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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Ringabel

  1. You ever had that time, where you only started playing a game because other people you knew were playing it, then you stopped talking to those people, you find out you hate it. But then you get back with those friends and now you have no games to play. Thanks, Reborn. Thanks for play no other games.

  2. I just came back to this forum, i hate League of Legends now. And this is the only game I play much with other people that this forum cares about. I mean, I could start a Brawlhalla thread. But like, the game's kinda under the radar despite how good it is. So. I don't know. Let's play some fucking card games, I guess. Sorry, my life's kinda fucked right now, so forgive the self depreciation. I mean, I do it a lot, but now I have no soul or joy anymore. Wish me luck.

  3. Now this, this is going in my list of epic Reborn memes. Meanwhile there's Papyrus, who speaks in all capitals; but that's not my place to judge. Where my place to judge lies in the fact that you're refusing to play a truly great game (not without its flaws) due to one singular character and the way they speak, despite the fact that the said quirk literally only adds to the character and some of Sans' text has had perfect grammar. Not to MENTION Mettaton; who also speaks in all caps, Napstablook, and Temmie. I won't say your wrong, but I will say I don't think your reasoning for not playing this game is very solid.

    Well. To be honest. It's one of those things where I saw on Tumblr so much I refuse to play on the grounds of "Get this shit outta my face". Also. It just doesn't seams that good, I don't like the characters, the world, most of thew music, and I also prefer my RPGs to more based on clever using of move over having the skill to preform those moves, or in this case, dodging them. Plus, and this might be a outsider looking in thing, but how the fuck os anyone going to get through the whole game WITH UNDER 25 HP! I'm sorry. I just can't. I don't care how well you can dodge, because this game sounds like one hit and you fucked. Also, Steam and I have no crdit card because I'm 15. So duh. And don't even get me started on puns. Like, bitch, please. I'll call Chuggaaconroy to teach you some REAL puns. But really, IT just looks like it's trying too hard to be it's own thing. After all, the saying "You need to know the rules before you can break them" is something I think the devs knew not. Also. Who the fuck wants to play an RPG where it punishes you for killing stuff? IT'S AN RPG GAME! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO KILL THINGS IN THOSE! FUCKING DUH! Plus.... I just don't wanna. You can't make me. To be frank, I'll stick with DS and 3DS RPGS. Say "Hi", really long list of games in that spoiler tag. Like..

    Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy IV, Dragon Quest IX, The World Ends With You, Fire Emblems Shadow Dragon and Awakening, Golden Sun:Dark Dawn, Mario and Luigis Bower's Inside Story and Dream Team, Final Fantasy Tactics A2, Bravely Default, all the Pokemon games from gen 4 and on, counting spin-offs, possibly Ace Attorney, Professor Layton, and Animal Crossing:New Leaf if you want to pull the meaning of RPG a bit it, Fossil Fighter:Champions (First one kinda sucked though. But the second one kicks ass), some DS Digimon games, although not all of them are good, and lastly-but-not-least non-RPG games that have RPG-like parts like the DS Castlevania games, Kid Icarus:Uprising, the MegaMan Zero Collection, the DS and 3DS Zelda games, and lastly Theatrrhythm: Final Fantasy.

    AT first I was not gonna put all that in a spoiler but then I chose to use everything I had in my DS game-cart case AKA a bead-case with compartments that are sized like DS carts. No really, try it! IT saves a lot of space not having to keep the game case, in my opinion. Plus you don't have to worry about getting used games without the cases.

  4. ~Blιnd gυardιan: [18:31:43] rotomfan63: I can chat again

    ~Blιnd gυardιan: unfortunately this is not the case yet and it's just a minor thing not kept between server resets I think

    ~Blιnd gυardιan: as such

    rotomfan63 was locked from talking by Blιnd gυardιan.


  5. Well generalizing all forms of media as crap based only on country of origin doesn't sound like a good thing to do. I can testify from direct experience (on the account of being italian) that Italy produces entire oceans of crap, but still, the many great movies and the occasional semi-decent TV program (not to mention books, which are also media) prevent me from labeling everything as crap. I find it difficult to believe that a country as big and as diverse as USA is unable to produce a single saving grace in all forms of media, and this comes from someone who isn't a big fan of USA to begin with.

    If your comment was sarcastic and/or continuing on the previous reference, and I am still utterly failing at getting the point of this topic, I apologize ;-;


    I have one game. Hearthstone. And there's also YouTube stuff. But everyone's American in that.

    EDIT:Also that current Littlest Pet Shop show. My version of MLP.

  6. Is this a statement on the "simple-headed qualities" of an American who keeps up with modern media?

    Yes. All of their media is crap. And every time I try to talk to one of the people who like such media, they find one the problems listed at the first line. With only two of these people who having been enjoyable. Maybe three if the third one talked.

  7. I find the moment that an American media fan makes friends with me, they become stupid, immature, boring, someone with which I have no common ground, and a damn jackass. And I find the moment that I make friends with an American media fan, I become rude, ego-headed, and Manfred von Karma-like. So here I am. Good ol' Weeaboo and hopeful to remain so. After all, Cartoon Network's programming.

    I'm a normal soul. Who desires nothing more than just the fair chance to play any games he wants, and watch any animation he wants. A normal soul am I. Of no impossible whim. Who likes to live his life, free of strife. Doing whatever he thinks is best him. Just a simple little soul.

    But... Let an American in your life; and your peace is doomed! They'll insult your taste from what you love to what you see as waste! And go on to have over-spiting fun in over-hating you! Let an American in your life:And you're close to cutting off their balls! Pick a game or show and you will find, they have something garbage in mind. So instead of doing one or the other, you do something else no one wants to bother with at all! You want to talk of games or anime, they only want to talk of sports. You go to have a calm talk, and every word of their's makes your head hurt! Let an American in your life:And wish them unholy strife!

    Let them get those ponies in hand, with over-acting sweat glands. I might as well be willing for my blood to be spilling than to ever let an American in my life!

    I'm a very funny soul. Even-tempered and good-willing with the joy of fun by the pound in every vain. A fun-loving soul am I. Down to my private tip. Who never could, never would, let a hateful remark come from his lips. Just a very joyful soul.

    But, let an American in your life:And fun hasn't got and chance! They will beg you for media to enjoy, you reply won't have any dose of koi, and then they say they'll check it out while only taking media from their trash, American spout! You are a soul of joy and kindness, who never spoke a hateful hush. Then all at once you're using words, that would have South Park blush! Let an American in your life:And you're rushing for the knife!

    Let those with no prefex, shove bad media down their necks. I'd prefer a boosted addition of NSA inquisition than to ever let an American in my life! I'm skype-bound little soul, who prefers to spent in evening in with skype friends in this room, with an in-the-flesh person count as low as King Tut's tomb. A peaceful soul am I. Of 3DS brought joys. Who likes cartoon watching, playable character-bossing. Far from the outside worlds mad, insane noise.

    BUT! Let an American in your life:And your kindness is through! In a line that never ends come folks with just as shitty media taste blends, come chatter and to blabber and to tell you what the matter is with the tastes that make you! They'll have a booming, over-sized army, who attack you all in-mass! They'll awful lies labeled as music, with bass that shatters glass! Let an American in your life! LET AN AMERICAN IN YOUR LIFE!


    I will never let an American media fan in my life again.

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