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Neon and Magenta


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So this is my first team using any sort of forum, so I'm sorry if this is in entirely the wrong place, but Neon and Magenta in Rejuvenation have been absolutely wiping me for 3 days straight and I have no idea what to. Any help would be great :3

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a screenshot of your current team would be helpful, but some general advice is to focus down one of them first, usually Magenta since his team is generally more frail. Ideally you would neutralize one of their leads with stuff like Light Screen or a few Snarls, then go ham on the other side. If you lead with Dark Types and use Taunt on the Oranguru, it literally cant do anything to you, which can turn the battle into a 2 on 1 for a little while. There's quite a few Dark types in Darchlight if you want to grab one, and the TM for Snarl can also be found there in the area you go with Florin to get wood from, and Dark Pulse is located in the Decompression Labs as well. Bug and Ghost Types also obviously do really well here, along with standard Double Battle tactics like redirection, Protect, spread moves and the like. I don't have much experience with the new fight, as Aelita used to fight alongside you in an honestly really fun 12v10 multibattle that I wish was brought back.  As for specific Mons you can grab at this point, I'd say Mismagius is a strong option in either form, as Hex is field boosted. The Indeedee you probably picked up from the past, if Female, could help get a Psychic weak Sweeper set up with Follow Me, although id recommend giving it a Chesto berry to prevent at least 1 Hypnosis. Houndour is a rare encounter on Route 7 at night, and can either provide support with Snarl or go on the offensive with Nasty Plot and Dark Pulse. dunno if any of this helps, but its what i could think of.

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  • 4 months later...

this is a bit (too) late to this but expanding force calm mind orbeetle from crawli's mystery egg just makes this fight look like a joke (the puppets do not have a single status/physical attack to handle you once the ball starts rolling)

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