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Post Comments posted by Amethyst

  1. On 4/14/2022 at 4:52 AM, Rogue said:

    Quick qs for the devs - when online functionality comes back, will online double battles be included? As much as I love the online single battle functionality of reborn, double battles are more chaotic and awesome. I hope double battles wont be too much of an issue to be implemented.


    Thanks to Perry, doubles have been implemented for online!


    1 hour ago, Krellian said:

    Honestly, i thought you girls were european, you know? 


    no.................. we just have disaster sleep schedules.................

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  2. On 1/17/2022 at 10:41 AM, Disalign said:

    Made an account literally just to post congratulations for getting so close to finishing this massive project. Love Pokemon Reborn!

    Although I in the process of validating the account, I couldn't help but think of a few questions, namely fi there are any specific pokemon that can be mentioned that could be obtained earlier in the game due to the small shifts? Such as, for example, Swablu being obtained earlier than just via headbutt in the aventurine woods?


    Also love the new agent! Adore this game, really.

    ty~ and yeah like swablu is now available pre-julia!

  3. 18 hours ago, Gaunt said:

    The "low availability" of Pokemon in the beginning is pretty much consistent with the story no? Why change that? Or did someone whine about their favorite mon not being there? Anyway it'll seem strange hearing many NPC complaining about Pokemon leaving when you'll have so many of them running around.


    I think you're overestimating how much about the availability has changed. A few neglected mons are now earlier; that's it. This is normal tweaking we've done with basically every episode


    18 hours ago, gilam said:

    Will there be an open beta as in previous episodes?


    Yes! We call it the Community Release and frankly maybe we should stop calling it that. But, it will be available to anyone with a forum account. 


    4 hours ago, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    "We've taken old files into consideration, so if you are starting e19 from a completed e18 file, rest assured you will not be confused by missing their prior context!"

    There's only two interpretations I can pull out of this at the moment:

    First "Ace's presence will leave no significant impact on the events of Ep19. Their role will be wrapped up as of Ep18's content without significant changes to key events involving them."

    Second "The game will go out of its way to fill in the player on any events that Ace's introduction has had sufficient impact enough to be important to be aware of."

    The first leads to doubt regarding what siginifance Ace will be carrying in the larger plot, the second just seems clunky.


    If I can offer an alternative, that perhaps their addition can help execute the existing story better? 


    4 hours ago, HelpMiiPlease said:

    Are the locations of certain mega stones going to be changed? Like are some low tier ones like banetite and altarianite going to be made available sooner and stuff like houndoomite getting pushed back?


    Most are the same but a few have been moved up. Bannetite is already like literally one of the first ones yet get though in current version, and always has been, lol...


    17 minutes ago, FutureSight said:

    If you're talking about the image on the sidebar, there's no context of what this is even talking about, and I'm sure they're handling it fine. Besides, ultra-unfair-hard difficulty isn't everything, and if that's what you want I'm sure there will be mods for it, or those passwords I've seen them mention a few times maybe!


    This is a good response. The sidebar is referring to postgame stuff which has been played by about 2 people so far and in its un-nerfed state was absolutely not a good balance of fun vs difficult. Obviously there are going to be people who prefer that to lean more to the difficult scale, but we are balancing for the average target difficulty of the existing game. We are also keeping those people who prefer difficulty in mind via passwords and making nerfs that said passwords are going to be able to, themselves, revert for a given playthrough for full intensity. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Shogun said:

    Have some of the mods that people have made, like those in the swm mod pack, become baked into the base game, or would we still need to add them separately? The main ones I can think of that could be put in the base game are the set weather, bag sort, stat change overlay, and exp share all. I understand if it was chosen not to do this because it would give players more of an option to choose whether or not they want these features in their version of the game, but I just think having a few in there could be a nice benefit.

    EXP All is in, and a couple other quality of life mods that we've seen appropriate to integrate. We looked at Bag Sort but it appeared to be a Whole Thing so we are leaving that to a mod. Set Weather isn't really appropriate for the vanilla game imo, and the stat change overlay is something that I think is a little too clunky for me to want to add it as is but if I were going to spend more time with the project I would probably look into redesigning stat change overlay to be prettier and more compact. I had had some thoughts about doing that anyway, but, like... no i need to move on for my own sanity. 

