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Compilation of Bugs of all sorts


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I never posted before and I don't know if a new topic is that appropriate for this, but since this compilation contains major/minor/miscellaneous bugs, I couldn't find a good place to share it.

Basically, I'm new to Rejuvenation and only started it a few times ago.
I really like video game Testing and so I decided (only at the end of the playthrough sadly) to write down every single bug I found in a Word document with screenshots. It could have been more complete if I started from the beginning but since it's already 18 pages long that might be cool to share it anyway. (since I dumbly soflocked myself at the beginning of v12, a lot of game time is not covered).

So hum, if that can help, here it is: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m4mbsjf1ncn3h2s7obdhm/Rejuvenation-bugs.docx?dl=0&rlkey=0s04136kayjqwvkb68uqdb8gn


Thank you very much for doing a game this good ❤️ y.our work is truly incredible.

Edit : thanks to a topic from Robby888, I was able to patch the game and continue the playthrough. It means I'll be able to update the doc once fgame finished (and I'll remove bugs that were already signaled, sorry for the bother).


Edited by Haeldral
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