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My take on Reborn characters Classpects


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Hey, so there's a couple of things to explain, so while i was spectating the playthrough of one of my friends of Reborn i was thinking about doing something fun, and since i recently was reading Homestuck at that time and fascinated with it's mechanics i decided to give a Classpect to the main characters of Reborn, i know what you might be thinking, "What is a Classpect?".
A Classpect is a mechanic that appears in Homestuck, is mythological Class that the players in Homestuck are able to archive, when they reach this mythological rank they are given a Class which allows them to manipulate their Aspect in a certain way dictated by their Class, i'll give a summary of the meaning of each Class and what the Aspect means:
Witch: One who manipulates [Aspect]
Sylph: One who heals their/through [Aspect]
Maid: One who creates [Aspect]
Knight: One who serves others through [Aspect]
Page: One who serves themselves through [Aspect]
Heir: One who changes/is protected through [Aspect]
Mage: One who knows [Aspect]
Seer: One who understand/see through [Aspect]
Thief: One who steals [Aspect]
Rogue: One who steals [Aspect] for others
Prince: One who destroys through/the [Aspect]
Bard: One who allows the destruction of [Aspect]
Lord: One who controls [Aspect] for themselves
Muse: One who influences [Aspect] for others

And now i'm going to explain what each Aspect means:
Time: Flow of time, from past to future and the course of time of certain actions.
Space: Physical space, from height, mass, weight, position and many more ways that space affects everything.
Breath: From literal wind to direction and freedom and the change that this brings.
Blood: From literal blood to the connections and leadership of you and the others.
Heart: Emotion, soul and all that makes someone unique and the self.
Mind: Wisdom, creativity, ideas and the way of thinking of the mind.
Light: Can range from light to enlightenment/intellect of one and even fortune/chance.
Void: Can range from darkness to the meaningless and the non-existent.
Hope: The power of belief and holy with an infectious positivity of it.
Rage: The power of rage and negative emotions along with the invigorating might.
Life: Life essence and lifespan of all that is living and created.
Doom: Destruction and the decay of creation and life.  

I gave each of the characters an Aspect based on their actions during the game, which might have led me to believe that they would be a certain class or Aspect, in case you are confused/curious of why i chose the Classpect for certain character, feel free to ask away, i would be also glad to see your takes for Classpects for the characters! without any other further ado, here you have, THE CHART!

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