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  5. 15 hours ago, bloo123 said:

    If you're looking to cut down on general tedium and needless backtracking, might I suggest making a set of stairs here to replace this rock climbing wall? The player has to go from fiore to the circus multiple times and having to go through the canyon and grass every time is a little annoying. Its not like I would ever use this part of the map currently since by the time you get rock climb you already have fly which is a much more efficient means of travel. 



    If you can include more fast travel options for certain sections of the game, similar to being able to fast travel with radomus and co. back to the castle after dealing with adrienn and el that would be nice for qol, A couple of instances off the top of my head that make sense would be after saving victoria from aster and eclipse at the bottom of the grand stairway and going with her to shelly's place and going with amaria from the harbor to break into the factory, etc.

    Another thing that I figure would be appreciated by players that replay this game is if you can make the void segment after the glass gauntlet an optional choice to go through. This section mainly serves as story and lore dump which is nice on the first playthrough, but gameplay wise is a bit uneventful and drawn out? That's a creative decision I am less inclined on making a judgement call on though but just wanted to bring it up.


    Didn't mean to tell you how to do your job, so sorry for rambling. Thanks for trying to streamline gameplay even if it is just moving a tree or two, truly makes a difference. 👍


    good suggestions! that bit of route 2 is definitely already on my mind, and i think you'll definitely appreciate the tune of a lot of the early changes. in addition to fast travel in a lot of those cases (already got the stairway for instance), we cut a lot of the running around between shelly and kiki in general and i've been trying to put a focus on streamlining + reducing railroading for just story purposes.

    although i agree with you about the void, i don't think i can do that. there's also some extra stuff in there now too that would complicate that idea... 


    • Like 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Rendolf said:

    Looking fancy! Semi-related question: are you going to do revamps for any other characters or just the MCs?

    ok i totally should've put that in the QA in the first place edited in now but yes some others are getting vamps

  7. On 9/24/2021 at 1:14 PM, Proto65 said:

    Anyone else wondering what we are waiting on. Does the counting down list of side quest mean that the next episode is coming soon or is it part of the bulk of what's left for episode 19? I assume i am not the only one waiting for an estimated release date.


    I'll be making a post about what's left to do after we actually finish the quests, because I'm sure a lot of people will be asking the same thing. However, I at no point intend to promise an estimated release date. Even just testing is going to take anywhere from weeks to months and I do not intend to rush it.

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  8. 7 hours ago, Anjuna said:

    As someone following this project for the past.... 6 years now, I think? It's incredible how much you guys progress as developers with each passing year. If this is meant to be a remaster of the PULSE tangrowth fights, I'm all for it - it looks incredible

    Is it unfair to expect more sprite reworks for the coming update? I think a few trainer sprites (Cain, Victoria and maybe the male players characters) could do with a little touch-up to bring them to 2021 😁. If not, that's a-okay!

    Victoria and Cain have already gotten glow-ups. Maybe we'll show them off sometime. 




    also yeah guys they're just flower decorations on the wall, yikes.

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  9. On 3/12/2021 at 7:33 AM, Scy Guy said:

    I'm fine with Zeraora being in Chrysolia Cave


    you get it.


    On 3/11/2021 at 8:15 AM, Vinc2612 said:


    Does it mean that the 9 remaining UBs won't be in the game, or that they just won't get their specific quests?


    they will still be in game like that other person said, yes, just not full quests.



    anyway ty to everyone for the support as always, i do appreciate it all a lot ~ 💜

  10. On 2/1/2021 at 12:21 PM, wcv said:

    Sorry if this was answered and I just can't figure it out, are Megas not allowed in any of the Nightclub events, or just in specific ones?

    Specifically, will Megas be used in the Rush mode along with legendaries?

    Megas aren't allowed in Battle Pavilion or Battle Factory. They're legal and will appear in the Rush Challenge, Theme Teams and Mix 'n Match

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  11. On 1/27/2021 at 9:03 PM, HelpMiiPlease said:

    Question, are megas and alolan forms  for the npc teams still broken or are they working? Also does the X league pain train teams carry over to the 6v12 battles?

    Thank you, have a good day


    If you mean for battle pavilion/factory teams-- megas are still forbidden and we don't have a way to specify which form a Pokemon will be when it's pulled, but there are sets for alternative forms as well so you will see some of those from time to time


    boss rush teams current aren't available for mix and match... but it's possible we could get that in by the end of development. we'll see. 


