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Where is the PokeCenter at Axis High?


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Hello everyone,


where exactly is the PokeCenter (or a PC + healing) at Axis High?

I made the mistake of using my Interceptor's Wish at Angie's, and she wiped my team pretty well. Gotta heal up to proceed, but all I can find are locked rooms (bad, not helping) and trainers wanting to fight (really bad, REALLY not helping). Checked the forum, but no luck. Someone did write there's a PC in front of the auditorium, but there is none. Leaving Axis High is not possible and I don't wanna risk flying out.

Any ideas?

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@HoplashTheGuy Um, during the plot...just checked when exactly. Chapter 15, when interacting with the obelisk.

So yeah, this is referring to the second fight against Angie, not the first. Should've made that more clear.


Point being, in the end I did make it through the fight against Risa, because luckily, I still had some Revives and Potions. And afterwards there were enough healing opportunities. Still, that was more luck than anything else.

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