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Posts posted by Jelly

  1. On 12/16/2016 at 2:03 PM, Strider said:

    This is really nice and all...but it seems like a rather easy way to get rep... (I don't mind that much, as I did upvote this topic)...but still.

    hey man i get why you see it like that but this was really just a reminder that i really care about this community. i feel like ive been out of touch and wanted to let everybody know that theyre free to come to me if they need anything etc. dont read too much into it, hoss.

  2. How important do you find direct confrontation (either verbal or physical) to achieving your goals?

    not very. i tend to let other people do the confrontation and go from there. in the past this has led to some complications regarding friendships and whatnot but it usually irons out in the end. 2/10

    How much do you prioritize yourself and your loved ones over "the greater good" in your daily decision-making?

    i tend to value my well-being less than others' and i value the greater good almost equally as those around me. 5/10

    How much do you think you are in control of your own emotions?

    not at all most of the time. it feels like there are two parts of my brain, the reasonable one and the irrational one and i can never control who is running the show at any given time. 1/10

    How important is money and its acquisition to your happiness and/or life goals?

    i mean i need money to survive but other than that im happy just wandering about and all. camping is one of my favorite things and you dont need much to do that for a while. 2/10

    How afraid are you of death (your own or anyone else's)?

    i like to say im not afraid of death because ive tried to cause it to myself a few times (whoa edgy). but im a very generous person and i will often go to great lengths to ensure a person's wellbeing 3/10

    How well do you think you would manage alone in a desperate situtation (island exile, nuclear apocalypse, foreign invasion)?

    considering i have these daydreams all the time i think i'd fare pretty well. my survival skills are better than the average bear's by quite a bit and im very determined. but on the other hand i'd probably fold immediately if my loved ones' were not with me. 7/10

    And again, on scale of 1-10...

    How much greater than animals do you think the human being is?

    honestly i believe that no matter what a person should respect animals but if an animal is a source of food for a human then one should not feel bad about killing it. the treatment of said animal, however, is a big issue to me. 5/10

    How vital do you believe war is to the survival of a human community?

    not at all actually. i know that world peace is never going to occur because of the way people are, but i like to imagine that war is not a necessary thing. however, maintaining an army in the case of alien invasion is very important. gotta flex those guns. 2/10

    To what extent do you believe it is a human responsibility to cooperate with nature?

    humans should respect nature because without it we all die off. everything we need to survive comes from nature and if we fuck that up then we'll all be dead in a short while. 10/10

    How great of a role do you believe tradition should play in shaping an individual's identity?

    i feel as though a person is shaped by what traditions they uphold since they were young. generally one can have a good idea of what a person is like based off of their traditions regarding hygiene. 6/10

    And some bonus questions (not 1-10):

    What is your favorite color?

    olive/pale blue

    What is your favorite kind of bending as seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender?

    not really sure how to answer this as i feel like it'll only directly affect the outcome more than the other questions

    What is your favorite character from the series?

    toph based off of the scenes where she openly makes fun of her blindness

  3. after playing with the team a bit ive come to see amph as a little underwhelming. the only thing i could recommend in its place is a chinchou pivot. it doesn't really do anything terrible to your synergy and helps your weakness of huntail/gorebyss a bit.

    • I think we really oughta clear up first if BPD stands for BiPolar Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder. cuz it's used for both, and they are pretty different.
    • idk dude i can never get my head around java/js but i bet dan would be happy to help you :]

    i was talking about borderline personality disorder

    unfortunately the student has become the master in this case...

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