until the winner is declared

    3. no

  5. henlo user

    hello u stinky user

    go join this tour ugly


    Welcome to the first ever Reborn Circuit Tournament. I blatantly ripped this idea from smogon but I really liked the idea so I'm going to host one here.


    Tournament Rules:

    -Smogon's Sun & Moon OverUsed banlist is in effect

    -The tournament is Double Elimination. After the first round there will be a winner's and loser's bracket.

    -Rounds are Best of 3

    -Games are to be played on the Reborn showdown server.

    -You MUST save replays and post them in each week's thread.

    -Contact your opponent immediately and set up a time to play.


    Sign-ups will end Sunday, April 9 at 11:59 pm US Central TIme.


    Post "in" to join :)

  6. alright so i finally got around to making this post (much to everyone's relief). ive wanted to point out the differences between the new and old users for a while and make some comments about the new reborn culture as a whole. 


    on the culture:

    for most of the users present on the forums today, there was no time before shofu started playing this game. as a community, we owe a great amount of our growth over the last few years to him. im forever grateful that ive become a part of this community even if i stay rather distant. the main reason behind my reservedness to become an active part of the community is because of how my type of attitude and predisposure has been treated in the past. ive always been in love with the "old" reborn but the more and more i look back on it i realize how unnecessarily strict it may have been. of course, there's always the fact that i may look back on my actions without accounting for the fact that im stubborn and always believe i am in the right, but nevertheless i believe the community as a whole has become a bit more lax in some ways but has somehow stayed very very anti-"public dispute". what im talking about is that i feel like despite the community becoming more mature as a whole, we somehow have regressed into this sort of schoolyard-esque zero-tolerance policy when it comes to users disagreeing. now, i believe that any user should be able to publicly call-out what they believe is unfair or intolerable without the powers that be immediately shutting down any discussion because "this has gone on long enough" or "this has gotten off track". i get that it's up to the auth team as a whole to police the forums and keep everyone in check but in my mind, "in check" has come to mean "on the singular path we want discussions flowing in". there's no room for healthy arguments and any deviation from what is distinguished as a "model user" promptly gets redirected (read: shut down) back on track. i understand that you cant just let users run free and make actual hurtful call-out posts but when people are uncomfortable with certain behavior and they cannot speak out against it without fear of being reprimanded, they feel unsafe here and may leave. as someone who cares about this community, i feel like the current reborn ecosystem is driving away newcomers to an extent. 


    on the differences between old and new users:

    now, i dont have as much to write about here but i feel like the newest users have a certain disregard for how far this community has come and how it's lasted over the years. this community is very resilient and even after host gator, many server moves, server outages, and general "shit the bed" type situations it has remained strong and continued growing throughout the years. i feel like the newest users dont respect or care about the troubles that have faced this place and it honestly saddens me.



    im not exactly sure what i was upset about when i wanted to make this thread about a month ago. it seems to be lost on me lmao. but i do and always will be interested in group dynamics and i will always have a certain disrespect for authority which causes me to push for change in almost every situation i am in. now, im not exactly pushing for change with this thread, i just wanted to outline my thoughts on reborn's complex and intricate userbase and why i feel the community has shifted away from harboring actual discussions. im also not very good at wording things and only had about 30 minutes to write all of this so i will definitely be keeping up with this thread and commenting if something i said has been misinterpreted. 


    -a grumpy old man

  7. for good programming in general getting used to a good environment is the best advice i can give. personally, i use vim because of the vast amount of customization it has and how strong it can be at helping you code efficiently once you get the hang of it. the huge huge huge documentation on c and c++ will help you along the way and understanding what the docs are talking about will help you direct yourself when using weird niche libraries. other than that just practice practice practice and it will come to you eventually. try to understand pointers (who the fuck am i kidding, no one understands pointers) and memory allocation if you're wanting to focus on C.


    other than that i have 10 general programming tips that ive learned over the course of a few years:

    1. dont misuse assignment (=) with a test for equality (==)

    2. using namespace std; is your friend for most simple programming. understand what it means, however.

    3. only use global variables for communicating between functions

    4. use local variables inside for loops

    5. use ++ and --

    6. learn to comment code as you go and also, time permitting, write pseudo-code

    7. gets() is bad bad bad

    8. git is your best friend. it's daunting at first but it's super simple to use

    9. always write if statements with braces

    10. INDENT

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