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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Ringabel

  1. Ah, don't fret. Let bygones be bygones.

    The past is of no consequence now, as long as you try your best.

    Welcome back.

    You still can't touch my cake though. Sorry.

    I didn't say I wanted your cake. And who knows, maybe I like a nice, big slab of meat better. (Giggity)

  2. Welcome to Reborn's one stop shop for hyper-realistic gore! (And good Creepypastas and sometimes the readings there of). Here to sing praise for the good, or fling shit at the bad. I thought we needed this thread. 'Cause we're not screwed up enough. Have fun and always to remember to credit it, weather it should get the views or not. Just don't cross the Reborn rules line, 'kay?

  3. DavidTheZettaNerd: CAMEL TITTIES!

    +Prince Alexus: ...

    FlameI7: what about them?

    DavidTheZettaNerd: Nothing

    Explosms: That's no way to speak about your mother.

    +Prince Alexus: LOL

    DavidTheZettaNerd: BOOOOOO!

    Kurotsune: Oh shit

    Kurotsune: They've changed it again?

    FlameI7: oooooh

    +Haven Pyrrhon joined

    Kurotsune: Now everything I say is highlighted?

    +Prince Alexus: Changed what, Kuro?

    +Prince Alexus: Oh, yeah

    +Prince Alexus: That's a thing

    FlameI7: yeah

    +Haven Pyrrhon: Voldemorts Nipple!

    +Prince Alexus: I can barely see it so meh

    Kurotsune: It's a step up from grey text

    Kurotsune: And a step down from nothing

    Explosms: Pyrrhon, leave the corpse alone

    Kurotsune: which was just fine before

    FlameI7: its many steps up

    +Prince Alexus: ^^^

    DavidTheZettaNerd: The Queen of Britin's willy!

    +Prince Alexus: Whatevs, it's not imparing my chatting so I could care less

    DavidTheZettaNerd: 'kay i'm done

    WendelM: Wha...? .-.

    +Prince Alexus: I njust wish the rainbow buttons would hurry up and go away >_>

    Explosms: Everyone knows her pussy is so haunted it has cobwebs, calm down boy.

  4. Sooooooooooooooo. Remember me. Yeah... I won't lie, I used to be the master he-wench around here. But, I want to try this all over again. I doubt half the same people are still here. So, let me tell you all who I am. I was once the user here known as Rotomfan63. And everyone rightfully hated me. I couldn't write and I was an ass. Then I became Ringabel and left. but now, I am David. DavidTheZettaNerd, to be more formal. Now first things first, I don't care about the Reborn Game. Never have, never will. If you like it and talk about it that's fine, just don't shove it down me throat. Second, once I get the $R I wiil re-brand my profile. Again. Third, I've forgot most everthing about you other than I liked it here. So this will be new to me aswelll. With that said, let's try this again.

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