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Everything posted by Helixas

  1. (Yes, Victoria has 2 classpects because i couldn't decide which one fitted her best, i forgot to delete one of them)
  2. Hey, so there's a couple of things to explain, so while i was spectating the playthrough of one of my friends of Reborn i was thinking about doing something fun, and since i recently was reading Homestuck at that time and fascinated with it's mechanics i decided to give a Classpect to the main characters of Reborn, i know what you might be thinking, "What is a Classpect?". A Classpect is a mechanic that appears in Homestuck, is mythological Class that the players in Homestuck are able to archive, when they reach this mythological rank they are given a Class which allows them to manipulate their Aspect in a certain way dictated by their Class, i'll give a summary of the meaning of each Class and what the Aspect means: Witch: One who manipulates [Aspect] Sylph: One who heals their/through [Aspect] Maid: One who creates [Aspect] Knight: One who serves others through [Aspect] Page: One who serves themselves through [Aspect] Heir: One who changes/is protected through [Aspect] Mage: One who knows [Aspect] Seer: One who understand/see through [Aspect] Thief: One who steals [Aspect] Rogue: One who steals [Aspect] for others Prince: One who destroys through/the [Aspect] Bard: One who allows the destruction of [Aspect] Lord: One who controls [Aspect] for themselves Muse: One who influences [Aspect] for others And now i'm going to explain what each Aspect means: Time: Flow of time, from past to future and the course of time of certain actions. Space: Physical space, from height, mass, weight, position and many more ways that space affects everything. Breath: From literal wind to direction and freedom and the change that this brings. Blood: From literal blood to the connections and leadership of you and the others. Heart: Emotion, soul and all that makes someone unique and the self. Mind: Wisdom, creativity, ideas and the way of thinking of the mind. Light: Can range from light to enlightenment/intellect of one and even fortune/chance. Void: Can range from darkness to the meaningless and the non-existent. Hope: The power of belief and holy with an infectious positivity of it. Rage: The power of rage and negative emotions along with the invigorating might. Life: Life essence and lifespan of all that is living and created. Doom: Destruction and the decay of creation and life. I gave each of the characters an Aspect based on their actions during the game, which might have led me to believe that they would be a certain class or Aspect, in case you are confused/curious of why i chose the Classpect for certain character, feel free to ask away, i would be also glad to see your takes for Classpects for the characters! without any other further ado, here you have, THE CHART!
  3. So, i've been going around looking for elements i missed, and i noticed that a lot of scenes have been playing once again. Like the whole connor battle on the first chapter Or a cutscene upon entering addenfalltown: Or even a whole sequence on route 4: I'm really wondering if my game was corrupted when converting the files or if this is "normal".
  4. Yep, reloading the files from the .zip worked
  5. I'll try to reload the icon sprites from the files and see if that works
  6. While organizing my box i noticed another oddity. Apparently my shiny graveler doesn't have a sprite, which is weird since in icons i can clearly see that it does have one.
  7. Hello, so i recently updated my game and while checkin' my box to check if i had completed a mission i found this: I'm pretty sure i was breeding for a shiny snorlax, not sure how this could have happened, im pretty sure they already were hatched and i no clue if they are gonna affect my pc nor i know how to release them.
  8. GOSH!! Royal flush sounds soooo gooood, man, puppet master gets all the bangers
  9. Kreiss outfit looks great, caisro looks pretty badass and celine has a fit design for a champion 10/10
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