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About SimjiKin

  • Birthday 03/18/2000

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  1. You mentioned gym badge doors. I finished version 9 and got opened all the doors in the wispy ruins, i was wondering if there were anymore gym badge doors scattered about.
  2. okay i did that and followed her and looker into Darchlight caves but now what do i do? i've explored the caves and come up with nothing
  3. Can anyone fill me in on what to do for the GDC help center quests. i just gave Anabelle the amulet but now what??
  4. IT WORKED!!!!!! Thank you sooo much, it would've been terrible to have to start over.
  5. hope it works, thx for all the help and advice so far Game.rxdata
  6. Well i renamed the the 190 - Simji Game.rxdata and moved the original one somewhere else and when i opened the game the only options were new game, options, and quit game. so i moved the original back. did i do something wrong to make it get rid of my save file???
  7. Wait, so if i rename 189 - Simji Game, and then delete my last save 190 - Simji I'll go back to the 189 - Simji save? Or do I have it completely wrong and i need to do stuff with the Game document
  8. i was exploring Blacksteeple castle and got stuck above the stairs. Game.rxdata
  9. Ohhhhh okay, i found my saves and the Game.rxdata, now what do I do with my saves?
  10. Well for some reason i can't upload a pic, Here's what in the folder Audio Data Fonts Graphics Field Effects Game Gif.dll Knownpoint Credits Those the things that i thought might be important
  11. So i looked the folder and didn't find a document called game.rpgx
  12. So where would I find the "game" document, i see one in my Pokemon rejuvenation folder but I'm not sure if is the right thing
  13. So i replaced the three files, but when i opened my game i was still stuck. Do i need to do something more?
  14. Well, i got patch 10 with the data, fonts, and graphics. Do I put those in my pokemon rejuvenation folder, if i do what do I do with my older data, graphics, and fonts folders?
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