    On 1/27/2021 at 9:42 PM, sayar said:

    I have a question

    It is now p much clear that the nightclub is reborn's battle frontier

    And there are gonna be 4 facilities


    Are there gonna be frontier brains?


    Nah, it's not an official frontier, and 3 of the things are character-based anyway. The closest thing would be the minibosses but those are kinda one-and-done smaller deals rather than the full Head Honchkrow



    • Thanks 1
  12. On 1/24/2021 at 6:21 PM, Centauris91 said:

    Hey Ame,

    Long time no see. Thank you for the update. I haven't been here in a while. The pandemic is rough, and Reborn is one of the few glimmers of hope I have left.

    Forgive me for asking: I know there are no plans for Gen 8 in E19, but even if they are implemented in the (distant) future, will the moves not available in Gen 8 be retained? Like Pursuit, Psywave, and a whole host of other moves and mechanics. What's going to happen to the competitive balance?


    If this has been answered before, I apologize for asking.


    don't entirely know! i don't think we'll be deleting any moves entirely, especially for the sake of pokemon that haven't had their learnsets updated for gen 8 yet or whatever. but i also don't feel like i can make promises about stuff right now because of all of that is so messy

    as always, we'll do our best to keep to canon-- but now that canon has holes in it we don't know exactly what that means either.

    • Like 4
  13. On 12/27/2020 at 2:11 AM, aaa said:

    most rewarding pokemon game ive played and 1 of the top 10 i have ever played already download starlight and loving it. look forward to everything you guys do never stop. if there is a donations bar let me know would love to reward you guys for the hours of pain and love i have for your stuff.

    hoping i'm not too late here-- there is such an option! you can support the project and get updates about here! the site says starlight, but it's reborn too~


    tysm for thinking of us!

  14. hi guys!


    so yeah uhhhh
    i will say in the first place i get what why you're bothered by this. it isn't our intention to disparage the work y'all have done on the engine and fangame community. i hope that it's plain that i really appreciate all the effort y'all have put into this
    but, personally when i shoot the shit about essentials i am saying that with the understanding that

    • this is a code base that has been maintained for, what, over a decade
    • has changed hands multiple times in that time, including people of various skill levels (especially on our parts)
    • and has to keep pace with one of the most convoluted, bloated battle systems in existence
    • which has, itself, repeatedly changed over the years and (unfortunately) shows no signs of stopping

    thinking of it like this, i feel like there is literally no conceivable way that despite all human effort this will ever not be at least a little bit of a disaster.


    what my team and i are saying here is not meant to be an attack on the engine or anyone who maintains it, but rather sort of just venting frustrations/making light of the reality of the clusterfuck that this scriptset is by its very nature


    i recognize, however, that to many people it may not look like that, and i am so sorry if this has ended up spilling over into your communities or has led to you having to put out fires. personally i'm definitely willing to make an effort to clarify in the future so that that isn't an issue. 


    we are well aware that a lot of the changes we're making here are reborn-specific. i have mixed feelings about some of those* but ultimately us doing those changes are something we're doing for our game, and talking about here to our community. most players of the game don't necessarily care about how efficient essentials itself is, but lag is a common complaint for reborn specifically (probably because some jerk decided to go and make unreasonably large/busy maps in a game with way too much content already who the fu--).
    we know that we're running on an old version, but the issues still exist for us, so the improvements we're making for our game here is relevant to the audience we're posting to.
    but like if we were going off and posting all this same shit in pokecommunity, i'd definitely be mega concerned too. 


    * some of those mixed feelings are because i'm aware there are projects out there that base off of reborn directly rather than essentials. however, for that same reason, the optimizations we're doing here may be particularly relevant to those developers too. that's also why we've been posting them frequently. 


    and yes, a lot of this is still in testing. i appreciate the catch on the ability issue! we'll make sure to take a look at that! there's still a lot of testing on all of this stuff that has to be done, but i think many people enjoy reading along for the journey-- especially since we do try to have some fun with it. we are in the entertainment business here, games or otherwise 😅


    so i hope there's not too many hard feelings here. cass is gonna follow up with some more specific points i think.

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