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Really the End.

Miss Kitty

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Yeah. I'm tired of trying to keep people on track and keeping them on par with rules. I give up. Do what you want with the server. I don't give a damn, it's not my problem anymore. I'm not coming back to the server. So whatever. Yeah? Kay. Just. Fuck shit up. I don't care.

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In reality I wont judge you but yet I really don't see how the server has gone mad. It looks normal to me but thats probably because I am kinda a noob. But still am I missing something may you please elaborate on how the server has gone to hell and what exactly is the problem whit it.

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Try to control a "chaos" and it controls you,shame that its always a two way street of sorrow.Weak hearts should never attempt to do it,strong hearts should never attempt to control it.let them in the middle decide the faith of what is "chaos".

This is what happening right now.I written this last year but yet its somehow has a lot of meaning.This should help alil*looks into Crystal ball*I also predict outta the darkness a light shall shine.....but not for long.... could this mean......something.Blah Im part Xatu so I dont know.

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Kitty I dont blame you either... and please come back!!!! or at least keep in touch please..... I understand all of it but Like Will said it isnt like how when I arrived... of course I came in when it was Gardevoir server

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Man, Kitty, as much as this comes as a shock, I can't say I wasn't expecting it to happen sooner or later.

What are our options? The way I see it, there's only one: We give mods ban ability (totally not trying to make a power-play here)

Seriously, kicking is ineffective, and muting only makes trolls annoy us via pm.

But whatever, I dunno. My life is imploding on me, and...

Do what you think is right.

Edit: F*** it, Kitty's right. This is a waste of my time and hers.

I'll be gone for a while, until things get settled.

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You guys said I was lucky to have you guys, to have the ability to have a place that genuinely cared about you, and you cared about them. You were right. I can't stand to see the great empire that Reborn once was fall in front of my eyes.

I just lost the most important thing to me that I ever had, and it may not come back. I don't even know who you people are anymore. I don't even know who I am anymore. Hell, I don't know what ANYTHING is anymore. All I know is that a piece of me is still and will always be what Reborn was. I will never forget it. Those nights where I was up about 3 hours later than I should have all seem worthwhile now, now that they may be gone forever.

But I have one last wish...one wish, that may be the last request I ever ask of you all. Look, and see if you can figure out what Reborn was really meant to be. I thank you all for the great times we had together, and I do not want them to end so abruptly. Just please...try and find what Reborn really was, what it really is, and what it always will be.

Είθε ο Θεός να σας προστατεύσει όλους.

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But I have one last wish...one wish, that may be the last request I ever ask of you all. Look, and see if you can figure out what Reborn was really meant to be.

Dude, it's Pokemon.

This site spread from another site that people like Ame, Nyu, Stars and myself are from because we didn't want to clutter it with Pokemon. The League came from that site. The League was a fun idea that we all had to pass the time. It was just one geeky aspect of many that we liked to discuss. What Reborn was really meant to be....was Pokemon. If you make friends here and have a great time and contribute that is fantastic, but the purpose of the site is not deep. Do not try and subvert that with what you are doing as it just ruins the fun experience this is supposed to be.

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Dude, it's Pokemon.

This site spread from another site that people like Ame, Nyu, Stars and myself are from because we didn't want to clutter it with Pokemon. The League came from that site. The League was a fun idea that we all had to pass the time. It was just one geeky aspect of many that we liked to discuss. What Reborn was really meant to be....was Pokemon. If you make friends here and have a great time and contribute that is fantastic, but the purpose of the site is not deep. Do not try and subvert that with what you are doing as it just ruins the fun experience this is supposed to be.

Alright Mr. Knowledge Hammer, and do you know what I think? Do you really want to know my opinion?

I think you should fucking stop trying to contradict EVERY IMPORTANT POST I MAKE ON THESE FORUMS. I don't care if it's a rule or not; it's just being obnoxious and being a smartass. Look around and see you've done it at least about 5 times TO ME, but never to anyone else. I've NEVER seen perfect-Mr. Knowledge Hammer try and attack at anything anyone else says. Because I've been able to put up with it for a while, seeing as I've seen a LOT, maybe too much shit to have to put up with on a regular basis, but this is fucking ridiculous.

Don't think I'm the only one who isn't too fond of you either. Most of the people on the server without authority use the term "Mini-AZ" to describe someone who's enforcing the rules way too heavily. I've seen a few worse things as well, but as most of them asked to keep that quiet, I'll respect that and not post it here. Respect, something you clearly lack towards some "below yourself".

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