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Posts posted by Ringabel

  1. I just got got Volibear. I love junglin' with bulky champs. I tried with Warwick and now I love it. But I need to learn to gank better. I know to try and switch to lanes when I start getting underleveled, or when it's near end game, OR when there's what I like to call a "minion clog". This is when someone was laning to your nexus, but then the champ died or left to shop to do something else, and the minions are just flailing at each other at one point where they just keep sissy-slapping without moving. So whenever I'm jungling and that happens, I go there and sometime decently push or even turret kill because the foe's are too busy or or otherwise doing something else. Also, I never use wards but I've been told I need to, is that true? Also, forget Teemo, Volibear my new League husbando.... Also I have an idea for LOL shipfic but I'm not gonna talk about it because I'm on mod watch.

  2. So, yeah. I'm moving. I was in this apartment for almost 9 years now. All of the years I've been on and off with Reborn where in these years. I will admit, I was.... an ass a lot of the time. But I've been trying to get better! And I think I have, chatrroom episodes aside. Also, before you ask, I will be moving just a one town away into a suburban house my grandparents to used live, before it got burned with them in it, and then restored. I don't wanna talk about it. Anyways, I want to throw a Twitch party when I move in for my friends and any of you who want to join for whatever reason. I made this little video for more info, fun, and being a goofy kind of formal.


    So, yeah. See that video for time and date. I hope I'll be able to do on that time, but I might have to hold off an hour or two, because moving. Also, the "guests",will mostly just be some of my skype friends, and I may have to not have them in depending on how their lives are going. But, if for some cosmic reason, you want to be on, just pm and don't be a jerk when we're on air. I will be live-streaming for at least 3-5 hours or more. Now, two last things, there will be a lot of swearing, and some sexual talk. Not too much sex talk, but the a few sex jokes will be there and if someone asks me a question about what video game characters I may or may not want to make love with, I will answer honestly. And lastly, I don't know if you know this, but I have ADHD and whenever I do any kind of video, it shows in hyper and fast talking, and just over all randomness. So, if that doesn't sound like your cup of tea you are free not to come on. And for good time saving, here is the link:


  3. Thanks for the feedback on Kennen. Most fo' sho' gonna save up for him. He's seams flat out awesome. Although I find his voice kinda to child-like. I think he's a teen around 15 or 14, but he sounds about 9 or 10. (Still need tips on getting my friends into League, I know my asking over and over again is kind of annoying, but if I could get some answers I would love to then stop asking)

  4. That feel when you just came to and came out to being a gay male and wants to start dating, but you're really scared of dating and you need to talk to a gay male who has dated for that and other reason, and you know there are people on this site who would talk to you but not after the "Chatroom-based Asexual Hate Episode". AKA:Being scared, sad, lone, and a gay male.

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